Students Sign Petition To Ban Racist Song 'White Christmas' [VIDEO]...

Oh man, the dumbing-down of America rolls on. Yikes.

I really wish that they would show the students that told him to stick it up his ass, instead of only showing the morons who can't think for themselves.

I really wish there were students who told him to stick it up his ass. But i know that's just wishful thinking. Our schools are a mess.
No catty/snarky comments or personal insults from the PC Police yet.
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere EXTRA EXTRA!
Sometimes this place is just too easy.


Sorry, what the gentleman on the video was able to do is to make up an issue and have people support it no matter how ridiculous it is. This method has been used by late night TV hosts for decades but has only recently been put forth as "Proof" of whatever the hosts says it is proof of.

The fact remains that because he can find people to support something shows more that there are stupid people everywhere my good sir

Stupid liberals is what you are seeing good sir, climate change, black lives matter, all very funny.
I'm dreaming of a politically correct snow storm on Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah , Winter Festival.....
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere

Yep, future liberals. This is what the liberals of the sixties are producing. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Yeah, and most of these wingnuts are probably there on some sort of Government student loan program. Your Tax Dollars at work. YIKES! :cuckoo:
Oh man, the dumbing-down of America rolls on. Yikes.

I really wish that they would show the students that told him to stick it up his ass, instead of only showing the morons who can't think for themselves.

I really wish there were students who told him to stick it up his ass. But i know that's just wishful thinking. Our schools are a mess.

liberal indoctrination is destroying the youth of America.
they could all go out and shit in the snow can call it a brown Christmas. What a bunch of idiots.

the word "white" is now offensive? Where does this crap end?
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere

It's the norm on college campuses... They don't teach anything other than political correctness.
I would say "unbelievable", but it really isn't, not any more.

Looking forward to the responses from the Regressive Left/PC Police.

You just posted Obama slamming Political Correctness right below your statement that says the left is the PC police.

That is amazing how you say something and then disprove yourself in the same post

What, you miss the dog whistle and Obamas little speech?? Does not surprise me progressives are silly in that way.
Barry worships political correctness
No catty/snarky comments or personal insults from the PC Police yet.
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere EXTRA EXTRA!
Sometimes this place is just too easy.


Sorry, what the gentleman on the video was able to do is to make up an issue and have people support it no matter how ridiculous it is. This method has been used by late night TV hosts for decades but has only recently been put forth as "Proof" of whatever the hosts says it is proof of.

The fact remains that because he can find people to support something shows more that there are stupid people everywhere my good sir
The problem is the majority of lemmings on college campuses everywhere are that way. They are a led around by the nose by political correctness.
No catty/snarky comments or personal insults from the PC Police yet.
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere EXTRA EXTRA!
Sometimes this place is just too easy.


Sorry, what the gentleman on the video was able to do is to make up an issue and have people support it no matter how ridiculous it is. This method has been used by late night TV hosts for decades but has only recently been put forth as "Proof" of whatever the hosts says it is proof of.

The fact remains that because he can find people to support something shows more that there are stupid people everywhere my good sir
Or, it could also be that Obama and all the others on that list are being honest and accurate and you're spinning.

One of the two.

The video doesnt have anything to do with your list good sir, Much like asking random people how to spell isnt an indication that Americans are bad spellers no more than finding a few key clips to put together proves there is some boogie man-esque PC police that seeks to invade your lives which curiously are not affected by it at all...kind sir
Nice to see you carrying the water for the political correctness...
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they could all go out and shit in the snow can call it a brown Christmas. What a bunch of idiots.

the word "white" is now offensive? Where does this crap end?

When anyone who isn't a loyal Communist/Progressive Democrat is in a Gulag. That's my guess anyway.
No catty/snarky comments or personal insults from the PC Police yet.
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere EXTRA EXTRA!
Sometimes this place is just too easy.


Sorry, what the gentleman on the video was able to do is to make up an issue and have people support it no matter how ridiculous it is. This method has been used by late night TV hosts for decades but has only recently been put forth as "Proof" of whatever the hosts says it is proof of.

The fact remains that because he can find people to support something shows more that there are stupid people everywhere my good sir
The problem is the majority of lemmings on college campuses everywhere are that way. They are a led around by the nose by political correctness.

colleges used to teach kids how to make money and be successful in life. now they teach them how to be liberal idiots.
Nothing but a troll video, posted by a troll himself. So he asked some college kids to sign a faux petition. Big whoop. College kids are inclined to sign just about any petition wave in front of them. About 45% of the signers will do it just because it's a petition and they want to 'be involved' even if they haven't figured out what they want to be involved in. Another 45% will sign it because they're still young and easily pressured into something like this. The remaining 10% are just dumb.

It's easy to say "a bunch of college kids signed this." But you should really show the totals for all the people who refused to sign it.
Another political correctness worshipper...

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