Stop! Stop! I'm Tired Of Winning!!!!

Amazing how these Democrat boot-lickers continue to line up for changing America into a third-rate Banana Republic.

First of all, before Susan Rice requested the unmasking, she had no way of knowing who were the Americans that were involved in these conversations. So there's no way that these requests were politically motivated.

Second, when the communications indicate an American conspiring with a foreign power to commit treason, it's the NSA's responsibility to find out who those Americans are. So her request for unmasking was only her DOING HER JOB!


...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.

You be one twisted bitch!

Surveilling Russian diplomats and agents is not only legal, but standard operation procedure.The NSA requesting the unmasking of any Americans found to be communicating with these Russians is also legal and standard operating procedure.

So despite whatever twisted delusions you are having, nothing Susan Rice did was illegal or wrong in anyway. It was her job.
First of all, before Susan Rice requested the unmasking, she had no way of knowing who were the Americans that were involved in these conversations. So there's no way that these requests were politically motivated.

Second, when the communications indicate an American conspiring with a foreign power to commit treason, it's the NSA's responsibility to find out who those Americans are. So her request for unmasking was only her DOING HER JOB!


...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.

You be one twisted bitch!

Surveilling Russian diplomats and agents is not only legal, but standard operation procedure.The NSA requesting the unmasking of any Americans found to be communicating with these Russians is also legal and standard operating procedure.

So despite whatever twisted delusions you are having, nothing Susan Rice did was illegal or wrong in anyway. It was her job.

Profanity.....the Liberal white flag.
"How the information was disseminated beyond Rice will also be a potential focus of congressional oversight, since lawmakers may want to know if it was briefed to Obama or shared with members of her larger circle of advisers, like deputy Ben Rhodes.

Rice has not returned repeated calls for comment from Circa. But in an interview with PBS recently, she said she had no idea what House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes was talking about when he said Obama officials were monitoring Trump associates after the election.

... U.S. intelligence reporting on foreign leaders’ perceptions of Trump spiked after his unexpected election win in November, creating a trove of information that could be accessed by the outgoing White House.

“Whether and how it was used by the Obama team will have to be evaluated separate of the fact that the reporting this time around was richer and more robust because of the circumstances of the election.”
White House logs indicate Susan Rice consumed unmasked intel on Trump associates

Breaking the law.....the default of the Left.
Unsurprisingly enough, your argument regarding the article you spent time quoting makes no sense whatever.

Politics have everything to do with national security. To say they had no intention to investigate the matter for national security purposes is not exactly in line with that Trump is at the moment the greatest threat to America's national security.
The wingnuts are certainly DESPERATE!

What the public knows:

There was an EXTRAORDINARY number of contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Donald Trump publicly encouraged the Russians to hack into Clinton's emails.

The wingnuts are desperately trying to divert attention from people who may have committed treason to the whistle blowers that caught them.

The Chairman of the House Intel committee, a Trump supporter, has temporarily stopped that committee from continuing it's investigation.

The reality is that this issue will not go away until the American people are satisfied that a thorough and honest investigations has been done. It may take a year or it may take ten years, but no matter how long it takes, this issue will not go away.

All actions by the Trump administration and their surrogates indicate a desperate attempt to stop this investigation and to divert the public's attention.

They're looking awfully GUILTY!
Aside from the fact that Susan Rice is the 'Designated Liar" for a President who won the Lie of the Year Award, this announcement is all one need know to recognize how much fear there is on the Left:

'We will not aid and abet the people trying to misinform you'

CNN has raced to shoot down the blockbuster report.

CNN Tonight's Don Lemon went so far as to announce he would ignore the news at all costs."
CNN Goes on Rampage Against Susan Rice Bombshell, Instructs Viewers to Ignore Story
Amazing how these Democrat boot-lickers continue to line up for changing America into a third-rate Banana Republic.


Trump passing healthcare is easy
Trump talking to the boyscouts
Trump telling the military no more transgenders
Trump on Sessions

Is he tired of how many wins he's had this week ;)
Amazing how these Democrat boot-lickers continue to line up for changing America into a third-rate Banana Republic.


Trump passing healthcare is easy
Trump talking to the boyscouts
Trump telling the military no more transgenders
Trump on Sessions

Is he tired of how many wins he's had this week ;)

One more than Hillary.
RW legacy ..

the losingest bunch of winners in the history of politics.

keep it up !!!
One more than Hillary.

So Trumps winning list this week is still at zero?

Maybe even negative one, since he can't make Sessions quit, and he can't fire him.

This week??????

Memo to moron:

In the United States, the president of the United States is elected indirectly through the United States Electoral College to a four-year term, with a term limit of two terms (totaling eight years) or a maximum of ten years if the president acted as presidentfor two years or less in a term where another was elected as ...
Term of office - Wikipedia
Term of office - Wikipedia
KIm Jong Un to the North Korean ICBM - You're Fired

Another Trump win !

What is Article 2 of the Constitution?
Article 2 of the United States Constitution is the section that makes the executive branch of the government. The Executive branch of the government is the branch that has the responsibility and authority for the administration throughout the day of the state. In the United States, the executive branch includes the President, and other executive officers like state governors.
Article 2 - Kids |

A careful study of Article 2 will apprise you of the fact that North Korea is not included in the executive's powers.

How many times a day are you told you are a fool?

Does it approach Avogadro's Number?????
(Better look that up.)
KIm Jong Un to the North Korean ICBM - You're Fired

Another Trump win !

A careful study of Article 2 will apprise you of the fact that North Korea is not included in the executive's powers.

How many times a day are you told you are a fool?

Trump stood up to Kim Jong Un after the last ICBM test. The result, even Kim knows
tweets will never hurt him.
How many times a day are you told you are a fool?

Does it approach Avogadro's Number?????
(Better look that up.)

Which weighs more, a pound of silver or a pound of lead?

Show us what you know homeschool.
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There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

1. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

2. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

It is illegal for the intell, maked or other wise, to be passes to journalists or made known.

As the spying by the Obamunists had nothing to do with the Russian investigation, there is no reason for either the spying or the unmasking....outside of this:
"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime.

.... we need to start putting Obama officials by the hundreds in jail until we get to the bottom of this fascist weaponization of intelligence organizations that we depend upon not to take us down the road to Stalinism."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

Soooo....during a presidential campaign, the Obama administration was spying on the people around Donald Trump.

Isn't what the Obamunists did exactly what the Democrats were so incensed about in Watergate????

I think you're forgetting Samath Power, she unmasked hundreds of names and only one of them could be remotely connected to her duties at the UN.

Remember the response from the Left when Trump tweeted this?

The Trump tweet:

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

6:35 AM - 4 Mar 2017

And this....
Donald J. Trump


Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!

6:49 AM - 4 Mar 2017
And this...
How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

7:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017

Remember the uproar???? The laughter??? The accusations and demands for proof???

"White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

...discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

....they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition ...

Rice did not respond to an email seeking comment on Monday morning. Her role in requesting the identities of Trump transition officials adds an important element to the dueling investigations surrounding the Trump White House since the president's inauguration.

Last month when she was asked on the "PBS NewsHour" about reports that Trump transition officials, including Trump himself, were swept up in incidental intelligence collection, Rice said: "I know nothing about this," adding, "I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today."
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

"This comes in the wake of Evelyn Farkas’ television interview last month in which the former Obama deputy secretary of defense said in part: “I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill – it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration.”Susan Rice requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials, sources say

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime.

.... we need to start putting Obama officials by the hundreds in jail until we get to the bottom of this fascist weaponization of intelligence organizations that we depend upon not to take us down the road to Stalinism."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon
The president and the GOP just went down to a humiliating defeat with their abortion of a healthcare bill, the Prez was reprimanded by the head of the Boy Scouts, the WH staff is tweeting about cock sucking, the WH is in total disarray, so what to do what to do.
Bring up Obama.
Oh the denial is so deep.
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