Strictly my opinion as to how long Trump will last.....

Trump is neither a conservative or a liberal. He's a demagogue. His follower are more cultists than conservatives.

It won't be long before his administration comes crashing down. If the GOP doesn't have the balls to impeach him, then they'll lose congress in the next election.

Once the Dems control congress, Trump will be history.

A demagogue is a someone who appeals to emotion rather than reasoned argument, often negative emotions.

Like telling one half of the nation that the other half of the nation is "deplorable" and are "nazies" voting for a "madman" who will start a "nuclear war".

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
1. You libs keep saying that. Someday you will be right. Hopefully not this time.

2. The Russia things is made up nonsense. It will not go away, as you lefties have NOTHING, but it will not do anything. Your concern about conflicts of interests is dismissed as partisan filler.

3. It is his FIRST MONTH, in a new position.

1. We have no idea of Trumps medical condition. We know he lies about his height and weight. We know he had a phony doctor make up a medical report declaring him the most fir President ever. What we do know is what we see....Trump does not look healthy. We will see what 4 years of the Presidency does to him

2. The Russian thing is real. Trump aids did contact Russian agents. Putin has a file on Trump and probably his wife. Given the past of both, I imagine Putin could have some damaging information. Trump has not come clean on his finances. We don't know what connections he maintains. Every executive action he takes could lead to conflicts of interest. Some potentially illegal

3. It is the first month. The time usually called the honeymoon period. Trump has moved from one disaster to the next...tweeting all the way. Will Trump reach a point where he says....Fuck it!

1. You guys said the same shit about McCain not living to see the end of his potential administration.

2. The russian thing is a joke. A sad one. ON you. YOur concern about corruption in partisan bs.

3. The lack of a Honeymoon period is on you and yours, not Trump. Trump will learn the job like he has all others and crush it. He banning of cnn was a great sign!

McCain is not the guy he was in 2000. Neither is Trump. We don't know if McCain could have withstood 8 years as President. Being a Senator is relatively easy

You guys keep saying >>>>move along, nothing to see here when it comes to Trump's ties to Russia. Russia helped Trump get elected. Russia hacked our government and Trump is unwilling to do anything about it, Putin has stuff on Trump and probably his wife.........Don't think it will not come up in the next 4 years

Before he was elected, the knock on Trump was that he didn't have the temperament for the office...nothing in that assessment has changed

1. But McCain was supposed to be a hothead. A hothead with an old guy heart. And yet he is completely fine.

2. Cause there is nothing there. "hacked our government"? LOL! Hacked the dem campaign MAYBE. NOthing will come up. Trump is a three time divorcee, and the first lady is a former model. Nothing new is going to come out. Your media will make up shit, but that is a different matter.

3. THat is your biased opinion and reflects on Trump in no way. Your anger is not a fault of his.

We shall see...we shall see

Hate to tell you but a foreign power conducting a cyber attack against our politicians is attacking our government. What oh what can Putin have on Trump and Bride of Trump? A playboy and a former model/porn star/ escort. Who have they had affairs with? What has been secretly recorded? What shady business deals has Trump engaged in? Where are the skeletons?

Only Putin knows for sure

Your hopes are noted.

Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
1. We have no idea of Trumps medical condition. We know he lies about his height and weight. We know he had a phony doctor make up a medical report declaring him the most fir President ever. What we do know is what we see....Trump does not look healthy. We will see what 4 years of the Presidency does to him

2. The Russian thing is real. Trump aids did contact Russian agents. Putin has a file on Trump and probably his wife. Given the past of both, I imagine Putin could have some damaging information. Trump has not come clean on his finances. We don't know what connections he maintains. Every executive action he takes could lead to conflicts of interest. Some potentially illegal

3. It is the first month. The time usually called the honeymoon period. Trump has moved from one disaster to the next...tweeting all the way. Will Trump reach a point where he says....Fuck it!

1. You guys said the same shit about McCain not living to see the end of his potential administration.

2. The russian thing is a joke. A sad one. ON you. YOur concern about corruption in partisan bs.

3. The lack of a Honeymoon period is on you and yours, not Trump. Trump will learn the job like he has all others and crush it. He banning of cnn was a great sign!

McCain is not the guy he was in 2000. Neither is Trump. We don't know if McCain could have withstood 8 years as President. Being a Senator is relatively easy

You guys keep saying >>>>move along, nothing to see here when it comes to Trump's ties to Russia. Russia helped Trump get elected. Russia hacked our government and Trump is unwilling to do anything about it, Putin has stuff on Trump and probably his wife.........Don't think it will not come up in the next 4 years

Before he was elected, the knock on Trump was that he didn't have the temperament for the office...nothing in that assessment has changed

No it's for certain to come up in 2 years when Democrats take over both houses. That's the point. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.

That's why it is CRITICAL for Republicans to be the spear on this immediately, otherwise you'll have another scandal that Democrats will be campaigning on. A COVER UP.

If the Republican party is to survive, they have to get rid of Trump as quickly as they can. There is no other way.

2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

By electing Trump you have awoken a sleeping Giant. Massive protests everywhere, Republican town halls constituents are very angry. They are now midterm voters, and activists against the Republican party. Trump and this Russian connection is all over the news, his ridiculous daily lies, etc. etc. IOW It's not going to get any better for him, nor the Republican Party.

This article explains that we're looking at another 2010 all over again, but this country is going to go BLUE in 2018.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Even my Republican Congressmen Doug Lamborn, who has been seated in his seat for many years in Colorado Springs is feeling the heat. This is a very conservative District of Colorado. Town hall constituents showed up at his scheduled town hall event, and he didn't show up, out of fear. Now in March he wants to do a "telephone town hall" and people are PISSED.

So there's no Republican "safe seat"--not with all of this going on.

I think all the outrage is premature and will run its course. When Republicans actually DO anything with healthcare, the outrage will come

Obamacare is becoming like Social Security and Medicare. People may complain about it but if you try to take it away it become a third rail issue
1. You libs keep saying that. Someday you will be right. Hopefully not this time.

2. The Russia things is made up nonsense. It will not go away, as you lefties have NOTHING, but it will not do anything. Your concern about conflicts of interests is dismissed as partisan filler.

3. It is his FIRST MONTH, in a new position.

1. We have no idea of Trumps medical condition. We know he lies about his height and weight. We know he had a phony doctor make up a medical report declaring him the most fir President ever. What we do know is what we see....Trump does not look healthy. We will see what 4 years of the Presidency does to him

2. The Russian thing is real. Trump aids did contact Russian agents. Putin has a file on Trump and probably his wife. Given the past of both, I imagine Putin could have some damaging information. Trump has not come clean on his finances. We don't know what connections he maintains. Every executive action he takes could lead to conflicts of interest. Some potentially illegal

3. It is the first month. The time usually called the honeymoon period. Trump has moved from one disaster to the next...tweeting all the way. Will Trump reach a point where he says....Fuck it!

1. You guys said the same shit about McCain not living to see the end of his potential administration.

2. The russian thing is a joke. A sad one. ON you. YOur concern about corruption in partisan bs.

3. The lack of a Honeymoon period is on you and yours, not Trump. Trump will learn the job like he has all others and crush it. He banning of cnn was a great sign!

McCain is not the guy he was in 2000. Neither is Trump. We don't know if McCain could have withstood 8 years as President. Being a Senator is relatively easy

You guys keep saying >>>>move along, nothing to see here when it comes to Trump's ties to Russia. Russia helped Trump get elected. Russia hacked our government and Trump is unwilling to do anything about it, Putin has stuff on Trump and probably his wife.........Don't think it will not come up in the next 4 years

Before he was elected, the knock on Trump was that he didn't have the temperament for the office...nothing in that assessment has changed

No it's for certain to come up in 2 years when Democrats take over both houses. That's the point. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.

That's why it is CRITICAL for Republicans to be the spear on this immediately, otherwise you'll have another scandal that Democrats will be campaigning on. A COVER UP.

If the Republican party is to survive, they have to get rid of Trump as quickly as they can. There is no other way.

2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.

1. We have no idea of Trumps medical condition. We know he lies about his height and weight. We know he had a phony doctor make up a medical report declaring him the most fir President ever. What we do know is what we see....Trump does not look healthy. We will see what 4 years of the Presidency does to him

2. The Russian thing is real. Trump aids did contact Russian agents. Putin has a file on Trump and probably his wife. Given the past of both, I imagine Putin could have some damaging information. Trump has not come clean on his finances. We don't know what connections he maintains. Every executive action he takes could lead to conflicts of interest. Some potentially illegal

3. It is the first month. The time usually called the honeymoon period. Trump has moved from one disaster to the next...tweeting all the way. Will Trump reach a point where he says....Fuck it!

1. You guys said the same shit about McCain not living to see the end of his potential administration.

2. The russian thing is a joke. A sad one. ON you. YOur concern about corruption in partisan bs.

3. The lack of a Honeymoon period is on you and yours, not Trump. Trump will learn the job like he has all others and crush it. He banning of cnn was a great sign!

McCain is not the guy he was in 2000. Neither is Trump. We don't know if McCain could have withstood 8 years as President. Being a Senator is relatively easy

You guys keep saying >>>>move along, nothing to see here when it comes to Trump's ties to Russia. Russia helped Trump get elected. Russia hacked our government and Trump is unwilling to do anything about it, Putin has stuff on Trump and probably his wife.........Don't think it will not come up in the next 4 years

Before he was elected, the knock on Trump was that he didn't have the temperament for the office...nothing in that assessment has changed

No it's for certain to come up in 2 years when Democrats take over both houses. That's the point. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.

That's why it is CRITICAL for Republicans to be the spear on this immediately, otherwise you'll have another scandal that Democrats will be campaigning on. A COVER UP.

If the Republican party is to survive, they have to get rid of Trump as quickly as they can. There is no other way.

2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.


Kind of like the strategy Trump used to get elected
Of course, right wing morons on here will post "'re opinion is worthless"...But this forum is either based on people's opinions or ....for right wingers....whatever Hannity tells them to spew.

Anyway, Trump's demise will be after the mid-term elections, when some right wingers who are currently hunkered down in their DC bunkers because of fear of town halls participants' ire, will get the boot.

Other current right wingers in congress who are not up for least in this cycle....will learn the candid lesson that to back a charlatan may not be "healthy" for their sorry asses.

The only caveat is that protests have started a bit too early, and had these protests been in the summer of 2018, GOPers would be in a worse panic than they are now. Hopefully, Trump will piss off people throughout the next 20 he has done in just ONE month.
You are inflating Trump's ability to last. The Ides of March is approaching.
Will you ever get tired of sucking obamas dick?
Meh.........Trump has grabbed Red State conservatives by the P#$%Y and now controls YOU and your ILK.

View attachment 114098▶ 1:36

20,000,000+ Americans who have insurance under the Affordable Care Act will not allow the Republicans to take that away without putting-up a fight.

At least that number have had their lives destroyed because of Obamacare… They lost their insurance, they cant afford their insurance, they lost their doctor/hospital.
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?
1. You guys said the same shit about McCain not living to see the end of his potential administration.

2. The russian thing is a joke. A sad one. ON you. YOur concern about corruption in partisan bs.

3. The lack of a Honeymoon period is on you and yours, not Trump. Trump will learn the job like he has all others and crush it. He banning of cnn was a great sign!

McCain is not the guy he was in 2000. Neither is Trump. We don't know if McCain could have withstood 8 years as President. Being a Senator is relatively easy

You guys keep saying >>>>move along, nothing to see here when it comes to Trump's ties to Russia. Russia helped Trump get elected. Russia hacked our government and Trump is unwilling to do anything about it, Putin has stuff on Trump and probably his wife.........Don't think it will not come up in the next 4 years

Before he was elected, the knock on Trump was that he didn't have the temperament for the office...nothing in that assessment has changed

No it's for certain to come up in 2 years when Democrats take over both houses. That's the point. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.

That's why it is CRITICAL for Republicans to be the spear on this immediately, otherwise you'll have another scandal that Democrats will be campaigning on. A COVER UP.

If the Republican party is to survive, they have to get rid of Trump as quickly as they can. There is no other way.

2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.


Kind of like the strategy Trump used to get elected

1. I like that you did not dishonestly deny my observation of your plan.

2. Trump? Mr Trade and Immigration policy? NO, you must be thinking of someone else.
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?

The Deep State is the idea that the functionaries in the government, have their own vested interests and will pursue them regardless of who is charge.

I haven't used it much in the past, but the actions of many government officials in this election and early administration has, imo, given the paradigm a big boost in credibility.
Of course, right wing morons on here will post "'re opinion is worthless"...But this forum is either based on people's opinions or ....for right wingers....whatever Hannity tells them to spew.

Anyway, Trump's demise will be after the mid-term elections, when some right wingers who are currently hunkered down in their DC bunkers because of fear of town halls participants' ire, will get the boot.

Other current right wingers in congress who are not up for least in this cycle....will learn the candid lesson that to back a charlatan may not be "healthy" for their sorry asses.

The only caveat is that protests have started a bit too early, and had these protests been in the summer of 2018, GOPers would be in a worse panic than they are now. Hopefully, Trump will piss off people throughout the next 20 he has done in just ONE month.
Didn't they say the same thing about Reagan?
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?

The Deep State is the idea that the functionaries in the government, have their own vested interests and will pursue them regardless of who is charge.

I haven't used it much in the past, but the actions of many government officials in this election and early administration has, imo, given the paradigm a big boost in credibility.
Elected officials or employees?
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?

The Deep State is the idea that the functionaries in the government, have their own vested interests and will pursue them regardless of who is charge.

I haven't used it much in the past, but the actions of many government officials in this election and early administration has, imo, given the paradigm a big boost in credibility.
Elected officials or employees?

McCain is not the guy he was in 2000. Neither is Trump. We don't know if McCain could have withstood 8 years as President. Being a Senator is relatively easy

You guys keep saying >>>>move along, nothing to see here when it comes to Trump's ties to Russia. Russia helped Trump get elected. Russia hacked our government and Trump is unwilling to do anything about it, Putin has stuff on Trump and probably his wife.........Don't think it will not come up in the next 4 years

Before he was elected, the knock on Trump was that he didn't have the temperament for the office...nothing in that assessment has changed

No it's for certain to come up in 2 years when Democrats take over both houses. That's the point. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.

That's why it is CRITICAL for Republicans to be the spear on this immediately, otherwise you'll have another scandal that Democrats will be campaigning on. A COVER UP.

If the Republican party is to survive, they have to get rid of Trump as quickly as they can. There is no other way.

2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.


Kind of like the strategy Trump used to get elected

1. I like that you did not dishonestly deny my observation of your plan.

2. Trump? Mr Trade and Immigration policy? NO, you must be thinking of someone else.

Sorry to challenge your delusion

No, there is not a coordinated cabal of the press, leftists and Democrats to make it appear that Trump is immensely unpopular

Trump is constantly challenged because he continually lies, bullies and avoids questions. Trumps popularity both at home and abroad are at historic lows for a new President

Trump has only himself to blame
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?

The Deep State is the idea that the functionaries in the government, have their own vested interests and will pursue them regardless of who is charge.

I haven't used it much in the past, but the actions of many government officials in this election and early administration has, imo, given the paradigm a big boost in credibility.
I was a member of that Deep State from Jimmy Carter to Obama. We had a job to do and were dedicated to accomplishing it regardless of the political party in charge. Each incoming administration had their own agenda and political debts to be paid.
We did our jobs in the face of hiring freezes, cutbacks, government shutdowns and petty insults from politicians who had no concept of what we do.
No it's for certain to come up in 2 years when Democrats take over both houses. That's the point. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what Democrats will do with Treason.

That's why it is CRITICAL for Republicans to be the spear on this immediately, otherwise you'll have another scandal that Democrats will be campaigning on. A COVER UP.

If the Republican party is to survive, they have to get rid of Trump as quickly as they can. There is no other way.

2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.


Kind of like the strategy Trump used to get elected

1. I like that you did not dishonestly deny my observation of your plan.

2. Trump? Mr Trade and Immigration policy? NO, you must be thinking of someone else.

Sorry to challenge your delusion

No, there is not a coordinated cabal of the press, leftists and Democrats to make it appear that Trump is immensely unpopular

Trump is constantly challenged because he continually lies, bullies and avoids questions. Trumps popularity both at home and abroad are at historic lows for a new President

Trump has only himself to blame

1. Plan is a strong word. More like mindless stimulus response. But your defense against the very likely Trump success is obviously to lie loudly to mislead people.

2. Trump is challenged because he is a problem for the Lefty Agenda. If he was an ally, he would be a harmless eccentric. Adn he would get a pass.
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?

The Deep State is the idea that the functionaries in the government, have their own vested interests and will pursue them regardless of who is charge.

I haven't used it much in the past, but the actions of many government officials in this election and early administration has, imo, given the paradigm a big boost in credibility.
I was a member of that Deep State from Jimmy Carter to Obama. We had a job to do and were dedicated to accomplishing it regardless of the political party in charge. Each incoming administration had their own agenda and political debts to be paid.
We did our jobs in the face of hiring freezes, cutbacks, government shutdowns and petty insults from politicians who had no concept of what we do.

Did you do what you wanted to, even if it was against the direction from above?
Lets us hope the Deep State doesn't manage to sabotage Trump's policy of NOT fucking with Russia, and we can have peace.
I've heard this "deep state" thing a few times over the last few days. What is your definition of that?

The Deep State is the idea that the functionaries in the government, have their own vested interests and will pursue them regardless of who is charge.

I haven't used it much in the past, but the actions of many government officials in this election and early administration has, imo, given the paradigm a big boost in credibility.
I was a member of that Deep State from Jimmy Carter to Obama. We had a job to do and were dedicated to accomplishing it regardless of the political party in charge. Each incoming administration had their own agenda and political debts to be paid.
We did our jobs in the face of hiring freezes, cutbacks, government shutdowns and petty insults from politicians who had no concept of what we do.

Did you do what you wanted to, even if it was against the direction from above?

Of course not but we followed federal regulations. Something that even Trump is not allowed to violate. We also had whistle blower protections to allow us to report willful violations of the law
2018 should be another bloodbath for Dems. Republicans still have a gerrymandered House and Dems are defending 20 Senate seats.

Under normal conditions Dems once again get clobbered in a midterm

The wildcard is Trump

Repeal Obamacare and offer nothing to replace it
Engage our troops in a war
Have the economy crash

The public will turn on Republicans like crazy

YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.


Kind of like the strategy Trump used to get elected

1. I like that you did not dishonestly deny my observation of your plan.

2. Trump? Mr Trade and Immigration policy? NO, you must be thinking of someone else.

Sorry to challenge your delusion

No, there is not a coordinated cabal of the press, leftists and Democrats to make it appear that Trump is immensely unpopular

Trump is constantly challenged because he continually lies, bullies and avoids questions. Trumps popularity both at home and abroad are at historic lows for a new President

Trump has only himself to blame

1. Plan is a strong word. More like mindless stimulus response. But your defense against the very likely Trump success is obviously to lie loudly to mislead people.

2. Trump is challenged because he is a problem for the Lefty Agenda. If he was an ally, he would be a harmless eccentric. Adn he would get a pass.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON. There is no getting around that.

So your options are:

1. Republicans remove him from office immediately, to save the party and their honor.
2. Keep him in office, and take the whole Republican party out in 2018 -- 2020, and beyond.

There are no other options. This is not going away because you or Trump want it too. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) I think you can imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON.


Those phone records never go away, they're there forever. Shep Smith is stating in the above video, that Trump campaign aids were on the telephone with Russian officials the very day that the DNC was being hacked.
Last edited:
YOu know that the bar for success, ie to do better than the Statue Quo, is so low that his achieving it is almost a given.

HOWEVER, with enough noise, PERHAPS, you lefties can create the illusion that he has failed. If you lie FAST ENOUGH and LOUD ENOUGH.

All you have is Panic Mongering and Hate Mongering.

Which is all you have had for a long time.

And yet you think that that will be the Foundation for an Utopia once you change the demographics enough to make America an One Party State.


Kind of like the strategy Trump used to get elected

1. I like that you did not dishonestly deny my observation of your plan.

2. Trump? Mr Trade and Immigration policy? NO, you must be thinking of someone else.

Sorry to challenge your delusion

No, there is not a coordinated cabal of the press, leftists and Democrats to make it appear that Trump is immensely unpopular

Trump is constantly challenged because he continually lies, bullies and avoids questions. Trumps popularity both at home and abroad are at historic lows for a new President

Trump has only himself to blame

1. Plan is a strong word. More like mindless stimulus response. But your defense against the very likely Trump success is obviously to lie loudly to mislead people.

2. Trump is challenged because he is a problem for the Lefty Agenda. If he was an ally, he would be a harmless eccentric. Adn he would get a pass.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON. There is no getting around that.

So your options are:

1. Republicans remove him from office immediately, to save the party and their honor.
2. Keep him in office, and take the whole Republican party out in 2018 -- 2020, and beyond.

There are no other options. This is not going away because you or Trump want it too. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) I think you can imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON.


Those phone records never go away, they're there forever. Shep Smith is stating in the above video, that Trump campaign aids were on the telephone with Russian officials the very day that the DNC was being hacked.

YOur raving is funny.

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