Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Expect Trump ass kissers on here to quickly SWITCH.....from the "fake news" mantra to.............
the "who cares???" one.........LOL

In a similar fashion to when this confession happened on the left?

Look on the bright side, at least he Trump didn't actually do it IN the White House with an employee. . . can you imagine the press' outrage?

Holy shit. . . .
Stormy Daniels' Full Interview: Inside Her Affair With Donald Trump - In Touch Weekly

i like the headline

Stormy Daniels' Explosive Full Interview on Donald Trump Affair: "I Can Describe His Junk Perfectly" (EXCLUSIVE)


yeah, this is gonna be fun

Wtf is this? Revenge of the Nerds and Meat? :21:

"I'd know that mole anywhere" I predict this will blow up yugely in leftists' faces.

Yeah, even if it is true, folks know what kind of a pig Trump is and has been. Let he who is w/o sin. . .

Folks knew, even the Democrats knew, what kind of a pig Slick Willy was.

Back then, the nation's attitude was, what he does on his own time, in his own personal affairs, is his own business. Running the nation, and running is personal affairs are two different things. i.e. "it's the economy stupid." It seems like this was consensual if this actually happened. If it did, she is a loathsome money grubbing, back stabbing whore for betraying confidence.

The fact of the matter is, if this is all true, she made a deal, she made a bargain. Now she wants another one with the corporate establishment that doesn't give a flying feck about the folks in the hinter lands, but only cares about the globalist agenda. . . it will say anything and do anything to gum up the works.

She took the money, now she is breaking the deal and being greedy, asking for more from the other side.

smdh. This whole culture is corrupt and despicable. It's filled with whores, reprobates, and hypocrites.
/----/ democRATs taught us that it's just sex between consenting adults and none of our business. It happened 10 years ago and not in the Oval Office. democRATs taught us it's time to move on and STFU.
View attachment 181137
/----/ Keep laughing you hypocritical Progs.
Democrats Ignored Bill Clinton's Mistreatment of Women, and ...
Nov 29, 2017 - What may have been unpoliced in '92 cannot escape the wailing sirens of '17. Earlier this month, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand—Democrat of New York and Clinton protégé, a longtime benefactor of their largesse—was asked by The New York Times if Clinton should have resigned over the Lewinsky affair.
Bu ... bu ... bu... buuuut ---- BILL!!!

/----/ Yeah your slugs defended an accused rapists. OK if it's a democRAT.

you are nothing but a moron....Clinton suffered Impeachment and other consequences for his behavior...The Orange accused rapist has not suffered any consequence for being a sex pervert
What has he done while he is in office?
Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement
Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.
According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.
The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.
The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.
More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump
Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)
I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?

Court filings imply that Donald Trump got Stormy Daniels pregnant and she had an abortion
By Bill Palmer | Mar 7, 2018
/----/ Keep laughing you hypocritical Progs.
Democrats Ignored Bill Clinton's Mistreatment of Women, and ...
Nov 29, 2017 - What may have been unpoliced in '92 cannot escape the wailing sirens of '17. Earlier this month, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand—Democrat of New York and Clinton protégé, a longtime benefactor of their largesse—was asked by The New York Times if Clinton should have resigned over the Lewinsky affair.
Bu ... bu ... bu... buuuut ---- BILL!!!
/----/ Yeah your slugs defended an accused rapists. OK if it's a democRAT.

you are nothing but a moron....Clinton suffered Impeachment and other consequences for his behavior...The Orange accused rapist has not suffered any consequence for being a sex pervert
What has he done while he is in office?

Mueller will Report on all that
Yeah, even if it is true, folks know what kind of a pig Trump is and has been. Let he who is w/o sin. .

The above shows just how fucking stupid Trump ass-kissers are ..........

Nitwit, it is NOT an issue as to the real fact that Trump is a pig who pays porn stars to put up with his fat ass.........

It is a case of a breach in election finance laws.....not one of some lurid affair.....
Yeah, even if it is true, folks know what kind of a pig Trump is and has been. Let he who is w/o sin. .

The above shows just how fucking stupid Trump ass-kissers are ..........

Nitwit, it is NOT an issue as to the real fact that Trump is a pig who pays porn stars to put up with his fat ass.........

It is a case of a breach in election finance laws.....not one of some lurid affair.....

Did "Stormy" contribute more than the allowable amount to his campaign?
Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and 'hush' agreement
Washington (CNN)A new lawsuit filed by the porn star known as Stormy Daniels claims President Donald Trump never signed a hush agreement regarding an alleged sexual encounter between the two and therefore the agreement is void.
According to the legal complaint filed in California state court and tweeted out by her lawyer on Tuesday, Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed the document on behalf of the President instead.
The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims in the lawsuit to have had an affair with Trump several years prior to his presidency. However, the lawsuit claims that when he was running for office and multiple women were coming forward to share stories of their own alleged encounters with the then-Republican presidential candidate, Cohen intervened in an attempt to keep Clifford from coming forward as well.
The lawsuit says Cohen has continued his attempts at silencing Clifford -- including as recently as February 27, 2018.
More: Stormy Daniels sues Trump
Stormy Daniels Lawsuit (15 pages w/attachments)
I have always believed that Stormy would get the last laugh. Will Trump have to testify under oath?

Court filings imply that Donald Trump got Stormy Daniels pregnant and she had an abortion
By Bill Palmer | Mar 7, 2018

My friend, the ONLY "problem" with the above boils down to this:

Why is a porn star NOT on the pill
/----/ Keep laughing you hypocritical Progs.
Democrats Ignored Bill Clinton's Mistreatment of Women, and ...
Nov 29, 2017 - What may have been unpoliced in '92 cannot escape the wailing sirens of '17. Earlier this month, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand—Democrat of New York and Clinton protégé, a longtime benefactor of their largesse—was asked by The New York Times if Clinton should have resigned over the Lewinsky affair.
Bu ... bu ... bu... buuuut ---- BILL!!!
/----/ Yeah your slugs defended an accused rapists. OK if it's a democRAT.

you are nothing but a moron....Clinton suffered Impeachment and other consequences for his behavior...The Orange accused rapist has not suffered any consequence for being a sex pervert
What has he done while he is in office?

Mueller will Report on all that
Sure he will.

It has been one hell of a wait, hasn't it?
Then answer the question with a simple no and clarify, instead of throwing a hissy.

How about a simple I don't know, all we have is a he said, she said. Of course your bias will only allow you to believe the worse about Trump, but what I see is a gal looking for a big payday. It's hard for objective people to believe a person that keeps changing her story.


Let me use some of Trump's own words for you to maul over. He said he doesn't settle, because doing so will just bring more and more people out of the wood work to sue him.

So the fact he paid her off, that goes to show you he IS GUILTY. If he paid off everyone that accused him of this, he'd spend millions of dollars doing it.

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?


What in the world are you talking about?

They had a copy of the agreement on all the networks. Sarah Sanders even admitted to the document and it going to an arbitrator in her press conference yesterday...

What he knows now and what he knew at the time couldn't possibly be different, right? You regressives crack me up.


What the fuck are you talking about? Trump didn't know he was with Stormy Daniels?

The document even says there might be pictures. I certainly hope so, so it will embarrass the fuck out of you people that will deny this shit to the grave.

Did "Stormy" contribute more than the allowable amount to his campaign?

The above is a bit too dumb to even respond to.
Humor me. . .

Nahhhhh.....its too much fun watching Trump acolytes making fools of themselves.....

However, I'll give you a hint......

It was NOT Daniels who broke election finance laws....It WAS Cohen and, of course, the orange buffoon......All that Stormy did was to accept a bribe and lay on her back..
The document even says there might be pictures

Conversely, if there are pictures of Trump's fat, orange ass flailing, will they be shown with a warning for those of us with a weak stomach?

Did "Stormy" contribute more than the allowable amount to his campaign?

The above is a bit too dumb to even respond to.
Humor me. . .

Nahhhhh.....its too much fun watching Trump acolytes making fools of themselves.....

However, I'll give you a hint......

It was NOT Daniels who broke election finance laws....It WAS Cohen and, of course, the orange buffoon......All that Stormy did was to accept a bribe and lay on her back..

I don't think any laws were broken in this exchange, this is why you can't name any. . . .

Did "Stormy" contribute more than the allowable amount to his campaign?

The above is a bit too dumb to even respond to.
Humor me. . .

Nahhhhh.....its too much fun watching Trump acolytes making fools of themselves.....

However, I'll give you a hint......

It was NOT Daniels who broke election finance laws....It WAS Cohen and, of course, the orange buffoon......All that Stormy did was to accept a bribe and lay on her back..

I don't think any laws were broken in this exchange, this is why you can't name any. . . .

Trump's payoff to Stormy Daniels probably violated several election ...
Trump's payoff to Stormy Daniels probably violated several election laws, attorney says...
Jan 18, 2018 - A payment made by President Donald Trump late in the campaign to porn actress Stormy Daniels may have violated federal election law. ... The attorney said Trump's payoff to the actress also appears to have violated FECA's $2,700 contribution limit by nearly 50 times over — and he said the value of ...

Stormy Daniels: When is an Affair Illegal? - Countable
Feb 19, 2018 - If Daniels threatened to expose the affair and was bought off, that is blackmail. If no threats were made but money was offered in exchange for silence, that is hush money and could be a violation of our campaign finance laws. Either way, it is chilling and reflects a disregard for our system of justice by ...

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