STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

Plate tectonic carbon cycle explains how Earth maintains a Goldilocks climate​

26 May, 2022 by Dietmar Müller
Earth’s hot and cold climates driven by tectonic plate speeds
A new study has revealed how the plate tectonic carbon cycle maintains a “Goldilocks climate” on Earth that is neither too hot nor too cold.
It is now established that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels are driving atmospheric CO2 above 400 parts per million (ppm), causing global warming. But what caused climate change millions of years ago, before humans arrived on the scene?
An international team led by Professor Dietmar Müller at the University of Sydney’s School of Geosciences has modelled Earth’s carbon cycle over the last 250 million years to find the answer.
Their results, published in Nature, suggest that speeding tectonic plates cause greenhouse climates, while slow-moving plates can tip the Earth into an icehouse climate.
From hothouse to icehouse
A hothouse climate occurs when the planet has no ice sheets. In the Cretaceous Period (~145-66 million years ago), atmospheric CO2 rose above 1000 ppm, causing mean annual temperatures to be up to 10°C hotter than today. The sweltering heat led to a thriving dinosaur population in lush forests of ferns, cycads, and conifers and triggered the evolution of flowering plants and bees, key parts of our terrestrial ecosystems.
The team used a computer-generated model to show that the Cretaceous greenhouse climate was caused by tectonic plates moving extremely fast. Through a series of environmental interactions, this led to a doubling of CO2 emissions along mid-ocean ridges.
The Earth’s climate was transformed into an ice age in the subsequent Cenozoic Era, after 66 million years ago. Ice ages typically initiate when atmospheric CO2 falls below 300 ppm, cooling the planet below a climate threshhold where inland ice sheets form. A cooling trend started around 50 million years ago, leading to Antarctic glaciation about 15 million years later, when an inland ice sheet started developing on Antarctica. But how did the Earth start cooling around 50 million years ago?
Slowing tectonic plates have been thought to cool the planet simply by reducing the volcanic emissions of CO2 along less active plate boundaries. However, Müller’s team showed that this process was offset in the Cenozoic by increasing volcanic CO2 emissions from deep-sea carbonate sediments that are recycled back into the deep Earth along subduction zones, where plates dive into the Earth’s hot interior.
This process is so effective in emitting CO2 that it more than offsets the reduced CO2 emissions due to the slowing down of plate tectonics. Therefore slowing plates must have had another way to extract CO2 from the atmosphere and store it away. The answer lies in the mountain chains that were responsible for slowing down the plates in the first place.
The role of mountains and deep-sea sediments
When the supercontinent Pangea started breaking apart 200 million years ago, the continents didn’t have much mountainous topography. As the Pangea progressively disintegrated, new ocean gateways formed, and eventually the widely dispersed continents started running into each other, creating massive mountains from the Himalayas to the Alps, starting around 50 million years ago and slowing plate tectonics down.
The new model implies that slowing plates cooled the climate with the aid of eroding mountains, with erosion products, including carbon, ultimately being stored away in ocean sediments. As soon as mountains form, they start being eroded. Rainwater containing CO2 reacts with a range of mountain rocks, breaking them down and rivers carry dissolved minerals into the sea.
The Cretaceous hothouse climate preceding the Cenozoic cooling had an unexpected benefit: it triggered the evolution and diversification of tiny sea creatures, plankton and algae, that live in the sunlit waters of the surface ocean and build their shells or skeletons from dissolved carbonate, provided by erosion on the continents. When they die, they fall to the seafloor, storing away carbon in deep-sea sediment layers that became thicker and thicker after the Cretaceous.
The increasing volume of carbonate deep-sea sediments partly reflects a falling sea level, gradually eliminating many shallow seas that covered the continents during the Cretaceous, and shifting carbonate production out into the ocean. However, it appears that the increasing volume of deep-sea carbonate sediments also reflects the increasing supply of erosion products from the continents. Massive amounts of CO2, therefore, became stored away, and the planet cooled, even though a portion of this new oceanic carbonate sediment reservoir was subducted and emerged again as CO2 through arc volcanoes.
Rock weathering and carbon capture on human timescales
The balance between volcanism and erosion, and sedimentation, emitting or storing away carbon, ultimate ensures that the Earth remains habitable. Can we make use of any of these geological processes for carbon capture over the next decades?
Published laboratory experiments have shown that the weathering of dark igneous rocks, containing the green mineral olivine in abundance, is efficient in removing CO2 from the atmosphere. This had led to the proposal of a negative emissions technology that enhances silicate weathering along coasts, accelerating the geological silicate weathering mechanism to become useful for carbon capture on human timescales.
One idea is that the volcanic mineral olivine would be spread across coastal areas to make green sand beaches. Waves help breaks down the rock, accelerating a reaction that removes CO2 from the atmosphere. This process could be harnessed to absorb up to a trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
However, the current speed of human-induced warming is so rapid that geological processes alone, even if engineered as negative emissions technologies, cannot work fast enough to retain a ‘goldilocks’ climate. Therefore, we will also need to reduce emissions to avoid a hothouse climate that would potentially make many regions on Earth uninhabitable.
This doesn't explain how plate tectonics have affected climate at all. It's not even close.
WHAT CAUSES ICE AGES?What is an ice age? An ice age is a period in Earth's history when the ice onthe polar caps significantly expands due to a lowering of the Earth's globaltemperatures. Over the course of millions of years, scientists believe that theEarth has experienced at least five major ice ages. During these periods land inNorth America and Northern Europe were covered by giant ice sheets andglaciers. Earth is currently in an ice age called the Quaternary Ice Age whichbegan around 2.5 million years ago and is still going on. We are currently in aninterglacial stage of this ice age. The periods within ice ages are defined as:Glacial- A glacial period is a cold period when the glaciers areexpanding.Interglacial- A warming period when the glaciers and ice sheetsare receding.INTERGLACIAL PERIOD GLACIAL PERIOD2Student Sheet 2What causes an ice age? The Earth is constantly undergoing changes. Thesechanges can impact the global climate. Some of the changes that can influencean ice age include:Earth's orbit - Changes in the Earth's orbit (called Milankovitch cycles) cancause the Earth to be closer to the Sun (warmer) or further from theSun(colder). Ice ages can occur when we are further from the Sun.Solar energy - The amount of energy output by the Sun also changes. Low cyclesof energy output can possibly help in producing an ice age.Atmospheric composition - Low levels of greenhouse gasses such as carbondioxide can cause the Earth to cool leading to an ice age.Ocean currents-can have a great impact on the Earth's climate. Changes incurrents can cause ice sheets to build up.Volcanoes - introduce huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Thelack of volcanoes can cause an ice age. Increased volcanic activity can put an endto an ice age as wellThere really is no simple answer to the question of why ice ages occur; thereare many different and interconnected causes. In general, it is felt that iceages are caused by a chain reaction of positive feedbacks triggered byperiodic changes in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. These feedbacks,involving the spread of ice and the release of greenhouse gases, work in reverseto warm the Earth up again when the orbital cycle shifts back. The last ice ageended about 12,000 years ago. The next cooling cycle would be expected tostart about 30,000 years or more into the future.Many theories have been proposed to explain the causes of ice ages. Anycredible theory must explain what caused the ice to build up, how and why theice advanced and retreated at different times during a glaciation and why theice eventually disappeared. One theory that tries to explain these phenomena isthe Ocean–Control Theory. The diagram on the next page illustrates thistheory.3Student Sheet 3THE OCEAN-CONTROL THEORYStudent Sheet 4ANALYSIS: Study the feedback loop of the Ocean-Control Theoryof ice age formation and then complete thefollowing activities.The oceans may control the advance and retreatof glaciers and ice ages.Less precipitationLittleevaporationColdoceansWarmoceansWarm runoff beginsto warm the oceansWith less precipitation more snowmelts than builds up. Glaciers retreat
This missed the mark too.
Calm down. Earth will not cook you. And the alarmists are wrong. This explains why they are wrong.
We are not Venus and are not getting too close to the Sun. We are too close to politicians however.

Shaman Robert W hath spoken!

Forget everything scientists say. Shaman Robert has divine access.
So we agree the planet is currently warming. It may cool again but that is on a geologic time scale, not a human one. Humanity will suffer just as much if the warming is natural as if it is man-made.
No, the next glacial phase isn't on a geologic timescale. It's more like whenever the salinity and density changes alter heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic.

And when that happens everything you have believed will be discarded overnight.
So we agree the planet is currently warming. It may cool again but that is on a geologic time scale, not a human one. Humanity will suffer just as much if the warming is natural as if it is man-made.
Well, apparently you ignore the extreme cold in Russia and Ukraine, Europe and North America. Frankly this snow is making me upset.
So we agree the planet is currently warming. It may cool again but that is on a geologic time scale, not a human one. Humanity will suffer just as much if the warming is natural as if it is man-made.
The planet is cooling. And you bet the people are suffering.
This doesn't explain how plate tectonics have affected climate at all. It's not even close.
Some would imagine that the creation of Central America would change global ocean circulation patterns and that could affect climate. I guess you don't.
No, the next glacial phase isn't on a geologic timescale. It's more like whenever the salinity and density changes alter heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic.

And when that happens everything you have believed will be discarded overnight.
So you think that one day there will be a Gulf Stream and the next day all that water will stop moving? Right.
The planet is cooling. And you bet the people are suffering.
It's official: 2023 was the planet's warmest year on record, according to an analysis by scientists from NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Along with the historic heat, Antarctic sea ice coverage dropped to a record low in 2023.
Some would imagine that the creation of Central America would change global ocean circulation patterns and that could affect climate. I guess you don't.
Thermal isolation at the polar regions.

thermally isolated polar regions.png
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YOUR placing of a mark maybe. Not the placing of most scientists I'd bet.
It's only a matter of time. The heat is in the ocean, not the atmosphere. The northern hemisphere is 2C away from extensive continental glaciation. AMOC switch off is the only mechanism that can trigger a 2C decrease in the NH. BECAUSE THE VAST MAJORITY OF HEAT IS IN THE OCEAN.
So you think that one day there will be a Gulf Stream and the next day all that water will stop moving? Right.
It's not just me.

It's not just me.

Doesn't sound like anyone is sure but it may happen and be catastrophic. However, it may not be connected to global warming and is just the coincidence of cycles. Whatever happens in the future, the present is warming.

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