STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

Calm down. Earth will not cook you. And the alarmists are wrong. This explains why they are wrong.
We are not Venus and are not getting too close to the Sun. We are too close to politicians however.

I will worry about global warming when:

1. Real climate scientists instead of political operatives write the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers

2. Those involved with world summits on climate start teleconferencing instead of jetting, usually private jetting, all over the world to attend these conferences.

3. The scientists and politicians claiming global warming/climate change is the existential threat to human existence start living their own lives as if they were worried.

4. All the reduction in fossil fuels, promotion of electric cars, wind farms, solar panels, and forcing people to buy 'greener' fuels, appliances, etc. reduces the CO2 in the atmosphere by a single particle. So far it hasn't.

5. When the vast majority of the world is required to participate in the 'green revolution' instead of a few developed countries that already have cleaner water, air, soil than most of the world.

6. When scientists do not cherry pick or manipulate data to support their opinions and/or when they stop just moving the goal posts on down the road as their models fail to produce accurate information again and again and again.

7. When scientists who do not depend on government funding/grants/support from 'green energy' companies are as 'alarmed' about global warming as those who are dependent on such funding.

8. When pols, scientists, media etc. allow ALL opinions and voices to be equally heard instead of just those who promote AGW/climate change as an existential threat to life on Planet Earth.
I will worry about global warming when:

1. Real climate scientists instead of political operatives write the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers

2. Those involved with world summits on climate start teleconferencing instead of jetting, usually private jetting, all over the world to attend these conferences.

3. The scientists and politicians claiming global warming/climate change is the existential threat to human existence start living their own lives as if they were worried.

4. All the reduction in fossil fuels, promotion of electric cars, wind farms, solar panels, and forcing people to buy 'greener' fuels, appliances, etc. reduces the CO2 in the atmosphere by a single particle. So far it hasn't.

5. When the vast majority of the world is required to participate in the 'green revolution' instead of a few developed countries that already have cleaner water, air, soil than most of the world.

6. When scientists do not cherry pick or manipulate data to support their opinions and/or when they stop just moving the goal posts on down the road as their models fail to produce accurate information again and again and again.

7. When scientists who do not depend on government funding/grants/support from 'green energy' companies are as 'alarmed' about global warming as those who are dependent on such funding.

8. When pols, scientists, media etc. allow ALL opinions and voices to be equally heard instead of just those who promote AGW/climate change as an existential threat to life on Planet Earth.
Those will never happen.
Oh God, this is why we're fucked, people like you.

Hey numbnuts, just because you don't understand science, don't blame those who do.
I hope there's a whole lot more like me out there who don't just blindly and obediently parrot the party/indoctrination lines and are incapable of even considering any other point of view. Did you bother to even look up to see who writes the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers?
So, just for shits-n-giggles I searched "highest Temp ever" and apparently we've only been keeping that data for around 150 years, but the consistent data is right around 129.9.

I spent a summer near the wonderful ancient city Ur near An Nasiriyah Iraq in 2005. A place people have populated since began populating places.From around May-Sept it was pretty much sunny, and 122F degrees. Maybe 80 ish over night. Although once the sun was up for an hour, bam... 122F sucked water out of you faster that you could piss. It stayed that temp ALL DAY. The sun beating down for 12 solid hours, once it hit 122F though, it never got hotter....

Why is it that the air can't seem to get up to 130+ anywhere on earth for any length of time? Is it possible? I just have to wonder if the whole world was 122F would it all be desert? Gets pretty hot in the tropics, why wouldn't it all be more tropical? Why do people who believe in this bullshit never ask these questions?

The answers would destroy their dogma and they would find out their cult isn't getting on a massive party spaceship and spend eternity gorging on soy and cock.
I hope there's a whole lot more like me out there who don't just blindly and obediently parrot the party/indoctrination lines and are incapable of even considering any other point of view. Did you bother to even look up to see who writes the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers?
It is not done by the scientists.
No it isn't though Google does its damndest to bury that information now and make it harder to find.
It reached 128 degrees in 2023 at Death Valley. However in 1913 it reached 134.
I hope there's a whole lot more like me out there who don't just blindly and obediently parrot the party/indoctrination lines and are incapable of even considering any other point of view. Did you bother to even look up to see who writes the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers?
So are your eyes lying too?

You think I need scientists to tell me what I can see myself?

Jesus, try and formulate an opinion of your own, without Sean Hannity telling you how to think.
Calm down. Earth will not cook you. And the alarmists are wrong. This explains why they are wrong.
We are not Venus and are not getting too close to the Sun. We are too close to politicians however.
If all the glaciers around the globe melted, sea level would rise enough to submerge most coastal cities. The world would be a very crowded place. On the plus side, Florida would be history.
So are your eyes lying too?

You think I need scientists to tell me what I can see myself?

Jesus, try and formulate an opinion of your own, without Sean Hannity telling you how to think.
I don't believe I've ever heard Sean Hannity comment on climate change. What is his opinion about that as you seem to know? Most of my opinion has been informed by a bit of college education on the subject and reading many different sources as well as one on one conversations with scientists right here in my home state, Texas and Kansas.

So where do you get your information on climate change?
Common sense + life experience.
I see. So you claim to know more about it than hundreds, thousands of scientists who don't concur with the IPCC doctrines? And you are the only person on the planet who has common sense and life experience that matters.

You can quibble about that nonsense if you want, and you know why? They know that's not even a scientific argument, nor is it one that can be easily proven, nor disproven.

I'll give you that, if it makes you feel better.
I don't believe I've ever heard Sean Hannity comment on climate change. What is his opinion about that as you seem to know? Most of my opinion has been informed by a bit of college education on the subject and reading many different sources as well as one on one conversations with scientists right here in my home state, Texas and Kansas.

So where do you get your information on climate change?
So where do bed wetting leftist pieces of shit get your information on climate change?

So where do bed wetting leftist pieces of shit get your information on climate change?

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I honestly don't fault those who pay attention to the IPCC and talking heads pushing the AGW/climate change doctrines. So do I.

What I cannot accept as 'logic, reason, honest science' though are those who refuse to even look at or even allow any point of view other than what is being pushed by governments and 'scientists' funded by governments and other interested parties who allow nobody with different points of view to participate in the discussion and policy making. And selective editing or even falsifying of data as well as those constantly moving goal posts do not inspire confidence in anybody capable of critical thinking.

Science is a field that cites conventional wisdom yes, but science requires an open mind and acceptance of ALL points of view and all pertinent criteria and challenges to the conventional wisdom so that it can get it more and more accurate. More and more correct. Just think how the 'science' was all over map and constantly changing during the pandemic as everybody was learning and trying to figure out what did and did not work to deal with it. It is no different with any other aspect of science. What was the 'conventional wisdom' about many many things--what causes fire to burn, the sound barrier, cause and treatment of many diseases, the structure of the universe etc. etc. etc. was all 'settled science' that changed with new information and capability to gather different information.

But 'official' climate science has become closed and refuses any differing opinions. Any who do not agree with the government, IPCC doctrines and Summary for Policy Makers are forced out of the participating scientific groups or made so unwelcome they quit. The leftwing MSM and other information sources shut them out, do not allow them a voice. We get nonsense like this from Heidi Cullen back in 2006:

"The Weather Channel’s most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming. This latest call to silence skeptics follows a year (2006) in which skeptics were compared to "Holocaust Deniers" and Nuremberg-style war crimes trials were advocated by several climate alarmists.

The Weather Channel’s (TWC) Heidi Cullen, who hosts the weekly global warming program "The Climate Code," is advocating that the American Meteorological Society (AMS) revoke their "Seal of Approval" for any television weatherman who expresses skepticism that human activity is creating a climate catastrophe. . ."

Anybody who says there is any such thing as 'settled science' for which no new information matters is not a scientist but is a politician or opportunist or unthinking brainwashed numbnut or idiot.
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Damn near got frostbite today.
I want the Earth a hell of a lot warmer than this.
It is 27 degrees F at 11:09 AM here. A lot of warmth is welcome.
If all the glaciers around the globe melted, sea level would rise enough to submerge most coastal cities. The world would be a very crowded place. On the plus side, Florida would be history.
You would think Obama would know about it given his mansion is next to the Atlantic Ocean. I think Biden also owns a mansion close to the Atlantic ocean.

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