Student Loan Bail Out Highlights the Problem With How America Values Education

I agree as long as schools are required to teach home economics and how the US economy works in general.
But then they don't vote Left as the Left government won't give them more money for their re-education camps.

Can't do that.
Problem is, the undereducated, those who will never go to college, will never reach the point of making a decent argument in their head, never get to put all those pieces of information together to understand the benefits to SOCIETY of an educated workforce.

All the happens is someone tells them they're not getting money other people are getting and they get angry, because anger is how they experience the world.
Why do you think the only place one can get an education is in college?

Whatever happened to apprenticeships? Almost all skilled tradesmen learned their crafts in such a way. Others can learn in just a couple years in a trade school.

Right now we need more people in the skilled trades than we do people with basically worthless college degrees in Poli-Sci , women's studies art history etc. isn't my plan. I'm re-telling it.

Glad you've haven't done the reflexive "I hate what you like" thing.
I never do. If I like something or something makes sense, I say so. Higher education accessibility, availability, and cost is very important to us all. Can’t have people drowning in debt for it nor can we expect taxpayers to pick up the tab.
Or we all know the nurse that went to school to be a nurse for 2 years and has been a nurse for 20 years and is forced to go back to school for their 4 year degree because the hospital says they need to do so.

It's because the hospitals need more RNs. The typical RN at a metro area hospital in the USA works 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. Even before the Wuhan bioweapon attack.

They need people with a better skill set, more training and more medical knowledge.

For instance, an LVN is not even qualified to put in an I.V. line into a patient. Every RN is qualified to do that.
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Why do you think the only place one can get an education is in college?

Whatever happened to apprenticeships? Almost all skilled tradesmen learned their crafts in such a way. Others can learn in just a couple years in a trade school.

Right now we need more people in the skilled trades than we do people with basically worthless college degrees in Poli-Sci , women's studies art history etc.
This is not a part of their re-education camps.

For example, if you learn how to work on cars the Left wants you to learn a 1000 new gender pronouns they made up yesterday so you can change a radiator on a car.

This is done at your local college.
It's because the hospitals need more RNs. The typical RN at a metro area hospital in the USA works 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. Even before the Wuhan bioweapon attack.

They need people with a better skill set, more training and more medical knowledge.

For instance, an LVN is not even qualified to put in an I.V. line into a patient. Every RN is qualified to do that.
They don't care if they have RN's, which is why RN's went from being a hero during Covid by risking their lives caring for Covid patients to being a villain, that is, those not wanting the vaccine.
This is unbelievably stupid, as is most of what children are forced to do in college.


Most of what children learn in college is never used at their jobs.

The exception being degrees requiring math and science. These fields require them to be good in those subjects. But we all know the girl who got her 4 year degree in Woman's Studies who is now working at Burger King and owes $50,000 in student debt.

She may as well have gone to Trump U. The only difference is, people will yell foul who went to Trump U will maybe get their money back because people only hold Trump to account for what he does an no one else seemingly, as we see with Left wing colleges as no one calls out those colleges for not properly preparing students for the world job market even though it is all just a con game to indoctrinate children into wokeism. They have essentially been robbed with debt that is the worst debt to have since government has made it near impossible to get out of, even in bankruptcy. It is criminal.

Or we all know the nurse that went to school to be a nurse for 2 years and has been a nurse for 20 years and is forced to go back to school for their 4 year degree because the hospital says they need to do so.


Total stupidity.

College is too expensive and does not prepare children enough for the real job market.

The kicker is, they are all clueless about how to handle money which is the main problem with the economy today, children are clueless how to handle money.

That is why we also know children who run up debt in college and are still paying on those student loans after they reach 60 years of age.

It is now. It wasn't always so. There was a time not too long ago when a person could get a college education by working a part or full time job and taking classes off hours. Many a student did that and graduated without much or any debt.
Or a scholarship.
It's an option now. take out a loan to pay for a trade. If the trade is not what you really want to do, you get injured and can't do the trade, or the trade you trained for becomes automated, gets offshore, or otherwise is usurped by another still owe money for that training and you're at the mercy of the lender who holds your debt.

In the system that I brought forward, you still owe the money but the terms are much more lenient since the government isn't paying dividends to shareholders based on the interest it's charging you. take out a loan to pay for a trade. If the trade is not what you really want to do, you get injured and can't do the trade, or the trade you trained for becomes automated, gets offshore, or otherwise is usurped by another still owe money for that training and you're at the mercy of the lender who holds your debt.

In the system that I brought forward, you still owe the money but the terms are much more lenient since the government isn't paying dividends to shareholders based on the interest it's charging you.
There are public vocational high schools. take out a loan to pay for a trade. If the trade is not what you really want to do, you get injured and can't do the trade, or the trade you trained for becomes automated, gets offshore, or otherwise is usurped by another still owe money for that training and you're at the mercy of the lender who holds your debt.

In the system that I brought forward, you still owe the money but the terms are much more lenient since the government isn't paying dividends to shareholders based on the interest it's charging you.
You think democrats are looking for solutions to improve our lives rather than transform society into whatever they want us to be?

:auiqs.jpg: take out a loan to pay for a trade. If the trade is not what you really want to do, you get injured and can't do the trade, or the trade you trained for becomes automated, gets offshore, or otherwise is usurped by another still owe money for that training and you're at the mercy of the lender who holds your debt.

In the system that I brought forward, you still owe the money but the terms are much more lenient since the government isn't paying dividends to shareholders based on the interest it's charging you.
How many automated home builders, plumbers or electricians have you ever seen?

You can learn a trade via experience. I have started dozens of people working in home renovation and construction who had zero experience. After a couple years on the job they have a useful and very marketable skill set.
If every single adult in America ran their own business rather than working for another imagine the wealth generated.

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