STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

I’ll worry about global warming when science extends my lifespan to a thousand years or so, so I can actually live to see if there’s a significant difference in climate.
This “one degree over 50 years” shit isn’t cutting it, loons.
If you can’t adapt, f’n die.
All that’s needed is to consider the root word of the ‘I’ in IPCC.
I don't have a problem with serious scientists without an agenda getting together to compare notes and data and share information. But when their work is translated and formed into recommended policy by government operatives, it is very difficult to believe that will not be self serving rather than pure science.
I don't have a problem with serious scientists without an agenda getting together to compare notes and data and share information. But when their work is translated and formed into recommended policy by government operatives, it is very difficult to believe that will not be self serving rather than pure science.
As if you could tell the difference.

In reality, you have no problem with scientists who do not discover things that contradict whatever goofy agenda Newsmax has fed you.
As if you could tell the difference.

In reality, you have no problem with scientists who do not discover things that contradict whatever goofy agenda Newsmax has fed you.
When you have something informative or helpful or even accurate to add to the discussion I will applaud you. Until then I will choose not to feel the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in other exercises of futility. Thank you so much for understanding.
It's true that since last July 5 the earth has been warming but now the earth is moving away from the sun (perihelium and epithellium) so it's cooling. Maybe you're talking about some kind of over all long term trend. Please be more specific.
longer than a year
That's not what I would call "specific" for study, however that's about the accuracy that I've come to expect.
You'd have to be a moron to deny the global climate is warming. Go find a glacier that is not receding, they are few and far between.
Sure, but you'd have to be a moron to say CO2 has warmed the planet by more than 0.5C.
It was hard to be specific to the relationship of the sun's orbit to skin. What kind of accuracy were you looking for?
Interesting, it wasn't my intention to talk about skin. I was referring to you comment...
... the global climate is warming...
---and I was trying to understand whether you meant that the globe was warming, how much it's gotten warmer, when it started, and whether the the warming was unusual and warrented concern. If you only meant skin when you said "global climate" then I'll step back and be on my way.
A moron or a mainstream climate scientist?
Depends if the mainstream climate scientist is trying to squelch valid challenges. Because if he is then he is most decidedly anti-science and thus a moron. But if he's not then he would address the ridiculous modeling output which produces a feedback that is 3 1/2 times greater than the GHG effect of CO2. He most certainly wouldn't try to hide it as the IPCC reports do. He would lean into it and confront it head on. And he wouldn't try to squelch dissenting opinions as the IPCC reports do.
Interesting, it wasn't my intention to talk about skin. I was referring to you comment...

---and I was trying to understand whether you meant that the globe was warming, how much it's gotten warmer, when it started, and whether the the warming was unusual and warrented concern. If you only meant skin when you said "global climate" then I'll step back and be on my way.
You brought up skin not me (a malaprop I presume). I think using any time scale would look similar so how about this one:
When you have something informative or helpful or even accurate to add to the discussion I will applaud you. Until then I will choose not to feel the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in other exercises of futility. Thank you so much for understanding.
As if you added anything, except for some uneducated slob saying he doubts scientists.
Depends if the mainstream climate scientist is trying to squelch valid challenges. Because if he is then he is most decidedly anti-science and thus a moron. But if he's not then he would address the ridiculous modeling output which produces a feedback that is 3 1/2 times greater than the GHG effect of CO2. He most certainly wouldn't try to hide it as the IPCC reports do. He would lean into it and confront it head on. And he wouldn't try to squelch dissenting opinions as the IPCC reports do.
I'm thinking this discussion should be in the conspiracy room if you think there is an international movement by scientists to falsely scare you.

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