Students Sign Petition To Ban Racist Song 'White Christmas' [VIDEO]...

In this case PC did little except point out how stupid it and its followers are....
Well God bless the United States of America.:2up: Where else can you be a fringe social oddball mental case and not be put away for exercising your freedom of speech???!!!!

Ive only heard "White Christmas" about 4 billion times in stores in the past month!!! FTW s0ns!!:coffee:
So for the Isolation technique to be valid that would mean that there are no such things as one time things or things that are unimportant.

Circular logic is the best because the Best logic is Circular
So for the Isolation technique to be valid that would mean that there are no such things as one time things or things that are unimportant.
Only when the person leveraging the technique to avoid an obvious larger issue.

And all those folks on my list, all those honest liberals, would agree.
Logic, shmogic....

Snow is white, has nothing to do with race, they're race-baiting morons. Simple as that... IMO
Nothing but a troll video, posted by a troll himself. So he asked some college kids to sign a faux petition. Big whoop. College kids are inclined to sign just about any petition wave in front of them. About 45% of the signers will do it just because it's a petition and they want to 'be involved' even if they haven't figured out what they want to be involved in. Another 45% will sign it because they're still young and easily pressured into something like this. The remaining 10% are just dumb.

It's easy to say "a bunch of college kids signed this." But you should really show the totals for all the people who refused to sign it.
This is the "Isolation" technique used by the PC Police and described before.

With this strategy, they try to isolate an event to minimize it. To pretend it's just a one-off, silly, just one time thing, nothing to see here, big deal.

When, of course, it is actually a symptom, another in a long list of examples of a larger problem.

But by isolating and minimizing it, they're trying to deflect from the obvious larger problem.

And they'll succeed, if they are allowed to.

What are you talking about? You know what....nevermind. There is only one thing that needs to be said to you:

I realize that the modern PC run amok world in which we live is something you feel strongly about. I respect that, and share your distain about it. But you've become so obsessed with it you are becoming the very enemy you fight. Your entire position boils down to "You can't do this! You can't do that! It's not right!" And you're so fixated on condemning other people for their views and beliefs and actions that you've lost sight of your own self. You adopt their mindlessness, their irrationality, and you use them as your own weaponry. You declare the right to do so for yourself, while deploring it in others. You are, in fact, embracing the very tyranny you decry, but you justify yourself on the premise that yours is a just cause. In the end, you might be opposing their army, but you have become the same type of soldier.
Nothing but a troll video, posted by a troll himself. So he asked some college kids to sign a faux petition. Big whoop. College kids are inclined to sign just about any petition wave in front of them. About 45% of the signers will do it just because it's a petition and they want to 'be involved' even if they haven't figured out what they want to be involved in. Another 45% will sign it because they're still young and easily pressured into something like this. The remaining 10% are just dumb.

It's easy to say "a bunch of college kids signed this." But you should really show the totals for all the people who refused to sign it.
This is the "Isolation" technique used by the PC Police and described before.

With this strategy, they try to isolate an event to minimize it. To pretend it's just a one-off, silly, just one time thing, nothing to see here, big deal.

When, of course, it is actually a symptom, another in a long list of examples of a larger problem.

But by isolating and minimizing it, they're trying to deflect from the obvious larger problem.

And they'll succeed, if they are allowed to.

What are you talking about? You know what....nevermind. There is only one thing that needs to be said to you:

I realize that the modern PC run amok world in which we live is something you feel strongly about. I respect that, and share your distain about it. But you've become so obsessed with it you are becoming the very enemy you fight. Your entire position boils down to "You can't do this! You can't do that! It's not right!" And you're so fixated on condemning other people for their views and beliefs and actions that you've lost sight of your own self. You adopt their mindlessness, their irrationality, and you use them as your own weaponry. You declare the right to do so for yourself, while deploring it in others. You are, in fact, embracing the very tyranny you decry, but you justify yourself on the premise that yours is a just cause. In the end, you might be opposing their army, but you have become the same type of soldier.
Nope, sorry.

All I do is expose the dishonesty and the hypocrisy.

I'm not trying to force the change of any behaviors, I'd just like to see them change on their own. I'm not saying "you can't do this, you can't do that, it's not right". I'm a freedom of expression purist, I want those with whom I disagree to say exactly what they're thinking, nice and loud, without "consequences" for saying it.

Unlike the Regressive Left.
As a commentary on college students of today, I recall the 1990's and Denis Leary in "Lock and Load"......"your an 18 year old kid and you don't know shit about shit and PULL UP YOUR PANTS!!!!!!"
What are you talking about? You know what....nevermind. There is only one thing that needs to be said to you:

I realize that the modern PC run amok world in which we live is something you feel strongly about. I respect that, and share your distain about it. But you've become so obsessed with it you are becoming the very enemy you fight. Your entire position boils down to "You can't do this! You can't do that! It's not right!" And you're so fixated on condemning other people for their views and beliefs and actions that you've lost sight of your own self. You adopt their mindlessness, their irrationality, and you use them as your own weaponry. You declare the right to do so for yourself, while deploring it in others. You are, in fact, embracing the very tyranny you decry, but you justify yourself on the premise that yours is a just cause. In the end, you might be opposing their army, but you have become the same type of soldier.

Thats spot on....There has been times when Mac calls people racist and when called out on it for being a PC Policeman his response to so say he's doing it because these other shadowy people do it too. Almost like thats the excuse he thinks is best.
Sorry, what the gentleman on the video was able to do is to make up an issue and have people support it no matter how ridiculous it is. This method has been used by late night TV hosts for decades but has only recently been put forth as "Proof" of whatever the hosts says it is proof of.

The fact remains that because he can find people to support something shows more that there are stupid people everywhere my good sir
Or, it could also be that Obama and all the others on that list are being honest and accurate and you're spinning.

One of the two.

The video doesnt have anything to do with your list good sir, Much like asking random people how to spell isnt an indication that Americans are bad spellers no more than finding a few key clips to put together proves there is some boogie man-esque PC police that seeks to invade your lives which curiously are not affected by it at all...kind sir
I call this PC Police technique "Isolation".

This is where you take an event and isolate it to minimize its importance. It's just one thing, it's silly, it's nothing, it doesn't mean anything. The truth is, of course, that it is just another symptom of a much larger problem. Individual examples add up to much more, as we all know.

Pretty funny that you think you'll get away with this.

But fortunately there are many real and honest liberals who disagree with you.

You call it isolation and I call your responses making a mountain out of a molehill. Tell someone that a silly video or isolated incident is indicative of a larger problem that seeks to ruin us all.

On the surface it looks like the host wanted you to believe his narrative and it looks like it worked. In this you can claim "Its not one thing, its not silly, its damaging, It means something really important"

But if this was a big problem as you portend I think a internet video would be really low on the Totem pole as far as proof goes. Its fun to call things scary names like the POLICE...People used to call them Societal Norms but that sounds boring.
Take it up with President Obama and all the other honest liberals on my list.

There's plenty of them.
there are, plenty of lists...
i wondered when, after words and color, what's left to ban ? i'd say math and science and religion, but climate change even took that away. :cool:

obama's last book will be "deconstructing America" oreilly's last book will be "killing the USA"

As dumb as some people are, it's the cons trying to get rid of math and science. Scary how this country has become so dumb.
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere

could you explain the clown thing you guys have going ? what's with some being upside down etc...

Mine is right side up :dunno: Is George Washington riding a T-Rex some sort of statement?
i wondered when, after words and color, what's left to ban ? i'd say math and science and religion, but climate change even took that away. :cool:

obama's last book will be "deconstructing America" oreilly's last book will be "killing the USA"

As dumb as some people are, it's the cons trying to get rid of math and science. Scary how this country has become so dumb.
music and exercise too, sadly. all sides are to blame.
I guess they lie Black Sabath because they think it's an all-black band....
At Yale they were getting students to sign a petition to repeal the 1st Amendment so I can't say I'm surprised by this.
I predicted a couple of weeks or so ago on this board some one or a group of left wing nuts would try this.
We're quickly reaching a point at which nothing can surprise.

Those who hate this country's history and traditions are in the process of issuing payback, and that's that.

And by the way, don't expect them to be gracious winners.

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