"Stop the steal"

That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
the average turnout is 65 pct
But where Biden needed 98 pct, he got it
Interesting too that there were more votes than registered voters. Go figure.

linky linky por favor.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.
Mac has no point to make.
For years he's claimed he isn't a fringer...and that he has no horse in the race.....then he turns around and takes sides.
He has no credibility.
Anyone who spends every day on USMB all day long is obviously not what they say they are.
Just look at the description under his location. He says he's against Authoritarians....yet he seems to support the fascist Democrats at every turn....

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
In all seriousness, these people are absolutely terrified. I have to remind my London-based brother of this all the time. You have to look into their eyes. They literally do believe that it's either Trump or communism & death. They really do think, sincerely, that they're defending America from "The Commies". Right now. At this moment.

So the actions you're seeing are largely based on honest concern. The problem is that they're being lied to and manipulated by the voices they trust.
You have to ask yourself, buddy, that if the Democrats are willing to impeach a president over a phone call, and create panic over a virus that isn't any worse than the flu,.......just what else are they willing to do once they take our guns, asshole.

BTW, WTF are Biden campaign supporters doing counting votes in Philly?
This is against federal laws, right?

Philadelphia or even all of PA will have to Vote again. IT is inevitable.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.
Mac has no point to make.
For years he's claimed he isn't a fringer...and that he has no horse in the race.....then he turns around and takes sides.
He has no credibility.
Anyone who spends every day on USMB all day long is obviously not what they say they are.
Just look at the description under his location. He says he's against Authoritarians....yet he seems to support the fascist Democrats at every turn....

speaking of ' credibility ', why do you have a fake photoshopped 'tweet' by pelosi as yer signature, lenny?

Debunking False Stories
Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on October 3, 2018

Q: Did Nancy Pelosi say, “I am disgusted with ‘President’ Trump allowing people to keep more of the money they earn”?
A: No. That was a made-up tweet that has been circulating since December 2017.


A fake tweet generator called Tweeterino shut down in June, but the parody tweets created at that site still litter the web.
Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again - FactCheck.org

Did Nancy Pelosi Tweet That She Is ‘Disgusted’ with ‘President’ Trump?
The long-time House member supposedly didn't like the President Trump's 'allowing people to keep more of the money they earn.'
Dan Evon Published 29 December 2017

False About this rating
FACT CHECK: Did Nancy Pelosi Tweet That She Is 'Disgusted' With 'President' Trump?

Says Nancy Pelosi
tweeted that she was disgusted with Donald Trump over taxes
By Tom Kertscher April 20, 2020

Pelosi tweet attacking Trump for letting people 'keep' their money is fake


If Your Time is short
  • An image appears to show a tweet issued by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
  • It’s fake, posted by a now-defunct fake-tweet generator.
See the sources for this fact-check
PolitiFact - Pelosi tweet attacking Trump for letting people 'keep' their money is fake

sometimes i wonder if YOU are fake, leonard.
All that I can say is that if you don't want certain people playing such a game, don't take the time to show them how the game is played.

God bless you always!!!

interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.
interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.

LOL! That is the best that you can come up with when 100k's worth of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan magically appear? Leftards like yourself believe that this is normal and no need for scrutiny?
GTFO, ya slimy sack of commie filth...

That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The jokes practically write themselves.......the IRONY?!??!?!?!?!?!? BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOLY fuck.......should I do a search of mamooth's angst over the past four years and the bitterness that flowed through her fool-fueled rants???????
In some places they are protesting to stop counting and in other places they are protesting to continue counting. When folk in young republics do that sort of thing we generally chuckle and shake our heads. But there is no excuse for it here.
The “protest” to stop counting was to allow Republican poll watchers access to observe the counting, which the State Dems were breaking the law when they refused to. Again, stay the fuck out of affairs you know nothing of.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we won’t allow the blatant cheating by Dems to steal the election. They got caught lying about the vote count in Arizona. The Dems already broke the law in PA when they refused to allow Republican observers while they counted votes.

When we demand recounts and certification of ballots, hundreds of thousands of bogus mail in ballots will get tossed, since historically we know a large percentage of mail in votes are invalid.
HOLY fuck.......should I do a search of mamooth's angst over the past four years and the bitterness that flowed through her fool-fueled rants???????

You actually want to relive all of your butthurt and embarrassment?

Whatever. I can't control what gets you off. If you want to go full-blown psycho pout-stalker on me, have at it.
I have never been "butthurt" nor have I ever been embarrassed here. Suffice to say? If we were to take an unbiased poll as to whom is a better contributor to this forum and a superior debater between you and myself? I am more than confident that I would kick your ass by a 3 to 1 margin by evidence of past correspondence here the last 5 years. Let's just say that you haven't fared well at all.

As far as your past postings where I am not part of the equation? Let's just say that your leftard whine has been delicious.....your angst and indignant outrage that the DNC was so disrespected was very pleasing. I don't need leftards but leftards can't survive without my cooperation...or at least those like myself and you will never get it.

Hope this helps!

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Have they destroyed property and committed thousands of assaults? If not, why is this even a story? People are allowed to go to polling places and chant.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we won’t allow the blatant cheating by Dems to steal the election.

You're repeating more nutty conspiracy theories. You don't understand that, because you simply believe what you're told, withot even thinking of questioning it.
Your denial of any and all election fraud is a conspiracy theory.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Tommy, Funny how serial fruitcakes JGalt. Dale Smith & The Hawk love to imbed their hypocrisy in members' minds by supporting every crazed utterance the orange blob makes. As you said without the slightest evidence Trump demands the count stops in the states he's leading and continues in states he trails. Ha ha ha - you couldn't make it up.

As for we Brits interfering in the American election (I've had the same accusations). The votes are all in! Impossible now then to influence the outcome. Yet I never heard a peep when Trump interfered in Brexit. Or when he appeared on a Nigel Farage Radio Talk Show telling listeners that Farage should get together with Johnson to lead the country despite Teresa May still Prime Minister and Farage, not even a Conservative party member.
Then there was interference from Trump again in our General Election telling the British public that opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn would "lead the country to a very dark place" and we should support Johnson.
Finally, he publically announced that Johnson should make Farage UK Ambassador to the US which I don't think will have gone down well with the then well-established UK Ambassador to the US who wasn't planning retirement.
If that wasn't political interference by a foreign power I don't know what would be. Yet not a word of criticism from our three whinney 'Deep State' spunk arsed hypocrites.

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