Stormy's amended lawsuit: Bad news for Cohen and, you know who...

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Why is Toys R Us closing after Trump's tax breaks?

But that's not just because of Trump. Lots of factors have contributed to the comeback in manufacturing.

The president gets credit for boosting overall business optimism and consumer confidence, although both had been rising for years before he took office. But a weaker dollar, which makes it easier for American companies to sell products abroad, and an ever-stronger global economy have also helped factories grow.

More good news came Friday: The manufacturing industry expanded in November for the 15th month in a row, according to the monthly ISM index. It's been growing almost nonstop since a brief five-month recession that began in late 2015.

So far Trump's not doing a HORRIBLE job with the economy but I have a feeling the negatives will come down the road, possibly when he's not even in office anymore. Hopefully that means 2021.

Brick and mortar is declining.
He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Yea, because now companies don't pay their fair share. Do they pay their workers a fair share? We shall see.

Is the economy growing at a faster rate? How much faster? Because last I checked it looks a lot like Obama's economy. Which is ok because Obama did a great job.

Did Trump grow the economy 4% last year? No he did not. Failure.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

New Trade deals? Some economists have suggested the new deal isn't significantly different from the old one.

Trump appointing a con to the Supreme's is not a campaign promise delivered. I mean it is but of course he was going to appoint a con. Duh.

That's all you wanted was for him to bomb the shit out of ISIS? Or is the war on terror over? Wackamole.

Iraq still fighting ISIL, Abadi admits

U.S. Kept Silent About Its Role in Another Firefight in Niger

The only one that fucked up a recovery worse than maobama was FDR. We have 2 million fewer on food stamps than when Trump took office, yet commiecrats insisted on borrowing money to increase funding for the program. Go figure. The tax breaks only took effect 1 Jan this year, they haven't had time to stimulate the economy much, but it's coming. BTW screw you and your "fair share" commie talking point, it has no meaning.

Also I don't know any trade deal that has been finalized, tell the class which one hasn't changed much and has been finalized.

ISIS has lost their oil fields and thus their primary source of funding, even holy warriors want to be paid. There will be splinter groups popping up here and there but the base organization has been scattered.

He wasn't hired for his charter, he was hired because people believed he would keep is promises to voters. He's already checked off about 70% of his list 15 months in.

No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Why is Toys R Us closing after Trump's tax breaks?

But that's not just because of Trump. Lots of factors have contributed to the comeback in manufacturing.

The president gets credit for boosting overall business optimism and consumer confidence, although both had been rising for years before he took office. But a weaker dollar, which makes it easier for American companies to sell products abroad, and an ever-stronger global economy have also helped factories grow.

More good news came Friday: The manufacturing industry expanded in November for the 15th month in a row, according to the monthly ISM index. It's been growing almost nonstop since a brief five-month recession that began in late 2015.

So far Trump's not doing a HORRIBLE job with the economy but I have a feeling the negatives will come down the road, possibly when he's not even in office anymore. Hopefully that means 2021.

Toys R Us has been on life support for years, increasing competition form Wal Mart, Target and other discount stores along with online competition from Ebay, Amazon and others. Low sales this last season was just the final nail in the coffin. A steel manufacturing company here in TX just announced they are updating their furnaces and expanding hiring a projected 500 more people.

More people who had given up looking for work under maobama are looking for and finding work now and minority unemployment is at record lows. Things are coming along nicely and will continue to do so.

"Hey Stormy, you really remind me of Darla. Now here's MY Times mag....let's do this you VIxen!"

The Real "Spanky"
By the way, SNAP participation rates have been falling for years due to Obamas implemented policies! :113:


Anywhoo, Stormy is working David Dennison who hasn't fault back after noting he fights back 10 times harder! So there's that.:blowpop:
No he hasn’t.

Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Yea, because now companies don't pay their fair share. Do they pay their workers a fair share? We shall see.

Is the economy growing at a faster rate? How much faster? Because last I checked it looks a lot like Obama's economy. Which is ok because Obama did a great job.

Did Trump grow the economy 4% last year? No he did not. Failure.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

New Trade deals? Some economists have suggested the new deal isn't significantly different from the old one.

Trump appointing a con to the Supreme's is not a campaign promise delivered. I mean it is but of course he was going to appoint a con. Duh.

That's all you wanted was for him to bomb the shit out of ISIS? Or is the war on terror over? Wackamole.

Iraq still fighting ISIL, Abadi admits

U.S. Kept Silent About Its Role in Another Firefight in Niger

The only one that fucked up a recovery worse than maobama was FDR. We have 2 million fewer on food stamps than when Trump took office, yet commiecrats insisted on borrowing money to increase funding for the program. Go figure. The tax breaks only took effect 1 Jan this year, they haven't had time to stimulate the economy much, but it's coming. BTW screw you and your "fair share" commie talking point, it has no meaning.

Also I don't know any trade deal that has been finalized, tell the class which one hasn't changed much and has been finalized.

ISIS has lost their oil fields and thus their primary source of funding, even holy warriors want to be paid. There will be splinter groups popping up here and there but the base organization has been scattered.

Wack a mole. It’s why obama didn’t waste his time
Yeah, you keep thinking that.
Well I'm not going to say he hasn't been a Republican. He's appointed stooges to the EPA, he's defunded planned parenthood so far, he's deregulated, he's rolled back some obama era stuff, he appointed a supreme court justice. I'm not going to say it's been like it would be if a Democrat were in office. That would be a lie and of course I would prefer a Democrat be in charge, so I know just based on the basics of course you are happier with Trump than you would be with Hillary. So I'll give you that.

But Trump has let you down more than Obama let us down. Want to see?

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

He hasn't gotten shit accomplished really. Much like Obama didn't in 2009 and it cost him in the midterms, just like it will cost Republicans this november. Yes I will keep telling myself and you that until it happens in November.

Trump got his tax plan through, and no one gives a fuck. Same with Obama getting the ACA passed. That's it? LOL.

The market is tanking because of his trade deals. Gas prices have gone up. Has he made America great again? Nope. Are people going to stay home? Not us.

Companies coming back/expanding
Economy growing at a faster rate
New trade deals
He promised to do away with two regs for every new one, the actual ratio is 16 go for every new one.
Bomb the shit out of ISIS, check

I could go on but I have to go.

Yea, because now companies don't pay their fair share. Do they pay their workers a fair share? We shall see.

Is the economy growing at a faster rate? How much faster? Because last I checked it looks a lot like Obama's economy. Which is ok because Obama did a great job.

Did Trump grow the economy 4% last year? No he did not. Failure.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

New Trade deals? Some economists have suggested the new deal isn't significantly different from the old one.

Trump appointing a con to the Supreme's is not a campaign promise delivered. I mean it is but of course he was going to appoint a con. Duh.

That's all you wanted was for him to bomb the shit out of ISIS? Or is the war on terror over? Wackamole.

Iraq still fighting ISIL, Abadi admits

U.S. Kept Silent About Its Role in Another Firefight in Niger

The only one that fucked up a recovery worse than maobama was FDR. We have 2 million fewer on food stamps than when Trump took office, yet commiecrats insisted on borrowing money to increase funding for the program. Go figure. The tax breaks only took effect 1 Jan this year, they haven't had time to stimulate the economy much, but it's coming. BTW screw you and your "fair share" commie talking point, it has no meaning.

Also I don't know any trade deal that has been finalized, tell the class which one hasn't changed much and has been finalized.

ISIS has lost their oil fields and thus their primary source of funding, even holy warriors want to be paid. There will be splinter groups popping up here and there but the base organization has been scattered.

Wack a mole. It’s why obama didn’t waste his time

Yeah, Libia, Syria, Niger and Yemen come to mind in maobamas wack a mole adventures. LMAO

Where did these so-called lawyers who represent the Trump entourage graduate from. (maybe Trump U.?)

Yesterday, this lawyer emphasized that Trump knew NOTHING about the non-disclosure agreement that Cohen had drawn up with Stormy Daniels to NOT reveal her "dealings" with Trump days before the campaign.

Not only did Cohen have to borrow the $130,000 from his own home equity, but the very reason fro the NDA links Trump with Daniels.

Now, this moron of a lawyer, just nullified one of the 2 parties (Trump) in the NDA and I'd give this hack a few more days before he is back to chasing ambulances. ...maybe.

(where do they find these so-called lawyers?
Where did these so-called lawyers who represent the Trump entourage graduate from. (maybe Trump U.?)

Yesterday, this lawyer emphasized that Trump knew NOTHING about the non-disclosure agreement that Cohen had drawn up with Stormy Daniels to NOT reveal her "dealings" with Trump days before the campaign.

Not only did Cohen have to borrow the $130,000 from his own home equity, but the very reason fro the NDA links Trump with Daniels.

Now, this moron of a lawyer, just nullified one of the 2 parties (Trump) in the NDA and I'd give this hack a few more days before he is back to chasing ambulances. ...maybe.

(where do they find these so-called lawyers?

Damn you're stupid, the NDA reads, and or, meaning Cohen could consummate the agreement with out Trump. Evidently you and the greedy bitch need better legal advice.

Damn you're stupid, the NDA reads, and or, meaning Cohen could consummate the agreement with out Trump. Evidently you and the greedy bitch need better legal advice.

So, the NDA is about Cohen......and, as his lawyer has CLEARLY stated, the NDA was written without Trump's knowledge???...................careful there, Tigger.......LOL
Where did these so-called lawyers who represent the Trump entourage graduate from. (maybe Trump U.?)

Yesterday, this lawyer emphasized that Trump knew NOTHING about the non-disclosure agreement that Cohen had drawn up with Stormy Daniels to NOT reveal her "dealings" with Trump days before the campaign.

Not only did Cohen have to borrow the $130,000 from his own home equity, but the very reason fro the NDA links Trump with Daniels.

Now, this moron of a lawyer, just nullified one of the 2 parties (Trump) in the NDA and I'd give this hack a few more days before he is back to chasing ambulances. ...maybe.

(where do they find these so-called lawyers?
He went on: "It appears that Michael Cohen managed to hire a lawyer who is even more incompetent than himself. Cohen's lawyer is a complete train wreck in this interview."

Cliffords is suing Trump to toss the nondisclosure agreement that prevented her from publicly talking about the alleged affair in detail. Both Cohen and the White House have denied her accusations.
He went on: "It appears that Michael Cohen managed to hire a lawyer who is even more incompetent than himself. Cohen's lawyer is a complete train wreck in this interview."

What this hack of a "lawyer" has unwittingly done is to make a deposition by Trump much more likely.
The fun
He went on: "It appears that Michael Cohen managed to hire a lawyer who is even more incompetent than himself. Cohen's lawyer is a complete train wreck in this interview."

What this hack of a "lawyer" has unwittingly done is to make a deposition by Trump much more likely.
The fun ensues.;;;;lol
You gotta love the way these idiots dig their own graves.
Whar's confusing them is just the nature of her game. WiiiWoo....WiiWoo
Whar's confusing them is just the nature of her game. WiiiWoo....WiiWoo

The logic seems to be way beyond trump cultists' comprehension.

IF the NDA was written to prevent Daniels from revealing her affair with Trump.....AND, if Trump is completely unaware of this NDA, simple logic would dictate.....the NDA is nullified.
Damn you're stupid, the NDA reads, and or, meaning Cohen could consummate the agreement with out Trump. Evidently you and the greedy bitch need better legal advice.

So, the NDA is about Cohen......and, as his lawyer has CLEARLY stated, the NDA was written without Trump's knowledge???...................careful there, Tigger.......LOL

Do you have proof Trump knew? That was really a rhetorical question, we all know you never worry about truth or facts in your ignorant assumptions.

Do you have proof Trump knew? That was really a rhetorical question, we all know you never worry about truth or facts in your ignorant assumptions.

Watch it all play out, Tigger.......Enjoy the expose.

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