Stop the usual liberal bullshit attacks on Trump and pay attention to what he's actually saying

Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
The whole problem with Trump is that his mouth is open a lot and nothing that he says has been researched nor even alpha tested.

He is a complete frat boy idiot gone madman.

Romney's 47% will obviously vote for him. Maybe even 1% or 2% more due to his tv audience influx of voters.

But it will be the purple swing states who decide whether he gets to park his fat Scottish butt in The Oval Office or not.

And the LESS he says the better off he will be.

Even so, I am still sure Hillary will kill him in the debates.

Trump is not cut out to debate against a REAL politician nor a diplomat.

Trump against Hillary will be like a mouse attacking an alley cat.

Stop underestimating Trump.

If Hillary wins this election it will only be because of a miracle. She is a very weak candidate with high negatives. The only reason she has a chance is because there are so many people who hate Trump too. But Trump is camera savvy, charismatic, and likeable in a bad boy way, and Hillary is none of these things.
Hillary's ONE ADVANTAGE over Trump was her claim to be a competent insider who could take that 3:00 a.m. phone call and know how to handle a crisis.

But Benghazi destroyed that reputation, and then the FBI letting her off by saying she was too incompetent to know she was breaking the law buried any claim she might have of being the right person for a crisis.

The only thing she can do now to win the election is go HARD TO THE RIGHT on issues like terrorism, immigration, domestic spending, taxes, balancing the budget, she needs to find someone as conservative as Ted Cruz as an adviser and ADOPT HIS PLATFORM.

Bill Clinton did this with Dick Morris and he worked with Newt Gingrich in Congress, and turned hard to the right, and left office one of the most popular Presidents ever.


Liberals, go in the corner and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

If Hillary listens to you, and follows your advice, SHE LOSES THE ELECTION.

I am old enough to remember when the Democratic Party was an alliance of Southern conservatives and Northern liberals, and it can be that way again.

If Hillary goes HARD TO THE RIGHT, millions of Republicans will seek her out because we are desperate for an alternative to the crazy, insane man who has taken over the party.

Liberals are going to have to make room for us, however, because the Democrat party can't remain the way it is, a harbor of hard-left extremism, with no room for anyone else.
He has a very strong and intelligent family.

Hillary has Chelsea, and a rapist husband.
We're not voting for Trump's family. Maybe his son would be a good President, who knows. Trump himself is completely unsuitable for office.
He has a very strong and intelligent family.

Hillary has Chelsea, and a rapist husband.
THIS husband?

Clinton’s two terms in office (1993-2001) were marked by strong numbers for gross domestic product (GDP) and employment growth and especially for deficit reduction. His overall ranking puts him first among the ten postwar presidents–ahead of Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy and Reagan, who were tightly grouped behind the 42nd president and recent autobiographer.

Presidents And Prosperity - Forbes
Liberals need to stop their usual bullshit tactics and realize that none of their usual bullshit tactics are going to work on Trump.

Trump is not a gentleman like Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush, who will just take your shit and not hit back.

Trump hits back everytime someone hits him, and he hits harder, and because of his special relationship with the media, everything he says is broadcast into every home.

And stop, STOP, insulting Trump's supporters. The more you attack them as racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc., the more you PISS THEM OFF and the more they support Trump.

Trump's supporters LIKE the fact that he says stupid, ridiculous things and the more you attack him for that THE STRONGER HE GETS.

And for flying fuck's sake, STOP THE VIOLENCE at the Trump rallies. This is NOT HELPING.

If you want to WIN then you need to remake Hillary and the entire fucking Democrat party.

You need to stop being the party of everyone with a chip on their shoulder, whining because white males oppress them.

You need to stop being the party of welfare bums and disability cheats.

You need to stop being the party of angry black folks who shoot at cops and burn down their own neighborhoods.

You need to stop being the party of fucking pervs who want entry into women's restrooms.

You need to stop being so damn enthusiastic about abortion and admit that abortion is a BAD THING and we should stop having so many of them.

You need to stop hating on Christians because guess what? We're still a fucking majority Christian country, you fucking morons.

You need to stop being the party of "safe spaces" on college campuses. Normal Americans HATE THAT SHIT.

Do you want to continue harping on these issues? Because your advocacy of these hard-left crazy ass shit issues is the main reason the Republican Party went crazy itself and nominated Trump.


So Democrats, if you want to win future elections, you will need to bring in the millions of Republicans who are appalled by Trump. But the only way you will do that is purge your hard left, and get rid of the whackos who dominate the discussion and make ALL of you look like crazy extremists.

I am old enough to remember when Democratic Party was a party a normal person could vote for, and it can be that way again.

And Hillary is just the right kind of Cersei Lannister bitch who can make this purge happen, if she realizes she must do it to win against Trump.

So go talk to her.
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
They were backing the foes of Erdogan last week, Blackrook. They are not listening to anyone, and their intelligence in the world is practically nil. Trump cannot win. He does not have the numbers.
Liberals need to stop their usual bullshit tactics and realize that none of their usual bullshit tactics are going to work on Trump.

Trump is not a gentleman like Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush, who will just take your shit and not hit back.

Trump hits back everytime someone hits him, and he hits harder, and because of his special relationship with the media, everything he says is broadcast into every home.

And stop, STOP, insulting Trump's supporters. The more you attack them as racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc., the more you PISS THEM OFF and the more they support Trump.

Trump's supporters LIKE the fact that he says stupid, ridiculous things and the more you attack him for that THE STRONGER HE GETS.

And for flying fuck's sake, STOP THE VIOLENCE at the Trump rallies. This is NOT HELPING.

If you want to WIN then you need to remake Hillary and the entire fucking Democrat party.

You need to stop being the party of everyone with a chip on their shoulder, whining because white males oppress them.

You need to stop being the party of welfare bums and disability cheats.

You need to stop being the party of angry black folks who shoot at cops and burn down their own neighborhoods.

You need to stop being the party of fucking pervs who want entry into women's restrooms.

You need to stop being so damn enthusiastic about abortion and admit that abortion is a BAD THING and we should stop having so many of them.

You need to stop hating on Christians because guess what? We're still a fucking majority Christian country, you fucking morons.

You need to stop being the party of "safe spaces" on college campuses. Normal Americans HATE THAT SHIT.

Do you want to continue harping on these issues? Because your advocacy of these hard-left crazy ass shit issues is the main reason the Republican Party went crazy itself and nominated Trump.


So Democrats, if you want to win future elections, you will need to bring in the millions of Republicans who are appalled by Trump. But the only way you will do that is purge your hard left, and get rid of the whackos who dominate the discussion and make ALL of you look like crazy extremists.

I am old enough to remember when Democratic Party was a party a normal person could vote for, and it can be that way again.

And Hillary is just the right kind of Cersei Lannister bitch who can make this purge happen, if she realizes she must do it to win against Trump.

So go talk to her.
Trump is not a gentleman like Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush, who will just take your shit and not hit back.

Young George once accosted Albert Hunt in a restaurant over comments Hunt had made in an opinion piece about George H. W.
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
They were backing the foes of Erdogan last week, Blackrook. They are not listening to anyone, and their intelligence in the world is practically nil. Trump cannot win. He does not have the numbers.
People keep saying Trump can't win, and then he wins anyway.

What you don't understand, and perhaps it's because you haven't read history, is that Trump's election would mean the end of our Constitutional form of government. Like Julius Caesar, he would simply do as he pleases, and his support from the mob would assure him that no one could hinder him.

He has already made it clear that he admires men like Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, the Communist Chinese, and other dictators who have raw power to suppress revolt. He would do the same, and the first thing he would do is order the IRS to audit all his enemies, and then he would order the FCC to harass the networks and radio stations who speak out against him and the FEC to punish all his political opponents.

We have seen eight years of Obama abusing power, but that would simply be a small taste of what Trump would do. Trump has no respect for the law, he has no respect for American traditions, he has no respect for our international alliances and trade agreements, all he cares about is himself.
Liberals need to stop their usual bullshit tactics and realize that none of their usual bullshit tactics are going to work on Trump.

Trump is not a gentleman like Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush, who will just take your shit and not hit back.

Trump hits back everytime someone hits him, and he hits harder, and because of his special relationship with the media, everything he says is broadcast into every home.

And stop, STOP, insulting Trump's supporters. The more you attack them as racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc., the more you PISS THEM OFF and the more they support Trump.

Trump's supporters LIKE the fact that he says stupid, ridiculous things and the more you attack him for that THE STRONGER HE GETS.

And for flying fuck's sake, STOP THE VIOLENCE at the Trump rallies. This is NOT HELPING.

If you want to WIN then you need to remake Hillary and the entire fucking Democrat party.

You need to stop being the party of everyone with a chip on their shoulder, whining because white males oppress them.

You need to stop being the party of welfare bums and disability cheats.

You need to stop being the party of angry black folks who shoot at cops and burn down their own neighborhoods.

You need to stop being the party of fucking pervs who want entry into women's restrooms.

You need to stop being so damn enthusiastic about abortion and admit that abortion is a BAD THING and we should stop having so many of them.

You need to stop hating on Christians because guess what? We're still a fucking majority Christian country, you fucking morons.

You need to stop being the party of "safe spaces" on college campuses. Normal Americans HATE THAT SHIT.

Do you want to continue harping on these issues? Because your advocacy of these hard-left crazy ass shit issues is the main reason the Republican Party went crazy itself and nominated Trump.


So Democrats, if you want to win future elections, you will need to bring in the millions of Republicans who are appalled by Trump. But the only way you will do that is purge your hard left, and get rid of the whackos who dominate the discussion and make ALL of you look like crazy extremists.

I am old enough to remember when Democratic Party was a party a normal person could vote for, and it can be that way again.

And Hillary is just the right kind of Cersei Lannister bitch who can make this purge happen, if she realizes she must do it to win against Trump.

So go talk to her.
Trump is not a gentleman like Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush, who will just take your shit and not hit back.

Young George once accosted Albert Hunt in a restaurant over comments Hunt had made in an opinion piece about George H. W.
That is the usual bullshit kind of crap that liberals have been pulling and it won't fucking work anymore.

Trump has remade the Republican party in his own image, and these new kinds of Republicans don't give a damn about cat on the roof stories, or caught with his panties down in his mistress' apartment stories, or any of that usual bullshit you use to make Republicans quit the race.

The ladies and gentlemen that used to run the Republican Party no longer pull the strings. The new bad boy crew will only laugh in contempt if you bring up stories about them beating up kids in school, so just shut up about that.
Hillary Is Preferable To Trump Just Like Malaria Is Preferable To Ebola

I'm just going to come out and say it. In the general election, I will vote for Hillary Clinton, and then I'm going to go home and puke my guts out.

I can no longer take the option of not voting, since a Trump victory is too dangerous a possibility and may lead to the total destruction of our Constitutional form of government.

We would also have very dark days with Hillary, but she is not seeking to destroy American alliances abroad, which could lead to a world war.

She does not praise dictators abroad like Saddam Hussein, the Communist Chinese, and the Islamic radical government of Turkey, which is now purging all moderates from the military, government, courts and teaching positions.

I am literally sick to my stomach writing these words, but it must be said.

Republicans who care about the United States, the Constitution, and the future of the Republican Party, must not let Trump be elected President.

If Clinton is elected and is able to place three or four Supreme Court Justices, the United States as we know it, and certainly as founded, will be dead for all time, short of an application of brute force.
I know more than Trump, so please don't patronize me....

More what?
Political science and civics...

When did you go to school? What decade?

Just curious, I was a bit earlier. Different decades have different flavors.
I do my research at home now, the internet is a great library and you don't have to leave home....check out books, or go to/write specialized institutions for info....
Hillary Is Preferable To Trump Just Like Malaria Is Preferable To Ebola

I'm just going to come out and say it. In the general election, I will vote for Hillary Clinton, and then I'm going to go home and puke my guts out.

I can no longer take the option of not voting, since a Trump victory is too dangerous a possibility and may lead to the total destruction of our Constitutional form of government.

We would also have very dark days with Hillary, but she is not seeking to destroy American alliances abroad, which could lead to a world war.

She does not praise dictators abroad like Saddam Hussein, the Communist Chinese, and the Islamic radical government of Turkey, which is now purging all moderates from the military, government, courts and teaching positions.

I am literally sick to my stomach writing these words, but it must be said.

Republicans who care about the United States, the Constitution, and the future of the Republican Party, must not let Trump be elected President.

If Clinton is elected and is able to place three or four Supreme Court Justices, the United States as we know it, and certainly as founded, will be dead for all time, short of an application of brute force.
Depends,, if Congress will allow them....But then again, Congress refuses Oblama the due process on the last one for political reasons.....
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.

poor wacko.

i'm sorry if it bothers you that people call trump what he is.... a disgusting bigoted piece of garbage.

and i doubt there's a liberal on this board who isn't smarter than you

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