"Stop the steal"

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Tommy, Funny how serial fruitcakes JGalt. Dale Smith & The Hawk love to imbed their hypocrisy in members' minds by supporting every crazed utterance the orange blob makes. As you said without the slightest evidence Trump demands the count stops in the states he's leading and continues in states he trails. Ha ha ha - you couldn't make it up.

As for we Brits interfering in the American election (I've had the same accusations). The votes are all in! Impossible now then to influence the outcome. Yet I never heard a peep when Trump interfered in Brexit. Or when he appeared on a Nigel Farage Radio Talk Show telling listeners that Farage should get together with Johnson to lead the country despite Teresa May still Prime Minister and Farage, not even a Conservative party member.
Then there was interference from Trump again in our General Election telling the British public that opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn would "lead the country to a very dark place" and we should support Johnson.
Finally, he publically announced that Johnson should make Farage UK Ambassador to the US which I don't think will have gone down well with the then well-established UK Ambassador to the US who wasn't planning retirement.
If that wasn't political interference by a foreign power I don't know what would be. Yet not a word of criticism from our three whinney 'Deep State' spunk arsed hypocrites.
A few weeks ago farage was sucking trumps cock at a rally in Shitsville. Not a peep from them on that occasion either.
Anybody with even a high school grasp of Mathematics and an understanding of voting trends should be able to look at voting patterns and realize something is fishy.

When you have precincts that have always been among the lowest in voter turnout suddenly among the highest and ALL of them are going Biden, it's pretty damn obvious what is occurring.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.

The democrat party can only win, when they cheat.
If we were to take an unbiased poll as to whom is a better contributor to this forum and a superior debater between you and myself? I am more than confident that I would kick your ass by a 3 to 1 margin by evidence of past correspondence here the last 5 years. Let's just say that you haven't fared well at all.

Just what in glub's name are you babbling about? You do understand that the voices in your head are not correspondence, right? Or are you having regular secret poutfests about me with my other butthurt stalkers? Do tell. Exactly what do you all gossip about at your online slumber parties?

See you around. You do serve one useful purpose here. By demonstrating how cult fanaticism leads to self-lobotomization, you serve as a warming for others to choose that path.
If we were to take an unbiased poll as to whom is a better contributor to this forum and a superior debater between you and myself? I am more than confident that I would kick your ass by a 3 to 1 margin by evidence of past correspondence here the last 5 years. Let's just say that you haven't fared well at all.

Just what in glub's name are you babbling about? You do understand that the voices in your head are not correspondence, right? Or are you having regular secret poutfests about me with my other butthurt stalkers? Do tell. Exactly what do you all gossip about at your online slumber parties?

See you around. You do serve one useful purpose here. By demonstrating how cult fanaticism leads to self-lobotomization, you serve as a warming for others to choose that path.
#1 Who in the fuck is "glub"?
#2 I believe that I was very concise and to the point....did I use too many multi-syllable words?
#3 My interaction with you has been minimal because you always end up getting your ass kicked.
#4 I have never seen you get the better of anyone in a debate of ideas or over a topic but I am interested in your work....care to link me to the thread where you allegedly took someone to task where you believed yourself to be the winner so I can peruse it?

Thanks in advance!!!
#1 Who in the fuck is "glub"?

A household deity. He's useful to swear by.

#2 I believe that I was very concise and to the point....did I use too many multi-syllable words?

You just said you were having a lot of "correspondence" with others, the topic being me. Now you suddenly don't want to talk about it.

I see. You slipped up. You weren't supposed to admit that you gals have been having regular gossip/pout sesssions about me. Know that it pleases me to hear that.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
the average turnout is 65 pct
But where Biden needed 98 pct, he got it
Interesting too that there were more votes than registered voters. Go figure.
You can't have more votes than registered voters.... you've been sold, a crock of mierde. AND your fake right wing media, relies on your ignorance of election procedures and election law, to have you believe this shit, and to spread it around as fact. Be careful....this fake news bull crap, is everywhere.

There are checks and balances written in to election laws, that PREVENT such....

Such as, any voter, in person and by mail, before their vote can be made and counted, they HAVE TO BE A REGISTERED VOTER ON THE VOTER ROLLS. There is no way possible to have more votes, than registered voters.
#1 Who in the fuck is "glub"?

A household deity. He's useful to swear by.

#2 I believe that I was very concise and to the point....did I use too many multi-syllable words?

You just said you were having a lot of "correspondence" with others, the topic being me. Now you suddenly don't want to talk about it.

I see. You slipped up. You weren't supposed to admit that you gals have been having regular gossip/pout sesssions about me. Know that it pleases me to hear that.

I discussed your fool-fueled rants with others behind the scenes??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Never happened....you are for the most part, a non-entity that proposes nothing of worth not even by accident. I stated that if we were to take a poll as to who brings more to this forum between you and myself that you would get yet another reaffirming ass-kicking of monumental proportions. The offer to go the bull ring of any topic of your choosing that you take umbrage with me over, is always on the table. We can let the board masses decide as to whom makes the better case.

Needless to say, I doubt that you would present any challenge at all......

Questions, punkinpuss?
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Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
In all seriousness, these people are absolutely terrified. I have to remind my London-based brother of this all the time. You have to look into their eyes. They literally do believe that it's either Trump or communism & death. They really do think, sincerely, that they're defending America from "The Commies". Right now. At this moment.

So the actions you're seeing are largely based on honest concern. The problem is that they're being lied to and manipulated by the voices they trust.
no were not defending America from commies just you but Socialist , the democrat party at one time was pro American and it has changed just look at the squad . Democrats have become radical nut bars and socialist commie come later on in time.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
The pandemic is all over the world you idiot.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
the average turnout is 65 pct
But where Biden needed 98 pct, he got it
Interesting too that there were more votes than registered voters. Go figure.
You can't have more votes than registered voters.... you've been sold, a crock of mierde. AND your fake right wing media, relies on your ignorance of election procedures and election law, to have you believe this shit, and to spread it around as fact. Be careful....this fake news bull crap, is everywhere.

There are checks and balances written in to election laws, that PREVENT such....

Such as, any voter, in person and by mail, before their vote can be made and counted, they HAVE TO BE A REGISTERED VOTER ON THE VOTER ROLLS. There is no way possible to have more votes, than registered voters.
You can't have more votes than registered voters
Exactly, dumb ass.,...that is why the question of voter fraud is being raised.

BTW, just how stupid are you? Have you ever been tested?

BTW, this same issue came up in Wayne county in Detroit in 2016......how did Wayne county have more votes represented than they did registered voters???? It's a fucking mystery!!!!!! All leftards like yourself can do is eliminate the possibility of voter fraud because we ALL know that leftards would NEVER stoop to such low levels........said no one ever. You make it too fucking easy...almost feel guilty for making you look so stupid but you do most of the work for me.

OH MY GAWD - Can these threads become more ridiculous and STOOPID.
I suspect not, and the mods will continue to leave them under Current Events and Politics?
Even DUMBER! :dunno:

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
The pandemic is all over the world you idiot.
You mean the "plannedemic", dipshit? BTW, learn how to use a "comma"......it totally changes the meaning of a sentence, idiot.....

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
The pandemic is all over the world you idiot.
You mean the "plannedemic", dipshit? BTW, learn how to use a "comma"......it totally changes the meaning of a sentence, idiot.....
You knew what I meant ,,,dummy.
The Democrats are going to try anything to get it thru the system.
They cannot win an election fairly anymore.....so they cheat.

Democrats having been winning the Presidency with the popular vote and Electoral College, unlike the Republicans.

Nukey SEZ??? My beloved commiecrats vote early and they vote often due you here me due you??? Even the, dead vote fore, my beloved commiecrats from the grave fore all humanity and four those that love this republik due you here me due you?????"

So sayeth NoNukes......


Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
The pandemic is all over the world you idiot.
You mean the "plannedemic", dipshit? BTW, learn how to use a "comma"......it totally changes the meaning of a sentence, idiot.....
You knew what I meant ,,,dummy.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election. Arizona officials already got caught lying about the vote totals, what they now call a “counting error”. We have the most corrupt communist piece of shit as our County Recorder, the guy who counts the votes.

Now fuck off, because you don’t know anything but what the MSM spoon feeds you.

You're wrong, Tommy Tainant! It's Donald Trump and the GOP who are trying to steal this Election, not the Democrats.
Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.
Yes. We have to go to war to save our lives, liberty, and property from the Democrats.
In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.
Too many illegals crossed the border and voted for that traitor Biden.
Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
You bet. On the march to destroy Biden and all the worthless traitor scum who voted for a dictatorship of the proletariat under a Democrat Party.
Project Veritas exposed another mail-in ballot scam in Michigan in which USPS employees were told to sort late ballots into a separate bin and have them hand stamped for November 3rd, to make them valid.
Yup. Democrat Party labor-union government employees and pollsters are stealing and burning Trump votes everywhere they can.

After the failed impeachment scam, there is no longer any reason to entertain a pretense of free and fair elections stolen by a Democrat Party on the take. We have to go to war to save our country from the Democrats. There will be no peaceful "transition" of power to Joe Biden's coup d'état by an illegitimate and rigged election campaign.

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