Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

Nobody lied to them.

If they want to change the problem, they need to get out and vote.

Most of them will realize it and it will kind of suck to be your side.

Your party just chose banks over young people trying to start families. I'm not sure that ends well for you.

Your guys on SCOTUS just alienated women, minorities and young people trying to start families...

Who do you think is going to vote for you, exactly?
That certainly is possible, you idiots have managed to nurture enough whiney-ass kids that can't (or won't) fend for themselves.
You guys and your "gender studies" bromides....don't you ever get tired of being a caricature?

Fewer Americans will go to college for any degree. What will corporate America do? Decide they don't need to hire engineers or systems analysts or the occasional gender studies graduate? Nope. They'll just import some from overseas and you'll be bitching that they are not hiring Americans.

Your self-fulfilling misery will never end.
Nope. Because engineers and systems analysts will continue to go to college.
I hear Tater is coming on TV this afternoon saying what he's going to do to fight it.

He would do better to tend to the FUBAR FAA/Airlines debacle going on.
Don't worry, Mayor Pete is on it.
No, it's probably just easier to vote in people who will fix the problem of predatory banks.

And which predatory banks would those be? It's the government doing the lending, Walter.
For the record... I paid for my college by joining the National Guard and working two minimum wage jobs. During the time I was in college, both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer that eventually killed them. So yes, it would be very easy for me to say "suck it up".

Except- I went during a time where what I just described was possible. it really isn't today.


You're right about that. Today it isn't possible. Maybe you ought to be complaining about predatory education instead.
How will that "fix" a Supreme Court decision?

Pass a law forgiving the debt, allocate the money to pay it.


And which predatory banks would those be? It's the government doing the lending, Walter.
But that's the point. The government took over management of the loans. WHich means they SHOULD have the option of forgiving the debt, which is what Biden tried to do.

You're right about that. Today it isn't possible. Maybe you ought to be complaining about predatory education instead.

oh, I agree.

Two years of national service, and free college for everyone.

Problem solved.
Fairness? You mean denying a student the ability to declare bankruptcy on a loan, like Donald Trump did 6 times, and the banks those students owe the loans to that were bailed out 4 times to the tune of trillions of dollars?

That’s fairness to you?

What bank is it you work for again?
As I understand it the federal government was going yo pay off the student's loans

So banks are not the villans
And which predatory banks would those be? It's the government doing the lending, Walter.

You're right about that. Today it isn't possible. Maybe you ought to be complaining about predatory education instead.

Lets bash the greedy educators for overcharging the snowflakes
Pass a law forgiving the debt, allocate the money to pay it.


But that's the point. The government took over management of the loans. WHich means they SHOULD have the option of forgiving the debt, which is what Biden tried to do.

oh, I agree.

Two years of national service, and free college for everyone.

Problem solved.
Great plan. Pass a law to authorize the Fed to print more money and pass on that inflationary pressure to taxpayers

That should be the answer to all the Dem / Socialist boondoggles. Just print more money.
As I understand it the federal government was going yo pay off the student's loans

So banks are not the villans
To be specific, the Feds were not going to pay anything. The taxpayers would ultimately assume the debt.
He was trying to juice up these idiot millennials ala AOC to vote in 2020 and 2022. And they bought it.

The birthright citizenship thing will be interesting. I'm hoping either DeSantis or Trump, whoever wins, has the ball to do it. Today's decision was a slam dunk. NFW did the Heros Act give Potatohead the

The SC case from the 1800sc that the left is relying on for birthright citizenship is shaky at best.
All I know is...when we finally get rid of birthright citizenship, I hope we can use it to retroactively go after the people we want to strip citizenship away from....I mean, they have to get really detailed, because we don't want like Cubans or someone getting caught up in that....I think we all know, when it comes to revoking citizenship, who we are talking about...

Our founders were wise when they limited automatic citizenship to whites has only went downhill from there...too late to go back and remove the citizenship of darkies and indians....but when we allowed Jap kids to get citizenship, that was a step too far...hopefully that gets overturned.


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