STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

It proves man can effect major climatic changes. Once we understand the global climate we will know how to, at least somewhat, control it. The technology probably exists, the political will and consensus, probably not so much.
And you think I believe in fairy tales. Put the pipe down, bro.

What is it that you think proves man can control the climate of the planet? You think we can control ocean currents? Because heat transport from the Atlantic to the Arctic is what is keeping Arctic temperatures from being 2C colder than they are today and the onset of extensive continental glaciation.
And you think I believe in fairy tales. Put the pipe down, bro.

What is it that you think proves man can control the climate of the planet? You think we can control ocean currents? Because heat transport from the Atlantic to the Arctic is what is keeping Arctic temperatures from being 2C colder than they are today and the onset of extensive continental glaciation.
I'm hardly the first to propose the idea. Volcanos do it so we know it is feasible.

Reflecting sunlight to cool the Earth must be studied before climate change gets much worse, urges group of 60 scientists
You would think Obama would know about it given his mansion is next to the Atlantic Ocean. I think Biden also owns a mansion close to the Atlantic ocean.
As long as these ocean front or waterfront homes are not underwater, they are coveted by the wealthiest and their retail price keeps going up...! So they seem to be betting, as far back as their homes sit from the water itself, that there is money to be made on the homes they own, is what I am thinking!

There are entire metropolitan complexes under water, around the world that we are still discovering.

It is and is going to continue to happen...we will likely have present cities underwater as well...just because of the ice age ending and the melt that comes with it....with or without any man made contributions imho.....

So why not spend the money on building new cities farther inland, preparing for it? Or some other means that can withstand the sea rise?

Basically be boyscouts, be prepared....?

P.S. I am flying home this week....and once again, I'm not looking forward to the flight! :eek:
Reducing solar radiation that strikes the surface of the planet is the dumbest idea ever in the middle of an ice age.

But if you think it's feasible to do on a global scale, show me the math. Because I don't think it is possible.

But setting that aside how do you think they will prevent a glacial period from occurring?
As long as these ocean front or waterfront homes are not underwater, they are coveted by the wealthiest and their retail price keeps going up...! So they seem to be betting, as far back as their homes sit from the water itself, that there is money to be made on the homes they own, is what I am thinking!

There are entire metropolitan complexes under water, around the world that we are still discovering.

It is and is going to continue to happen...we will likely have present cities underwater as well...just because of the ice age ending and the melt that comes with it....with or without any man made contributions imho.....

So why not spend the money on building new cities farther inland, preparing for it? Or some other means that can withstand the sea rise?

Basically be boyscouts, be prepared....?

P.S. I am flying home this week....and once again, I'm not looking forward to the flight! :eek:
Since I am a pilot, who has studied many airplane incidents including crashing, so few crash you are as safe as were you sleeping at home.
When climate alarmists buy ocean property, they prove they have lied over and over to make their cases.
I don't know of cities now underwater and if you have a list, I want to see the list.
Since I am a pilot, who has studied many airplane incidents including crashing, so few crash you are as safe as were you sleeping at home.
When climate alarmists buy ocean property, they prove they have lied over and over to make their cases.
I don't know of cities now underwater and if you have a list, I want to see the list.
Miami is having huge problems in certain areas. Some of Maine's coastal cities are having problems, same with New York, with all the below sea level infrastructures...
It is happening, it will continue to happen, as it had since the ice age has ended. We have time to prepare, before it continues to get worse...
Ah, so you're of the opinion that we don't know what's causing the warming so there's nothing we can do about it.
Completely wrong. In 1854, Dr. John Snow used the power of mapping to identify the source of a cholera outbreak in London. The map he created based on the locations of deaths due to cholera allowed him to see a clear pattern that no one had noticed yet and ultimately determine the source of the outbreak. He defeated cholera but never knew its cause.
Please help me understand what you're saying, is it that we don't know what's causing the warming but by using something like the "power of mapping" to tell us what is causing the warming that maybe we can stop it --assuming that we'll find what's causing it is something we can do something about?
About the "catastrophe". The world population and the world economy is growing now and that growth has been going on for many thousands of years. Many would argue that showing a graph that gives a one degree increase over the past 50 years can't possibly mean anything about future population and wealth.

Your thoughts?
I think the effects will be massively unequal. Rich nations will adapt, poor nations will fail. We just spent $1 billion to protect a small portion of Manhattan from rising sea levels. I doubt Bangladesh has that option.
--and Alaska spend more than twice that much for lowering sea levels.
Then go read up what scientists say.

A normal person would first assume he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about, and then go see what scientists say.
I have. That's why I know their projections are based upon 1C of GHG effect from CO2 and 3.5C of feedback from that 1C of GHG effect from CO2.

Why don'y you know this?
Calm down. Earth will not cook you. And the alarmists are wrong. This explains why they are wrong.
We are not Venus and are not getting too close to the Sun. We are too close to politicians however.

Earth is actually not warming.

Earth has a built in "thermometer," ocean levels, and while the Co2 FRAUD claims ocean rise, they cannot show us any visual evidence of this, since it isn't happening, since the Co2 FRAUD has been lying all along about 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica, which has been growing every year....
Reducing solar radiation that strikes the surface of the planet is the dumbest idea ever in the middle of an ice age.

But if you think it's feasible to do on a global scale, show me the math. Because I don't think it is possible.
So sixty scientists think it is an idea worthy of study vs one anonymous internet poster. Now I wonder who should I believe?

But setting that aside how do you think they will prevent a glacial period from occurring?
I'm not an engineer but even I can envision laying down a layer of coal dust or slit on any accumulating snowfalls. How about large orbiting mirrors to reflect sunlight onto the poles?
Please help me understand what you're saying, is it that we don't know what's causing the warming but by using something like the "power of mapping" to tell us what is causing the warming that maybe we can stop it --assuming that we'll find what's causing it is something we can do something about?
What I'm saying is that we can do things to mitigate the effects of GW without knowing the cause. Knowing the cause would be helpful but not crucial.
Earth is actually not warming.

Earth has a built in "thermometer," ocean levels, and while the Co2 FRAUD claims ocean rise, they cannot show us any visual evidence of this, since it isn't happening, since the Co2 FRAUD has been lying all along about 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica, which has been growing every year....
I agree with your statement.
So sixty scientists think it is an idea worthy of study vs one anonymous internet poster. Now I wonder who should I believe?


60 taxpayer funded fudgebaking conflicted liars intent on wasting ever more taxpayer money "studying" a fraud each one knows is a fraud vs. one patriotic American who has the climate change Co2 theory debunked and the real cause exposed...

So sixty scientists think it is an idea worthy of study vs one anonymous internet poster. Now I wonder who should I believe?

I'm not an engineer but even I can envision laying down a layer of coal dust or slit on any accumulating snowfalls. How about large orbiting mirrors to reflect sunlight onto the poles?
Bad ideas are bad ideas no matter whose idea it is. No doubt they will try to do something if the AMOC switches off. Not sure that will work or not but no harm in trying that. Reflecting solar radiation is a horse of another color.
Bad ideas are bad ideas no matter whose idea it is.
Bad ideas to those that disagree with them. Of course if they end up working then they become good ideas. I'm guessing I won't be around long enough to know.

No doubt they will try to do something if the AMOC switches off. Not sure that will work or not but no harm in trying that. Reflecting solar radiation is a horse of another color.
Humanity would do well to have both arrows in its' quiver since it is in our interest to see no changes either way.

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