Strength of British military falls for ninth year

They have the United States to protect them.
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts. Not that it wasn´t the UK´s own fault - after all they gave up on their sovereignty.
exactly = ''as FAR ''as you know
So name a conflict of the past 30 years where the UK didn´t partake.
you really fk up this time
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts.
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
Yes. Do you know how we trade with Iran? With stone age barter.

So what?

Wonderful. But we need Russia. Russia is a neighbor too. The USA is not a neighbor. The USA lives on another continent.

Yes, Russia delivers important resources reliably and without conditions. We should deepen that partnership.[/quote]

Who is "we"? Germany?

What is fear mongering?


When I go out and buy stuff nearly nothing is made in Germany. So what?

More than you think is made in Germany. Foodstuffs ect. All made in Germany, moron.

Okay - then I will buy in future the German bananas and oranges and not tomatoes from Greece, Italy, Spain or Netherlands and sardines not from Marroko and ... ... ... On which planet do you live, Pseudo-German?
European armies on the decline. Dwindling state and security. Core responsibility of the state: Ensure the rich get richer.

Strength of British military falls for ninth year
Totally ass-backwards assessment.
The Brits can't afford a large standing army because socialism eats up all of the money. Right now they're paying for millions of migrants that are living off of the rest of the country's taxes.

You think the UK is socialist when it's got the most right wing government it's had for years, probably ever?

Your migrants statement is nonsense.
Weird how it may be the most rightwing....but that's only because of the influence of Islam.
Islam is as rightwing as you can get.

But the fact is....Socialism is rightwing compared to Communism.
Okay - then I will buy in future the German bananas and oranges and not tomatoes from Greece, Italy, Spain or Netherlands and sardines not from Marroko and ... ... ... On which planet do you live, Pseudo-German?
Oh, Bananas are not made in Germany?
They have the United States to protect them.
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts. Not that it wasn´t the UK´s own fault - after all they gave up on their sovereignty.
exactly = ''as FAR ''as you know
So name a conflict of the past 30 years where the UK didn´t partake.
you really fk up this time
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts.
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
Good they don´t mess with the Russian, right?
Don´t get me wrong. I am lucky those regimes have little power to raid other countries.
They have the United States to protect them.
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts. Not that it wasn´t the UK´s own fault - after all they gave up on their sovereignty.
exactly = ''as FAR ''as you know
So name a conflict of the past 30 years where the UK didn´t partake.
you really fk up this time
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts.
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
you have NO proof at all--just babble crap
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts. Not that it wasn´t the UK´s own fault - after all they gave up on their sovereignty.
exactly = ''as FAR ''as you know
So name a conflict of the past 30 years where the UK didn´t partake.
you really fk up this time
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts.
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
you have NO proof at all--just babble crap
Proof for?
exactly = ''as FAR ''as you know
So name a conflict of the past 30 years where the UK didn´t partake.
you really fk up this time
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts.
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
you have NO proof at all--just babble crap
Proof for?
So name a conflict of the past 30 years where the UK didn´t partake.
you really fk up this time
As far as I know the US has pushed the UK into various armed conflicts.
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
you have NO proof at all--just babble crap
Proof for?
It is pushing nonetheless. There would be no British initiative.
you really fk up this time
1. you even admit you don't know for sure/researched/etc this
2. PUSHED--please prove they were pushed and did not willingly help
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
you have NO proof at all--just babble crap
Proof for?
It is pushing nonetheless. There would be no British initiative.
impressive evidence
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
Good they don´t mess with the Russian, right?
Don´t get me wrong. I am lucky those regimes have little power to raid other countries.

Russia is not the military powerhouse they once were
NATO can crush them

That is why Putin needs Trump to upset the alliance
The butt crawlers of course willingly help but are unable to act independently. You could have figured that out by reading my whole comment!

Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again
you have NO proof at all--just babble crap
Proof for?
It is pushing nonetheless. There would be no British initiative.
impressive evidence
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
Good they don´t mess with the Russian, right?
Don´t get me wrong. I am lucky those regimes have little power to raid other countries.

Russia is not the military powerhouse they once were
NATO can crush them

That is why Putin needs Trump to upset the alliance
I have serious doubts that Nato can crush Russia. In fact, the European militaries are not much of a help. You can hear Trump raging about that. He knows, he cannot take on Russia alone but with those European reserve gear armies it would be even harder.
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
Good they don´t mess with the Russian, right?
Don´t get me wrong. I am lucky those regimes have little power to raid other countries.

Russia is not the military powerhouse they once were
NATO can crush them

That is why Putin needs Trump to upset the alliance
I have serious doubts that Nato can crush Russia. In fact, the European militaries are not much of a help. You can hear Trump raging about that. He knows, he cannot take on Russia alone but with those European reserve gear armies it would be even harder.

Russia is a paper tiger
They have large numbers of troops, tanks, planes, ships

But they are poorly trained, poorly maintained and obsolete.

Those allies could easily handle Russia
The table is useless. For example Germany does not have 408 tanks or 710 aircraft. We have twenty-nine Tornados and four Eurofighters ready for combat. 95 tanks ready for combat.
Not a single submarine is ready for combat.
Even brand new stuff is trash. Out of 97 tanks, planes and choppers newly delivered, only 38 were ready for combat.
The table also shows the impressive number of US aircraft but doesn´t take Russia´s exquisite air defense into consideration.

Less than half of German jets ready for action
Bundeswehr: Neue Panzer nur bedingt einsatzbereit - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik
Landesverteidigung ungenügend: Mehr als die Hälfte der Leopard-2-Panzer nicht einsatzbereit
Alle U-Boote kaputt - Deutschlands Flotte macht Zwangsurlaub
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
Good they don´t mess with the Russian, right?
Don´t get me wrong. I am lucky those regimes have little power to raid other countries.

Russia is not the military powerhouse they once were
NATO can crush them

That is why Putin needs Trump to upset the alliance
I have serious doubts that Nato can crush Russia. In fact, the European militaries are not much of a help. You can hear Trump raging about that. He knows, he cannot take on Russia alone but with those European reserve gear armies it would be even harder.
..if Russia [ USSR ] FAILED, you trust their military is ''just as good''?
The UK no longer has a colonial empire to defend

They don’t need much to defend their island
Good they don´t mess with the Russian, right?
Don´t get me wrong. I am lucky those regimes have little power to raid other countries.

Russia is not the military powerhouse they once were
NATO can crush them

That is why Putin needs Trump to upset the alliance
I have serious doubts that Nato can crush Russia. In fact, the European militaries are not much of a help. You can hear Trump raging about that. He knows, he cannot take on Russia alone but with those European reserve gear armies it would be even harder.

Russia is a paper tiger
They have large numbers of troops, tanks, planes, ships

But they are poorly trained, poorly maintained and obsolete.

Those allies could easily handle Russia
In fact, times of Jelzin are over and the Russian military is back.
Vladimir Putin says Russia's military is stronger than any potential foe

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