STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

What a relief! All those scientists saying the evidence pointed to GW got me worried but, since an anonymous internet poster tells me it is not, I'm worry-free now.
Name the scientists who frightened you so much?

Bad ideas to those that disagree with them. Of course if they end up working then they become good ideas. I'm guessing I won't be around long enough to know.

Humanity would do well to have both arrows in its' quiver since it is in our interest to see no changes either way.
I think you’ll be around long enough to realize your prediction of catastrophe warming won’t occur.
Please help me understand what you're saying, is it that we don't know what's causing the warming but by using something like the "power of mapping" to tell us what is causing the warming that maybe we can stop it --assuming that we'll find what's causing it is something we can do something about?

--and Alaska spend more than twice that much for lowering sea levels.
He is saying we can map patterns that match our models and the physics.
I think you’ll be around long enough to realize your prediction of catastrophe warming won’t occur.
This may calm him down. I hate to see posters fretting when things won't happen that they fear so much.

What I'm saying is that we can do things to mitigate the effects of GW without knowing the cause. Knowing the cause would be helpful but not crucial.
Are you saying that we'd just take on the heat problem w/ ice-cubes & air-conditioners? Somehow that's a bit hard to believe.
OK, I can say we "map patterns that match our models and the physics" as much as the next guy, but I'm a bit at a loss to imagine exactly what get's measured and what gets mapped.
Well of course you're at a loss. Are you a physicist? A climate scientist? A computer model programmer?

You would have to go read up on that. Same here.
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NASA, NOAA, UN, etc.

Those are organizations, not scientists.

NAME the "scientists" you religiously parrot and never question,

and then explain why there is ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska...

start the JEOPARDY! music....
That take on scientists is far more embarrassing for you than it is for anyone else.
"If You're So Smart, Why Haven't You Made the Rich Richer?"

The Unabomber got treated like a freak because of his High IQ. So he was subconsciously motivated to destroy all the inventions of genius instead of using his brains to identify the plutocratic parasites as being behind the manipulation of his fellow students to humiliate smartkids. The gutless geeks who support Warmalarmism have the same bitter and misplaced motivation.
"If You're So Smart, Why Haven't You Made the Rich Richer?"

The Unabomber got treated like a freak because of his High IQ. So he was subconsciously motivated to destroy all the inventions of genius instead of using his brains to identify the plutocratic parasites as being behind the manipulation of his fellow students to humiliate smartkids. The gutless geeks who support Warmalarmism have the same bitter and misplaced motivation.
What a bunch of irrelevant pap.

We get it. You hold contempt for educated people.

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