Stop the Steal!

DeSantis Issues 9-Point Plan For Election Integrity…

On Friday, in a blunt assessment of the situation, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis issued an election integrity proposal that would ensure fair voting in his state.

  1. Counties would be prohibited from receiving grants from private third-party organizations for “get out the vote” initiatives.
  2. Ballot boxes would be examined for their trustworthiness
  3. Ballot harvesting would be checked so that no one could have a ballot other then their own or their immediate family
  4. Vote-by-mail ballots could not be sent en masse; only voters asking for a ballot would receive one
  5. Vote-by-mail requests must be made each election year
  6. Vote by mail ballot signatures must match the most recent signature on file
  7. Political parties and candidates must be permitted to observe the signature matching process.
  8. Supervisors of Elections must report how many ballots have been requested, how many have been received, how many are left to be counted, and must post over-vote ballots to be considered by the canvassing board on their website before the canvassing board meets.
  9. Precincts must have real-time reporting of voter turnout data

Is this his way of admitting Republicans cheated last year?

That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

Screenshot_20210221-211653_Office Mobile.jpg

That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

You did a screen shot of one article which you didn't even site, and that is supposed to discredit what I posted?

That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

You did a screen shot of one article which you didn't even site, and that is supposed to discredit what I posted?
Fucking moron, that "article" I screen shotted came from YOUR link ... AND I linked it. It's your source, ya fucking moron.


That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

You did a screen shot of one article which you didn't even site, and that is supposed to discredit what I posted?
Fucking moron, that "article" I screen shotted came from YOUR link ... AND I linked it. It's your source, ya fucking moron.

That's one link out of six, moron, and all you is that they didn't substantiate their claims. Big whoop. You do that about 50 times every time you post.

You didn't debunk jack sit.

That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

You did a screen shot of one article which you didn't even site, and that is supposed to discredit what I posted?
Fucking moron, that "article" I screen shotted came from YOUR link ... AND I linked it. It's your source, ya fucking moron.

That's one link out of six, moron, and all you is that they didn't substantiate their claims. Big whoop. You do that about 50 times every time you post.

You didn't debunk jack sit.
Fucking moron, how many times do you think I need to prove you're a fucking moron?


That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

You did a screen shot of one article which you didn't even site, and that is supposed to discredit what I posted?
Fucking moron, that "article" I screen shotted came from YOUR link ... AND I linked it. It's your source, ya fucking moron.

That's one link out of six, moron, and all you is that they didn't substantiate their claims. Big whoop. You do that about 50 times every time you post.

You didn't debunk jack sit.
Fucking moron, how many times do you think I need to prove you're a fucking moron?

One time. When are you going to do that?

That's not evidence, ya fucking moron. It's just unsubstantiated claims. Such as this. They're just numbers with no evidence to support them...

You did a screen shot of one article which you didn't even site, and that is supposed to discredit what I posted?
Fucking moron, that "article" I screen shotted came from YOUR link ... AND I linked it. It's your source, ya fucking moron.

That's one link out of six, moron, and all you is that they didn't substantiate their claims. Big whoop. You do that about 50 times every time you post.

You didn't debunk jack sit.
Fucking moron, how many times do you think I need to prove you're a fucking moron?

One time. When are you going to do that?
It's done, fucking moron. I was able to prove, with your own links you posted nothing but unsubstantiated claims with no supporting evidence.

Who knows why you think I need to do that more than once?
Dominion is suing everyone who is casting aspersions on them and those people are running for the hills
Lindell is waiting. They have not served him yet.

They did today.

They are suing him for 1.3 billion dollars.

They will probably win too.

Judge Rules Arizona’s Maricopa County Must Turn Over 2.1 Million November Election Ballots to Senate

February 26, 2021

A judge on Friday ruled that Maricopa County must provide some 2.1 million ballots from the Nov. 3 election to the Arizona state Senate and allow access to its election equipment to conduct an audit.

“The Court finds that the subpoenas are legal and enforceable,” Thomason wrote (pdf) in his ruling. “There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections.”

Judge's ruling:

The move was hailed by Republican legislators in Arizona.

But Bill Gates, the vice-chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, wrote Friday that the county has “nothing to hide,” adding that officials have “conducted three fully transparent audits, including two forensic audits by independent, qualified and outside Vote System Testing Laboratories.”

Has anyone told us yet how those MAGArats at the Capitol were going to "Stop the Steal" without resorting to a violent coup?
Tell us Azog...HOW was that mob going to stop anything that day without using violence...

Tell us Leech, how was the mob from the Reich going to stop the peaceful transition of power in the high court in 2018 without using violence? Chelsea Handler flashing her tits again?
Hey asshole.

There was no attack on the Capitol in 2018. Save your "whatabout" fantasies for the next time to talk to Q
Has anyone told us yet how those MAGArats at the Capitol were going to "Stop the Steal" without resorting to a violent coup?
Sure. The non-violent ones were going to peacefully protest outside of the Capitol to put pressure on Republicans in congress to not certify the results of certain highly-disputed states.

Trump said that day....

" We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.... I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country... So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give … The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."

Has anyone told us yet how those MAGArats at the Capitol were going to "Stop the Steal" without resorting to a violent coup?
Sure. The non-violent ones were going to peacefully protest outside of the Capitol to put pressure on Republicans in congress to not certify the results of certain highly-disputed states.

Trump said that day....

" We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.... I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country... So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give … The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."

Trump said to FIGHT...20 times in that speech and said peaceful ONCE.

Of course Trump's speech came after Rudy's speech where he called for "Trial by Combat"

And of course there was all that violent rhetoric on parler and elsewhere discussing the attack and talking about what weapons to bring .

Were there speakers scehduled at the Capitol? Was there a message being sent?

The only thing I heard was



Where's Nancy?

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