Stormy's amended lawsuit: Bad news for Cohen and, you know who...

Oh my, how very specific of you.


That fails to answer the question. How can a personal payoff from an attorney be classified as a campaign contribution? Cohen didn't contribute to the campaign, he paid someone off with his own money.

Apples and oranges.

If you don't have any factual evidence, just say so. No harm in admitting defeat, Nat.

this has been explained multiple times. trumptards seem to enjoy trolling by repeating the same question over and over. but feel free to read:

Payment To Stormy Daniels May Have Broken Campaign Finance Law
How can paying someone from your own personal funds violate campaign finance law?

Clearly a question you can't answer.

And NPR? Ha. You'll need to do better than that.

this is industrial grade stupid

reflective of the poster who said it.
Gee, says the fake lawyer. You say a lot of things on this board that are reflective on you as a person.
So where does the greedy bitch get standing to sue on behalf of the FEC? Last I head the FEC is charged with enforcement of election laws. Of course she is free to file a complaint with the FEC, I think da bitch needs a new lawyer.

Checkout what happened to John Edwards and the FEC....

Yep it was a FEC decision, not a civil court. He was also indicted by a criminal court for using campaign donations to make payoffs. I don't think that is the case here, but feel free to continue to fantasize.

means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it

Idiotic retort....
Clinton was IMPEACHED....and his law license suspended.....How do you define "get away with it"???

Dear nat4900 he was impeached for perjury not for the actual acts he did.
He never had to face justice for other charges from other cases.

Do you think OJ serving time in prison for trying to steal back his own things
is justice served for the wrongful deaths he was convicted of that he never paid damages for?

Some people do say that he ended up getting caught.
But just ask the family of Goldman and Brown if OJ ever faced justice.

And ask the other women who were denied their charges against Clinton.

What the fuck is the matter with you right wingers............This thread was about Daniels, Cohen and Trump.....YOU morons are babbling about Clinton and OJ Simpson???

ADDRESS the O/P or find another thread to spew your inanities.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison??

where does the $130k payoff fit in in your little fantasy?

False claims are settled all the time, it's cheaper than going to court.

A Porn Star, who's claim is that she slept with someone she barely knew because she felt obligated after he bought her diner, without protection, and ADMITTEDLY did not even file a Police Report when she felt her child was threatened, will have a tough time claiming defamation.

MORON....this is the crucial part of the O/P

"...........the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law....."

Really, do you have an FEC decision to that effect?

Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

would there have to be character there to be ruined first?

Well, a crooked charlatan does have some sort of "character"

Trump Business Failures

As well, Donald Trump has undertaken a number of business projects that ultimately failed (or failed to live up to his lofty projections) without resulting in bankruptcies, including:

Trump Steaks
Go-Trump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Board Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)

If you're not failing, you're not trying.

Trump cultists refuse to address a very, very simple question......

WHY would anyone pay off a porn star $130 K just DAYS before an election?

(see, its a very simple

Nuisance settlement.

Porn whore, Skanky Daniels, says her gigantic pupils are dilated from gallons of cum squirting in her face and eyes over the years. She only snorted the coke afterwards, for the pain. It's not her fault!
This is a bad idea. Clinton and his wife attempted to discredit all the rape and abuse by beating the victims in the media. It worked with a bunch of selfish cows in the media who would love to suck off Clinton. It will not be helpful for Trump. The leftist pigs are pretending they give a fuck about women. Let it run its course. We know they don't really care about porn stars and infidelity. Hell, they endorsed rape.
You can't violate campaign finance laws if you're allegedly paying someone off with your own money. Moreover, how does that count as a campaign contribution?

Look you fucking moron...........ANYONE can be breaking campaign finance laws when donating over a certain amount without disclosing it and stating its purpose.....Here:

How Much May Be Contributed
Your contributions1 to federal candidates and committees are limited under the law. You, the contributor, and the committee to which you give are both legally responsible for making sure that your contribution does not exceed your contribution limits. The paragraphs below list the contribution limits for individuals.

Contribution Limits
An individual may give a maximum of:

  • $2,700 per election to a federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee.2 Notice that the limit applies separately to each election. Primaries, runoffs and general elections are considered separate elections.
  • $5,000 per calendar year to a PAC. This limit applies to a PAC (political action committee) that supports federal candidates. (PACs are neither party committees nor candidate committees. Some PACs are sponsored by corporations and unions--trade, industry and labor PACs. Other PACs, often ideological, do not have a corporate or labor sponsor and are therefore called nonconnected PACs.) PACs use your contributions to make their own contributions to federal candidates and to fund other election-related activities.
  • $10,000 per calendar year to a State or local party committee. A State party committee shares its limits with local party committees in that state unless a local committee's independence can be demonstrated.
  • $33,900 per calendar year to a national party committee. This limit applies separately to a party's national committee, House campaign committee and Senate campaign committee.
  • $100 in currency (cash) to any political committee. (Anonymous cash contributions may not exceed $50.) Contributions exceeding $100 must be made by check, money order or other written instrument.

Really, do you have an FEC decision to that effect?

take THAT up with the Washington Post......I am citing their article......Of course, I am sure that you know much more than their legal editor being from Texas and all.......LOL
Nuisance settlement.

Does that mean that even a fucking moron can easily make $130,000 by making a claim that you slept with an orange buffoon??? ..............Shit, try it
Really, do you have an FEC decision to that effect?

take THAT up with the Washington Post......I am citing their article......Of course, I am sure that you know much more than their legal editor being from Texas and all.......LOL

The compost has had to retract more stories than wild willie. The point is it's not an FEC violation till the FEC says it is. You can presume and assume all you want, the FEC has the final say. And the greedy bitch has no standing to sue on behalf of the FEC.

Nuisance settlement.

Does that mean that even a fucking moron can easily make $130,000 by making a claim that you slept with an orange buffoon??? ..............Shit, try it

Can't do it, I'm not a greedy liar. Seems the greedy bitch can't make up her mind on which lie to tell.

Even she admits it wasn't hush money because there was nothing to hush.

means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it, so can Trump over this stupid crap
Clinton didn’t get away with it. He was fined and his license to practice law was suspended. Part of a plea deal he agreed to to avoid charges being filed against him.
means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it, so can Trump over this stupid crap
Stupid crap is right. How many years ago was this? And how many men would turn down a free thrill with a whore? C'mon...let's get out of the Democrat's gutter and think about what he is accomplishing!
It’s not the sex, it’s the crime. And that happened in October, 2016, when trump failed to report a $130,000 campaign contribution.
Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

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