Students at elite college demand A+ Grades

Should stud automatically get A grades?

  • Yes, and free tuition to boot

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Uhhhh, no.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
Is that why upwards of a million students are studying in the US? Is that why the best universities in the world are American?

Oddly there is a large number of people who like to ridicule having an education.
These schools are FAR from the best by any means. Parents send their kids over here from other countries because the fucking stupid government PAYS FOR IT with OUR tax dollars!!! WHY wouldn't parents shove their kids on a plane over to another country, if that government is going to pay for everything while forcing their own people to pay extravegant, price gouging amounts to send their kids to the same places?
Yeahbutyeahbutyeahbut........ :rolleyes:
Oddly there is a large number of people who like to ridicule having an education.

I only ridicule people who have an overpriced education and are working as baristas at Starbucks and cry when they are asked to work a full 8 hours.

People who have good educations and are productive after graduating as an electrical engineer, proctologist or theologian, I don't look down upon at all.
Fair enough, but the customer here are the parents who are ponying up the sky high tuition for their spawn to attend here. Not the kids themselves.

What do the parents think?

Just for the record, that was sarcasm.

If my kids were still the age they would go to college, depending on their choice of school I might just have to let them pay their own way.
I only ridicule people who have an overpriced education and are working as baristas at Starbucks and cry when they are asked to work a full 8 hours.

So a handful of people. You make a big deal over a handful of people. A bit of an over reaction.
Article written to make you think that an expensive New York university is New York University. Hilarious.

What is New School U?
So a handful of people. You make a big deal over a handful of people. A bit of an over reaction.

Its more than a handful. President Biden wants to spend untold billions to bail these baristas out of their school loans.
Its more than a handful. President Biden wants to spend untold billions to bail these baristas out of their school loans.

No, he wants to help the electrician, proctologist and theologian also.

How is that worse than giving the millionaire star QB a million dollars?
New School is in New York City and is very expensive to go to.
Had to wiki it. 1919 established. It’s a whopping 70% acceptance rate and a low graduation rate of 69%. So non selective.

By comparison NYU is 13% acceptance and 85% grad rate.
Thread title says “elite” college. Should not say that after my research.
you are a MORON that loan was to help pay salaries at his companies. If he had used it for anything else he would be under indictment for fraud.

You said he didn't get any money and I'm the moron? You don't need to lash out simply because you have been informed of where you were wrong.

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