Stop the usual liberal bullshit attacks on Trump and pay attention to what he's actually saying

What Democrats have been doing is pulling at the threads and pulling people apart. They need to stop doing that if they want to beat Trump with a majority that is big enough to overcome his deep support among millions of Americans who have just had it up to here with all the crap that both parties have been dealing out since at least 2000.

The polls are wrong, deeply and fuckingly, totally wrong.

There is an undercurrent of support for Trump that no pollster will ever find, because there are millions of Americans who are embarrassed to support Trump, so they lie to pollsters to make themselves look "respectable" but when they are in the ballot box, they will secretly vote for Trump.

Because people are angry. They are angry at the system, they are angry at the banks, they are angry at the media, they are angry at Hollywood, they are angry at the university system, they are angry at the government, they are angry at the Congress, they are angry at the Supreme Court, they are angry at the Democrats, and they are angry at the Republicans.

And that is because the middle class has been getting poorer and poorer since at least 2008 and the people in power have done fucking nothing about it, they are not even fucking trying to do anything about it. And then they lie and say the economy is doing swimmingly, and the media reports these lies, and it makes people even angrier.

Liberals, you have helped create this anger with your extremism and divisiveness. Your attacks on white people make white people feel threatened. Your attacks on Christianity make Christians feel threatened. Your constant praise and glorification of homosexuality makes straight people feel threatened. Your support of BLM makes every American who isn't a hoodlum feel threatened. Your total, unwavering support and enthusiasm for abortion disgusts people.

Liberals, the reason our country is in this fix can be blamed mostly on you, since you have almost all the power in the Democratic Party, the universities, the public schools, the private schools, the churches, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street. And because you have fucked up this country so totally and completely, people are desperate for an extreme solution and that is what Donald Trump offers, an extreme solution, a burning down of fucking everything and starting over and rebuilding on the ashes.

So STOP your usual fucking nonsense, it is not working.
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
Listen to him. All that talking and not a single plan.

Do good stuff.

Fix problems.

Stop bad things.

Law and order.

What the fuck?????????????????? Those are NOT policies. They are wishes. Word Salad. They don't mean anything.
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.

poor wacko.

i'm sorry if it bothers you that people call trump what he is.... a disgusting bigoted piece of garbage.

and i doubt there's a liberal on this board who isn't smarter than you
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.

poor wacko.

i'm sorry if it bothers you that people call trump what he is.... a disgusting bigoted piece of garbage.
I didn't even like his reality show, I preferred to see Paris Hilton's..At lest she's sexy....He's not...
More what?
Political science and civics...

When did you go to school? What decade?

Just curious, I was a bit earlier. Different decades have different flavors.
I do my research at home now, the internet is a great library and you don't have to leave home....check out books, or go to/write specialized institutions for info....

I have books like wallpaper, but yeah, the internet is a great tool. Let's keep the government away from it.
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
Listen to him. All that talking and not a single plan.

Do good stuff.

Fix problems.

Stop bad things.

Law and order.

What the fuck?????????????????? Those are NOT policies. They are wishes. Word Salad. They don't mean anything.
rdean, I realize you are too stupid and set in your liberal ways to listen to me.

But here's the thing, if you keep going as you are going, and use all the usual bag of tricks against Trump, you will LOSE.

And that's because Trump is not like other Republicans, he's actually not really a Republican at all.

If you find out he has seven mistresses in seven different condos in Manhattan, and publish it for all the world, that will only HELP HIM.

If you find out he used to beat up little kids for their lunch money while he was in school, and publish it for all the world, that will only HELP HIM.

If you find out he cheated someone in business and that person lost everything and he killed himself and left a suicide note blaming Trump, and you publish that for all the world, that will only HELP HIM.

So all the ammo you're building up on Trump is just so much bullshit. It's not going to work.
Political science and civics...

When did you go to school? What decade?

Just curious, I was a bit earlier. Different decades have different flavors.
I do my research at home now, the internet is a great library and you don't have to leave home....check out books, or go to/write specialized institutions for info....

I have books like wallpaper, but yeah, the internet is a great tool. Let's keep the government away from it.
Me too, about a thousand, but I have no more room and don't want to build more book shelves....I did start young, my Grandmother owned a book store, so we got books for presents..I read so much I had to get glasses at 15...I still reread many of them...I prefer non-fiction but do have many fiction books..
When did you go to school? What decade?

Just curious, I was a bit earlier. Different decades have different flavors.
I do my research at home now, the internet is a great library and you don't have to leave home....check out books, or go to/write specialized institutions for info....

I have books like wallpaper, but yeah, the internet is a great tool. Let's keep the government away from it.
my Grandmother owned a book store

Billy turns green.

Lucky dog.

Just curious, I was a bit earlier. Different decades have different flavors.
I do my research at home now, the internet is a great library and you don't have to leave home....check out books, or go to/write specialized institutions for info....

I have books like wallpaper, but yeah, the internet is a great tool. Let's keep the government away from it.
my Grandmother owned a book store

Billy turns green.
It was a The Baptist Book Store, but she mostly gave me non-religious books...a lot of history books...when grandfather died I got some of his law library. I also collect really old books...
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
Listen to him. All that talking and not a single plan.

Do good stuff.

Fix problems.

Stop bad things.

Law and order.

What the fuck?????????????????? Those are NOT policies. They are wishes. Word Salad. They don't mean anything.
rdean, I realize you are too stupid and set in your liberal ways to listen to me.

But here's the thing, if you keep going as you are going, and use all the usual bag of tricks against Trump, you will LOSE.

And that's because Trump is not like other Republicans, he's actually not really a Republican at all.

If you find out he has seven mistresses in seven different condos in Manhattan, and publish it for all the world, that will only HELP HIM.

If you find out he used to beat up little kids for their lunch money while he was in school, and publish it for all the world, that will only HELP HIM.

If you find out he cheated someone in business and that person lost everything and he killed himself and left a suicide note blaming Trump, and you publish that for all the world, that will only HELP HIM.

So all the ammo you're building up on Trump is just so much bullshit. It's not going to work.
You're not even making sense. It seems you are saying you will support Charles Manson if that's who you decide to support. What they do has no bearing on whether you support them or not once your mind is made up.

I think you need to stay out of the nut butter.
Just curious, I was a bit earlier. Different decades have different flavors.
I do my research at home now, the internet is a great library and you don't have to leave home....check out books, or go to/write specialized institutions for info....

I have books like wallpaper, but yeah, the internet is a great tool. Let's keep the government away from it.
my Grandmother owned a book store

Billy turns green.
It was a The Baptist Book Store, but she mostly gave me non-religious books...a lot of history books...when grandfather died I got some of his law library. I also collect really old books...

Me too. The house is a combo library/art museum.
Stop the usual liberal bullshit attacks on Trump and pay attention to what he's actually saying

You mean...what the teleprompter is saying...the people who wrote his speech for him that was on the teleprompter..the same people who will be doing the art of the deal with him behind the scenes for special interests he claims to not want anything to do with. I guarantee you Trump has made more back room deals than all the oil and tobacco lobbyists combined.
Stop the usual liberal bullshit attacks on Trump and pay attention to what he's actually saying

You mean...what the teleprompter is saying...the people who wrote his speech for him that was on the teleprompter..the same people who will be doing the art of the deal with him behind the scenes for special interests he claims to not want anything to do with. I guarantee you Trump has made more back room deals than all the oil and tobacco lobbyists combined.

Nonsense. Its a pure coincidence that one of the proposed energy secretaries that Trump is seriously considering would be plucked right out of the oil industry, a first in US history.

Just random chance.
Trump Gets Bipartisan Condemnation for NATO Comments

'US can't lecture Turkey on rule of law': Trump praises Erdogan after coup attempt

Hello, fucking stupid liberals.

Stop building fucking tiny walls around Donald Trump's star in Hollywood.

Stop calling Trump's followers racists, Islamophobes, etc.


Pay attention to the real issue, Donald Trump's lack of support for traditional foreign policy that has worked since World War II to keep the peace in Europe, and his indifference to the radical Islamist Turkish government purging moderates after the failed coup attempt.

Stop insulting Trump's base and stop insulting their intelligence. If you want to win this fucking election, stop pissing them off and inform them that they're backing the wrong horse.
Voters are paying attention to what Trump is actually saying.

They hear his bigotry, his fear, his hate, his desire to divide Americans with lies and demagoguery.

They hear that he’s hostile to the rights of Muslims, women, and immigrants.

They hear how unprepared Trump is, his ignorance of, and contempt for, sound, responsible governance.

And they see the disaster that is his ‘campaign,’ how disorganized and undisciplined it is, and correctly infer that Trump as ‘president’ would likewise be a disaster.

The voters are indeed paying attention, and a majority will not vote for Trump as a consequence.

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