"Stop the steal"

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
the average turnout is 65 pct
But where Biden needed 98 pct, he got it
Interesting too that there were more votes than registered voters. Go figure.
You can't have more votes than registered voters.... you've been sold, a crock of mierde. AND your fake right wing media, relies on your ignorance of election procedures and election law, to have you believe this shit, and to spread it around as fact. Be careful....this fake news bull crap, is everywhere.

There are checks and balances written in to election laws, that PREVENT such....

Such as, any voter, in person and by mail, before their vote can be made and counted, they HAVE TO BE A REGISTERED VOTER ON THE VOTER ROLLS. There is no way possible to have more votes, than registered voters.
You can't have more votes than registered voters
Exactly, dumb ass.,...that is why the question of voter fraud is being raised.

BTW, just how stupid are you? Have you ever been tested?

BTW, this same issue came up in Wayne county in Detroit in 2016......how did Wayne county have more votes represented than they did registered voters???? It's a fucking mystery!!!!!! All leftards like yourself can do is eliminate the possibility of voter fraud because we ALL know that leftards would NEVER stoop to such low levels........said no one ever. You make it too fucking easy...almost feel guilty for making you look so stupid but you do most of the work for me.

I'd check your figures and source for those figures, before continuing with this bulloney....

Go ahead, do it.... then come back to me Dale.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.
It's funny how you slaves of the left constantly project your own sins upon us.
It's funny how you slaves of the left constantly project your own sins upon us.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
It's funny how you slaves of the left constantly project your own sins upon us.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
You need to provide quotes whenever you post someone else's work.
This is called plagiarism otherwise...

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
Well, this is the primary reason for the pandemic.
To set up a mail-in ballot fraud.
Millions of pre-printed ballots being sent wherever they're needed to secure an election for a Democrat candidate that barely campaigned....spent most of the campaign locked up in his home in Delaware.
A candidate that was so unpopular that they were afraid to let him campaign.
Seriously, I really wonder if you even use a tiny portion of your brain at all.
the average turnout is 65 pct
But where Biden needed 98 pct, he got it
Hooray, hooray for Dixie.
God is on our side cuz He hates the yanks
interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.

LOL! That is the best that you can come up with when 100k's worth of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan magically appear? Leftards like yourself believe that this is normal and no need for scrutiny?
GTFO, ya slimy sack of commie filth...


georgia also has a (R) AG AND a (R) sec of state AND a georgia (R) CONtrolled assembly.

wisCONsin ... & michigan also counted in person same day votes first. then the mail ins. huh, 'magine that.

seems like donny with his 'hold it & don't do mail in voting' stance, blew his load on nov 3rd.

now he & *you* are just shooting blanks.


lol ....
HOLY fuck.......should I do a search of mamooth's angst over the past four years and the bitterness that flowed through her fool-fueled rants???????

You actually want to relive all of your butthurt and embarrassment?

Whatever. I can't control what gets you off. If you want to go full-blown psycho pout-stalker on me, have at it.

tell him sandy hook wasn't a hoax & watch him GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Anybody with even a high school grasp of Mathematics and an understanding of voting trends should be able to look at voting patterns and realize something is fishy.

When you have precincts that have always been among the lowest in voter turnout suddenly among the highest and ALL of them are going Biden, it's pretty damn obvious what is occurring.

um .... ya.

it's called hating donny so much they finally got registered to do something about it.

interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.

LOL! That is the best that you can come up with when 100k's worth of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan magically appear? Leftards like yourself believe that this is normal and no need for scrutiny?
GTFO, ya slimy sack of commie filth...


georgia also has a (R) AG AND a (R) sec of state AND a georgia (R) CONtrolled assembly.

wisCONsin ... & michigan also counted in person same day votes first. then the mail ins. huh, 'magine that.

seems like donny with his 'hold it & don't do mail in voting' stance, blew his load on nov 3rd.

now he & *you* are just shooting blanks.

View attachment 412023

lol ....
Bitchboy, I don't participate in the election process of this banana republic ,but one has to be totally blind and stupid to not see what is going on. This entire election has become an unmitigated joke and it is leftards like yourself that are going to have to deal with the fallout Pedo Joe, the choice of chi-coms will never be respected by half of the country....no way, no how.
Anybody with even a high school grasp of Mathematics and an understanding of voting trends should be able to look at voting patterns and realize something is fishy.

When you have precincts that have always been among the lowest in voter turnout suddenly among the highest and ALL of them are going Biden, it's pretty damn obvious what is occurring.

um .... ya.

it's called hating donny so much they finally got registered to do something about it.

LOl! Pedo Joe couldn't fill a phone booth with his infrequent appearances. This is the type of fraud that we believed only happened in third world countries but thanks to commie fucks like Pedo Joe and company? We will be joining their ranks. Stupid fucks like yourself get off on cutting your noses off and then sit in sack cloth and ashes while being full of self loathing. Knock yourselves out.... but I am never going to conform, I will never acquiesce ...I will still call the Washington football team them "Redskins", I will still refer to illegals as "wetbacks", homosexuals will still be queers and fags and Pedo Joe and the commie queer lovers that make up the demcrat party will not get a dime of my earnings.....we are crystal clear on that. I can easily spend the next few years busting on Pedo Joeand reminding the masses as to what a pervert he is and don't let your children loose around him........good times, punkinpuss.

interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.

LOL! That is the best that you can come up with when 100k's worth of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan magically appear? Leftards like yourself believe that this is normal and no need for scrutiny?
GTFO, ya slimy sack of commie filth...


georgia also has a (R) AG AND a (R) sec of state AND a georgia (R) CONtrolled assembly.

wisCONsin ... & michigan also counted in person same day votes first. then the mail ins. huh, 'magine that.

seems like donny with his 'hold it & don't do mail in voting' stance, blew his load on nov 3rd.

now he & *you* are just shooting blanks.

View attachment 412023

lol ....
Bitchboy, I don't participate in the election process of this banana republic ,but one has to be totally blind and stupid to not see what is going on. This entire election has become an unmitigated joke and it is leftards like yourself that are going to have to deal with the fallout Pedo Joe, the choice of chi-coms will never be respected by half of the country....no way, no how.



so, you whine like a bitch - but don't even vote?


stfu then. you're dismissed.
Anybody with even a high school grasp of Mathematics and an understanding of voting trends should be able to look at voting patterns and realize something is fishy.

When you have precincts that have always been among the lowest in voter turnout suddenly among the highest and ALL of them are going Biden, it's pretty damn obvious what is occurring.

um .... ya.

it's called hating donny so much they finally got registered to do something about it.

LOl! Pedo Joe couldn't fill a phone booth with his infrequent appearances. This is the type of fraud that we believed only happened in third world countries but thanks to commie fucks like Pedo Joe and company? We will be joining their ranks. Stupid fucks like yourself get off on cutting your noses off and then sit in sack cloth and ashes while being full of self loathing. Knock yourselves out.... but I am never going to conform, I will never acquiesce ...I will still call the Washington football team them "Redskins", I will still refer to illegals as "wetbacks", homosexuals will still be queers and fags and Pedo Joe and the commie queer lovers that make up the demcrat party will not get a dime of my earnings.....we are crystal clear on that. I can easily spend the next few years busting on Pedo Joeand reminding the masses as to what a pervert he is and don't let your children loose around him........good times, punkinpuss.



drama queen.jpg
interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.

LOL! That is the best that you can come up with when 100k's worth of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan magically appear? Leftards like yourself believe that this is normal and no need for scrutiny?
GTFO, ya slimy sack of commie filth...


georgia also has a (R) AG AND a (R) sec of state AND a georgia (R) CONtrolled assembly.

wisCONsin ... & michigan also counted in person same day votes first. then the mail ins. huh, 'magine that.

seems like donny with his 'hold it & don't do mail in voting' stance, blew his load on nov 3rd.

now he & *you* are just shooting blanks.

View attachment 412023

lol ....
Bitchboy, I don't participate in the election process of this banana republic ,but one has to be totally blind and stupid to not see what is going on. This entire election has become an unmitigated joke and it is leftards like yourself that are going to have to deal with the fallout Pedo Joe, the choice of chi-coms will never be respected by half of the country....no way, no how.


View attachment 412033

so, you whine like a bitch - but don't even vote?


stfu then. you're dismissed.
Don't get all pissy with me because I corrected my legal standing and am no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC. Dumb fucks like yourself will stay on this merry-go-round being a 14th amendment debt slave and beholding to this corporate entity. Myself? I have taken the road less traveled and take responsibility for myself. The best part is that it pisses off little commie fucks (such as yourself) to the point of distraction and see it as spitting in the face of the memory of FDR which may be the greatest traitor to America outside of Woodrow Wilson....at least he had remorse for what he did to this country....go chew on that, bitch.......
interesting how (D)s are being looked at suspiciously in a state where the (R) secretary of state did not recuse himself in the gubernatorial race where he was running as the (R) candidate.

LOL! That is the best that you can come up with when 100k's worth of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan magically appear? Leftards like yourself believe that this is normal and no need for scrutiny?
GTFO, ya slimy sack of commie filth...


georgia also has a (R) AG AND a (R) sec of state AND a georgia (R) CONtrolled assembly.

wisCONsin ... & michigan also counted in person same day votes first. then the mail ins. huh, 'magine that.

seems like donny with his 'hold it & don't do mail in voting' stance, blew his load on nov 3rd.

now he & *you* are just shooting blanks.

View attachment 412023

lol ....
Bitchboy, I don't participate in the election process of this banana republic ,but one has to be totally blind and stupid to not see what is going on. This entire election has become an unmitigated joke and it is leftards like yourself that are going to have to deal with the fallout Pedo Joe, the choice of chi-coms will never be respected by half of the country....no way, no how.


View attachment 412033

so, you whine like a bitch - but don't even vote?


stfu then. you're dismissed.
Don't get all pissy with me because I corrected my legal standing and am no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC. Dumb fucks like yourself will stay on this merry-go-round being a 14th amendment debt slave and beholding to this corporate entity. Myself? I have taken the road less traveled and take responsibility for myself. The best part is that it pisses off little commie fucks (such as yourself) to the point of distraction and see it as spitting in the face of the memory of FDR which may be the greatest traitor to America outside of Woodrow Wilson....at least he had remorse for what he did to this country....go chew on that, bitch.......

if you think i'm reading anymore of yer pablum , think again.

i click on yer post - & go straight to dismissal.

don't vote?

then you lost yer right to whine or praise about anybody in the whitehouse.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election.

This post and the others from the rage-weeping Trump cultists perfectly illustrates Mac's point, about how the Trump cultists actually believe the hilariously stupid propaganda which has been programmed into them by their authoritarian masters.

Why? Because they're easily frightened authoritarian followers. Their masters create a terrifying crisis in the minds of the sheep, and then declare that only they can save those sheep, provide that the sheep obey them absolutely. Classic fascism.

We won't be able to deprogram them. They're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They'll live out the rest of their lives totally brainwashed. We can only marginalize them and limit the damage they do.
This guy sure is stupid

its the pot calling the kettle black
The public was told - for weeks - that mail-in ballots would be counted last in some states, and the counting would take a few days. Now Orange Judas and his followers claim that widely-broadcast fact is evidence of fraud.

I would say you can't make that up, but it's practically all Trump does.

Donald Trump supporters - some armed with rifles and handguns - have descended on election counting centres where mail-in ballots continue to be tallied up.

In the state of Arizona, a mostly unmasked crowd chanted "stop the steal" following unsubstantiated claims that votes for the Republican president were deliberately not being counted.

Dear me. This is the logical conclusion of Trumps anti democracy campaign. Banana Republicans on the march.
That’s because Dems are trying to steal the election. Arizona officials already got caught lying about the vote totals, what they now call a “counting error”. We have the most corrupt communist piece of shit as our County Recorder, the guy who counts the votes.

Now fuck off, because you don’t know anything but what the MSM spoon feeds you.

Trump told you there was voter fraud in 2016, too. He provided no evidence then, and none now. Haven't you seen the Trump Show?

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