Student ARRESTED for posting racist comments about black classmate


For the love of ass rape.

This is what it's come to?

Little black bitches can't take a little name calling. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
A little name calling? Do you know what was said? Can you post it here?
Really? Can you? The same OP is available to you both, failed business owner. It wasn’t a threat per the OP just racist language.
Would you call it a little name calling that some little black bitches couldn’t handle?
I believe the world overall but mostly western cultures have become way too sensitive. I do not go out of my way to insult people unless provoked. But you just push buttons on purpose so you deserve all you get, same for other hypocrites.
Thanks for sharing, what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
The fact that you’re trying to derail it
Haha, what did I say that makes you think I’m trying to derail?!
By asking snide questions to derail from the OP's premise that even mean speech is protected by 1st amendment rights.
Snide questions?! I was asking if the people commenting knew what the kid actually said... they obviously didn’t because they avoided answering. MisterB finally posted details. Don’t you think it important to know the context and actual words used to properly discuss this topic? Or do you just enjoy ignorantly jumping on the side of those taking the opportunity to call black people monkeys and leaches?
How come MisterB found it and you could not?
I could... but I was reading people’s comments who obviously hadn’t taken the time to see what the kid actually said. So I was questioning them. Does that bother you?
That you're lazy? Not remotely. Explains why your businesses failed though.
Who’s trying to derail now? Troll
You admitted you were lazy. Not sure what else I can tell say about that.
I admitted no such thing. You just like to twist statements into lies and then repeat to provoke and distract from the topic. So when you make claims that I was trying to derail the thread, it’s simply a joke. You’re a troll and a hypocrite. Go be a father to your girls and focus your energy on your children... stop wasting time trying to antagonize people on message boards. Is this really the best way for you to spend your time?!
So you weren't trying to derail the thread? If I said the Celtics beat the Wizards, you would ask me to post the scoreboard vs. just looking it up yourself? Come on man.

For the love of ass rape.

This is what it's come to?

Little black bitches can't take a little name calling. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
A little name calling? Do you know what was said? Can you post it here?
Really? Can you? The same OP is available to you both, failed business owner. It wasn’t a threat per the OP just racist language.
Would you call it a little name calling that some little black bitches couldn’t handle?
I believe the world overall but mostly western cultures have become way too sensitive. I do not go out of my way to insult people unless provoked. But you just push buttons on purpose so you deserve all you get, same for other hypocrites.
Thanks for sharing, what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
The fact that you’re trying to derail it
Haha, what did I say that makes you think I’m trying to derail?!
By asking snide questions to derail from the OP's premise that even mean speech is protected by 1st amendment rights.
Snide questions?! I was asking if the people commenting knew what the kid actually said... they obviously didn’t because they avoided answering. MisterB finally posted details. Don’t you think it important to know the context and actual words used to properly discuss this topic? Or do you just enjoy ignorantly jumping on the side of those taking the opportunity to call black people monkeys and leaches?
How come MisterB found it and you could not?
I could... but I was reading people’s comments who obviously hadn’t taken the time to see what the kid actually said. So I was questioning them. Does that bother you?
That you're lazy? Not remotely. Explains why your businesses failed though.
Who’s trying to derail now? Troll
You admitted you were lazy. Not sure what else I can tell say about that.
I admitted no such thing. You just like to twist statements into lies and then repeat to provoke and distract from the topic. So when you make claims that I was trying to derail the thread, it’s simply a joke. You’re a troll and a hypocrite. Go be a father to your girls and focus your energy on your children... stop wasting time trying to antagonize people on message boards. Is this really the best way for you to spend your time?!
So you weren't trying to derail the thread? If I said the Celtics beat the Wizards, you would ask me to post the scoreboard vs. just looking it up yourself? Come on man.
Asking people if they know the details of which they are commenting on is not derailing the thread. It is digging into the topic. Especially, when the op links an article that doesn’t show a quote, image or video of what actually happened. Bringing up lies about my businesses and saying I admitted I’m lazy would be derailing the thread. That’s you

For the love of ass rape.

This is what it's come to?

Little black bitches can't take a little name calling. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
A little name calling? Do you know what was said? Can you post it here?
Really? Can you? The same OP is available to you both, failed business owner. It wasn’t a threat per the OP just racist language.
Would you call it a little name calling that some little black bitches couldn’t handle?
I believe the world overall but mostly western cultures have become way too sensitive. I do not go out of my way to insult people unless provoked. But you just push buttons on purpose so you deserve all you get, same for other hypocrites.
Thanks for sharing, what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
The fact that you’re trying to derail it
Haha, what did I say that makes you think I’m trying to derail?!
By asking snide questions to derail from the OP's premise that even mean speech is protected by 1st amendment rights.
Snide questions?! I was asking if the people commenting knew what the kid actually said... they obviously didn’t because they avoided answering. MisterB finally posted details. Don’t you think it important to know the context and actual words used to properly discuss this topic? Or do you just enjoy ignorantly jumping on the side of those taking the opportunity to call black people monkeys and leaches?
How come MisterB found it and you could not?
I could... but I was reading people’s comments who obviously hadn’t taken the time to see what the kid actually said. So I was questioning them. Does that bother you?
That you're lazy? Not remotely. Explains why your businesses failed though.
Who’s trying to derail now? Troll
You admitted you were lazy. Not sure what else I can tell say about that.
I admitted no such thing. You just like to twist statements into lies and then repeat to provoke and distract from the topic. So when you make claims that I was trying to derail the thread, it’s simply a joke. You’re a troll and a hypocrite. Go be a father to your girls and focus your energy on your children... stop wasting time trying to antagonize people on message boards. Is this really the best way for you to spend your time?!
So you weren't trying to derail the thread? If I said the Celtics beat the Wizards, you would ask me to post the scoreboard vs. just looking it up yourself? Come on man.
Asking people if they know the details of which they are commenting on is not derailing the thread. It is digging into the topic. Especially, when the op links an article that doesn’t show a quote, image or video of what actually happened. Bringing up lies about my businesses and saying I admitted I’m lazy would be derailing the thread. That’s you
So you had to have another user Google it for you....seems lazy to me. But if it was just laziness and you weren't derailing the thread then you have my sincere apology.

For the love of ass rape.

This is what it's come to?

Little black bitches can't take a little name calling. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
A little name calling? Do you know what was said? Can you post it here?
Really? Can you? The same OP is available to you both, failed business owner. It wasn’t a threat per the OP just racist language.
Would you call it a little name calling that some little black bitches couldn’t handle?
I believe the world overall but mostly western cultures have become way too sensitive. I do not go out of my way to insult people unless provoked. But you just push buttons on purpose so you deserve all you get, same for other hypocrites.
Thanks for sharing, what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
The fact that you’re trying to derail it
Haha, what did I say that makes you think I’m trying to derail?!
By asking snide questions to derail from the OP's premise that even mean speech is protected by 1st amendment rights.
Snide questions?! I was asking if the people commenting knew what the kid actually said... they obviously didn’t because they avoided answering. MisterB finally posted details. Don’t you think it important to know the context and actual words used to properly discuss this topic? Or do you just enjoy ignorantly jumping on the side of those taking the opportunity to call black people monkeys and leaches?
How come MisterB found it and you could not?
I could... but I was reading people’s comments who obviously hadn’t taken the time to see what the kid actually said. So I was questioning them. Does that bother you?
That you're lazy? Not remotely. Explains why your businesses failed though.
Who’s trying to derail now? Troll
You admitted you were lazy. Not sure what else I can tell say about that.
I admitted no such thing. You just like to twist statements into lies and then repeat to provoke and distract from the topic. So when you make claims that I was trying to derail the thread, it’s simply a joke. You’re a troll and a hypocrite. Go be a father to your girls and focus your energy on your children... stop wasting time trying to antagonize people on message boards. Is this really the best way for you to spend your time?!
So you weren't trying to derail the thread? If I said the Celtics beat the Wizards, you would ask me to post the scoreboard vs. just looking it up yourself? Come on man.
Asking people if they know the details of which they are commenting on is not derailing the thread. It is digging into the topic. Especially, when the op links an article that doesn’t show a quote, image or video of what actually happened. Bringing up lies about my businesses and saying I admitted I’m lazy would be derailing the thread. That’s you
So you had to have another user Google it for you....seems lazy to me. But if it was just laziness and you weren't derailing the thread then you have my sincere apology.
Not at all, I googled it myself but I wasnt here to do the work for the trolls, I was seeing if they did the work themselves or if they were just speaking from a place of ignorance. It’s a good way to separate the fair minded from the mindless drones

For the love of ass rape.

This is what it's come to?

Little black bitches can't take a little name calling. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
A little name calling? Do you know what was said? Can you post it here?
Really? Can you? The same OP is available to you both, failed business owner. It wasn’t a threat per the OP just racist language.
Would you call it a little name calling that some little black bitches couldn’t handle?
I believe the world overall but mostly western cultures have become way too sensitive. I do not go out of my way to insult people unless provoked. But you just push buttons on purpose so you deserve all you get, same for other hypocrites.
Thanks for sharing, what does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
The fact that you’re trying to derail it
Haha, what did I say that makes you think I’m trying to derail?!
By asking snide questions to derail from the OP's premise that even mean speech is protected by 1st amendment rights.
Snide questions?! I was asking if the people commenting knew what the kid actually said... they obviously didn’t because they avoided answering. MisterB finally posted details. Don’t you think it important to know the context and actual words used to properly discuss this topic? Or do you just enjoy ignorantly jumping on the side of those taking the opportunity to call black people monkeys and leaches?
How come MisterB found it and you could not?
I could... but I was reading people’s comments who obviously hadn’t taken the time to see what the kid actually said. So I was questioning them. Does that bother you?
That you're lazy? Not remotely. Explains why your businesses failed though.
Who’s trying to derail now? Troll
You admitted you were lazy. Not sure what else I can tell say about that.
I admitted no such thing. You just like to twist statements into lies and then repeat to provoke and distract from the topic. So when you make claims that I was trying to derail the thread, it’s simply a joke. You’re a troll and a hypocrite. Go be a father to your girls and focus your energy on your children... stop wasting time trying to antagonize people on message boards. Is this really the best way for you to spend your time?!
So you weren't trying to derail the thread? If I said the Celtics beat the Wizards, you would ask me to post the scoreboard vs. just looking it up yourself? Come on man.
Asking people if they know the details of which they are commenting on is not derailing the thread. It is digging into the topic. Especially, when the op links an article that doesn’t show a quote, image or video of what actually happened. Bringing up lies about my businesses and saying I admitted I’m lazy would be derailing the thread. That’s you
So you had to have another user Google it for you....seems lazy to me. But if it was just laziness and you weren't derailing the thread then you have my sincere apology.
Not at all, I googled it myself but I wasnt here to do the work for the trolls, I was seeing if they did the work themselves or if they were just speaking from a place of ignorance. It’s a good way to separate the fair minded from the mindless drones
My bad
First they came for the..................................................

Student's arrest for racist post sparks free speech debate​

Boston Radio Host Storms Off Show After Being Told to Stop Making Jokes About Demi Lovato’s Non-Binary Status

Mia Khalifa Calls Gal Gadot 'Genocide Barbie' Over Israel-Palestinian Comments
View attachment 491425
The arrest of a Connecticut high school student accused of posting racist comments about a Black classmate on social media is being supported by civil rights advocates, but free speech groups are calling it an unusual move by police that raises First Amendment issues.

Hopefully, the kid gets a lawyer and the cops get bitch-slapped for their tyranny. Those who push the race issue to the point where free speech is criminalized will rue the firkin' day they started down that path.
No, they won't rue the day....they won't have heads. I'll volunteer to swing the sword.
No you won’t.
Sure I will. I wish Japan would lift the carbon sword export ban. That kind of steel would be really handy for the job.
You’re all talk, Internet warrior.
Why do you care?
Your little act is tiresome.
Why do you care? Tiresome = you give a shit

This silly law was passed in 1917 and is clearly unconstitutional. The racist retard that was arrested is about to get paid.
I doubt it.
The cops are covered by it being an actual law. Most that will likely happen is the law will get repealed.
Wow, no one got arrested every time that I was called Casper for my having the fare skin that I have.

God bless you always!!!

First they came for the..................................................

Student's arrest for racist post sparks free speech debate​

Boston Radio Host Storms Off Show After Being Told to Stop Making Jokes About Demi Lovato’s Non-Binary Status

Mia Khalifa Calls Gal Gadot 'Genocide Barbie' Over Israel-Palestinian Comments
View attachment 491425
The arrest of a Connecticut high school student accused of posting racist comments about a Black classmate on social media is being supported by civil rights advocates, but free speech groups are calling it an unusual move by police that raises First Amendment issues.

Hopefully, the kid gets a lawyer and the cops get bitch-slapped for their tyranny. Those who push the race issue to the point where free speech is criminalized will rue the firkin' day they started down that path.
'rue the day'? :auiqs.jpg: Now that's serious business.

For the love of ass rape.

This is what it's come to?

Little black bitches can't take a little name calling. What a bunch of fucking pussies.

It not what someone calls you, but what you choose to answer to, that matters ... :thup:

And the indicator of a strong man is one who is not affected by what others choose to call him, and certainly would be so pussified as to answer to we see so often.

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