Stormy's amended lawsuit: Bad news for Cohen and, you know who...

Trump cultists have REFUSED to address the more salient point that Trump and Cohen my have broken campaign finance laws...........


So let's get a ruling on that. An actual ruling, not a lawyer's opinion, not a keyboard hockey who's mindlessly repeating something he liked hearing.
It’s being investigated.

So we can then safely say that anyone conclusively stating that Trump broke campaign finance laws doesn't know what they're talking about and is spouting partisan nonsense?
So folks can’t opine? Hillary was investigated and no charges were brought — how many on the right don’t conclusively state she broke the law?

They can. It just doesn't mean anything, does it?
No more than anyone saying Cohen or Trump violated campaign finance laws.
No more than anyone saying Cohen or Trump violated campaign finance laws.
I think a campaign finance law was broken, you can't spend $130,000 either for the candidate or by the candidate without declaring it.

We don't know if Cohn made an illegal $130,000 contribution, or if the campaign illegally spent $130,000 in undeclared hush money.

You said he couldn’t find the law.

Looks like he found it.

There are dozens of links to the FEC law.......
Trump cultists, among many other deficiencies, are a bit lazy....Good thing they have Hannity for all of their educational needs.
Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison?? Monica was

a. a porn star?
b. was paid to hush her blow job up right before an election?
c. was asked to sign a NDA?

Surely there's a grown up walking around your basement....ask for help
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime-having sex
Trump accused of a crime-having sex

To be fair, trump hasn’t been accused of a crime
Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison?? Monica was

a. a porn star?
b. was paid to hush her blow job up right before an election?
c. was asked to sign a NDA?

Surely there's a grown up walking around your basement....ask for help
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime-having sex
Trump accused of a crime-having sex

To be fair, trump hasn’t been accused of a crime
isn't that what the OP is doing?
Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Yea, because now companies don't pay their fair share. Do they pay their workers a fair share? We shall see.

Is the economy growing at a faster rate? How much faster? Because last I checked it looks a lot like Obama's economy. Which is ok because Obama did a great job.

Did Trump grow the economy 4% last year? No he did not. Failure.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

New Trade deals? Some economists have suggested the new deal isn't significantly different from the old one.

Trump appointing a con to the Supreme's is not a campaign promise delivered. I mean it is but of course he was going to appoint a con. Duh.

That's all you wanted was for him to bomb the shit out of ISIS? Or is the war on terror over? Wackamole.

Iraq still fighting ISIL, Abadi admits 

U.S. Kept Silent About Its Role in Another Firefight in Niger
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Why is Toys R Us closing after Trump's tax breaks?

But that's not just because of Trump. Lots of factors have contributed to the comeback in manufacturing.

The president gets credit for boosting overall business optimism and consumer confidence, although both had been rising for years before he took office. But a weaker dollar, which makes it easier for American companies to sell products abroad, and an ever-stronger global economy have also helped factories grow.

More good news came Friday: The manufacturing industry expanded in November for the 15th month in a row, according to the monthly ISM index. It's been growing almost nonstop since a brief five-month recession that began in late 2015.

So far Trump's not doing a HORRIBLE job with the economy but I have a feeling the negatives will come down the road, possibly when he's not even in office anymore. Hopefully that means 2021.
The simple fact is Trump is saying "I didn't do it" through other people, never personally and his lawyer is basically saying to her "you can't talk about that sex".

So, if the sex didn't happen, the lawyer doesn't need to say she can't talk about it. Right?

That simple equation BAFFLES the half brains of Trump cultists......
Now watch them come back and state...."Bill Clinton was a lech also.....:"

What do you hope to gain from laboriously proving that Trump had sex with her? Knowing him, he probably did, but there's no indication that by doing so he broke any laws, and it's not pertinent to the question of campaign finance impropriety.

So again, what do you hope to gain? It's not like you're going to shock anyone who knows anything about Trump. Do you really think you're going to get him out of office over this?

It’s about votes. Even her attorney pretty much admitted that when he said he didn’t care if the evidence would stand up in court, it’s about what the people think that matters.

Say, wouldn’t that be “in kind” contribution!
No more than anyone saying Cohen or Trump violated campaign finance laws.
I think a campaign finance law was broken, you can't spend $130,000 either for the candidate or by the candidate without declaring it.

We don't know if Cohn made an illegal $130,000 contribution, or if the campaign illegally spent $130,000 in undeclared hush money.
The FEC is going to make a determination of whether or not the $130K can be considered a campaign contribution. If they decide it is, someone is in big trouble.
All this bickering... and the Stormy interview got trashed by the Roseanne reboot.

The words "non-issue" come to mind.

Wow, I wonder how Roseanne trashed the Stormy interview seeing as how 60 Minutes airs on Sunday nights and Roseanne is on the ABC Tuesday night lineup.

The Stormy interview was actually pretty good for 60 Minutes pulling in more viewers than any other episode in the last 8 years.

TV Ratings: Stormy Daniels ’60 Minutes’ Interview Scores Big in Early Numbers

The simple fact is Trump is saying "I didn't do it" through other people, never personally and his lawyer is basically saying to her "you can't talk about that sex".

So, if the sex didn't happen, the lawyer doesn't need to say she can't talk about it. Right?

That simple equation BAFFLES the half brains of Trump cultists......
Now watch them come back and state...."Bill Clinton was a lech also.....:"

What do you hope to gain from laboriously proving that Trump had sex with her? Knowing him, he probably did, but there's no indication that by doing so he broke any laws, and it's not pertinent to the question of campaign finance impropriety.

So again, what do you hope to gain? It's not like you're going to shock anyone who knows anything about Trump. Do you really think you're going to get him out of office over this?

It’s about votes. Even her attorney pretty much admitted that when he said he didn’t care if the evidence would stand up in court, it’s about what the people think that matters.

Say, wouldn’t that be “in kind” contribution!

She's playing Trump at Trump's game, and winning.
She's playing Trump at Trump's game, and winning.

The irony is that Stormy's lawyer, with his thuggish bullying and teasing and name-calling, is EXACTLY what Trump could use on his side....LOL.
He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Why is Toys R Us closing after Trump's tax breaks?

But that's not just because of Trump. Lots of factors have contributed to the comeback in manufacturing.

The president gets credit for boosting overall business optimism and consumer confidence, although both had been rising for years before he took office. But a weaker dollar, which makes it easier for American companies to sell products abroad, and an ever-stronger global economy have also helped factories grow.

More good news came Friday: The manufacturing industry expanded in November for the 15th month in a row, according to the monthly ISM index. It's been growing almost nonstop since a brief five-month recession that began in late 2015.

So far Trump's not doing a HORRIBLE job with the economy but I have a feeling the negatives will come down the road, possibly when he's not even in office anymore. Hopefully that means 2021.

Why is Toys R Us closing after Trump's tax breaks?

Amazon killed Toys R Us, not Trump.
She's playing Trump at Trump's game, and winning.

The irony is that Stormy's lawyer, with his thuggish bullying and teasing and name-calling, is EXACTLY what Trump could use on his side....LOL.

It's exactly what Trump would love, which is why you can fight fire with fire. It's the only thing that Trump will ever understand about his time in the White House.

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