Students Sign Petition To Ban Racist Song 'White Christmas' [VIDEO]...

No catty/snarky comments or personal insults from the PC Police yet.
Wow this is just like Man on the Street...He's discovered there are stupid people everywhere EXTRA EXTRA!
Sometimes this place is just too easy.


Sorry, what the gentleman on the video was able to do is to make up an issue and have people support it no matter how ridiculous it is. This method has been used by late night TV hosts for decades but has only recently been put forth as "Proof" of whatever the hosts says it is proof of.

The fact remains that because he can find people to support something shows more that there are stupid people everywhere my good sir
The problem is the majority of lemmings on college campuses everywhere are that way. They are a led around by the nose by political correctness.

colleges used to teach kids how to make money and be successful in life. now they teach them how to be liberal idiots.
That's a thing of the past... Now they just teach that the government should take from some people they don't politically agree with and give it To some other people they do.
So for the Isolation technique to be valid that would mean that there are no such things as one time things or things that are unimportant.

Circular logic is the best because the Best logic is Circular
...DC bows to political correctness
Nothing but a troll video, posted by a troll himself. So he asked some college kids to sign a faux petition. Big whoop. College kids are inclined to sign just about any petition wave in front of them. About 45% of the signers will do it just because it's a petition and they want to 'be involved' even if they haven't figured out what they want to be involved in. Another 45% will sign it because they're still young and easily pressured into something like this. The remaining 10% are just dumb.

It's easy to say "a bunch of college kids signed this." But you should really show the totals for all the people who refused to sign it.
This is the "Isolation" technique used by the PC Police and described before.

With this strategy, they try to isolate an event to minimize it. To pretend it's just a one-off, silly, just one time thing, nothing to see here, big deal.

When, of course, it is actually a symptom, another in a long list of examples of a larger problem.

But by isolating and minimizing it, they're trying to deflect from the obvious larger problem.

And they'll succeed, if they are allowed to.

What are you talking about? You know what....nevermind. There is only one thing that needs to be said to you:

I realize that the modern PC run amok world in which we live is something you feel strongly about. I respect that, and share your distain about it. But you've become so obsessed with it you are becoming the very enemy you fight. Your entire position boils down to "You can't do this! You can't do that! It's not right!" And you're so fixated on condemning other people for their views and beliefs and actions that you've lost sight of your own self. You adopt their mindlessness, their irrationality, and you use them as your own weaponry. You declare the right to do so for yourself, while deploring it in others. You are, in fact, embracing the very tyranny you decry, but you justify yourself on the premise that yours is a just cause. In the end, you might be opposing their army, but you have become the same type of soldier.
Political correctness is the progressives Bible
What are you talking about? You know what....nevermind. There is only one thing that needs to be said to you:

I realize that the modern PC run amok world in which we live is something you feel strongly about. I respect that, and share your distain about it. But you've become so obsessed with it you are becoming the very enemy you fight. Your entire position boils down to "You can't do this! You can't do that! It's not right!" And you're so fixated on condemning other people for their views and beliefs and actions that you've lost sight of your own self. You adopt their mindlessness, their irrationality, and you use them as your own weaponry. You declare the right to do so for yourself, while deploring it in others. You are, in fact, embracing the very tyranny you decry, but you justify yourself on the premise that yours is a just cause. In the end, you might be opposing their army, but you have become the same type of soldier.

Thats spot on....There has been times when Mac calls people racist and when called out on it for being a PC Policeman his response to so say he's doing it because these other shadowy people do it too. Almost like thats the excuse he thinks is best.
You're full of excuses for the politically correct on college campuses it seems...
Oh man, the dumbing-down of America rolls on. Yikes.

The best thing, would be the murder and burning at the stake of political correctness. But we know that will never happen in a progressive environment, far too much money to be made off of being politically correct.
Getting along is overrated...
Merry Christmas!!!!!

Just as progressives want to convince the mushy middle there is no such thing as political correctness... Lol
they could all go out and shit in the snow can call it a brown Christmas. What a bunch of idiots.

the word "white" is now offensive? Where does this crap end?

Why are you upset when no one said the word white was offensive?
they could all go out and shit in the snow can call it a brown Christmas. What a bunch of idiots.

the word "white" is now offensive? Where does this crap end?

Why are you upset when no one said the word white was offensive?
Deflection noted

White isnt offensive crying that it is is stupid
Aside from your deflection, anyway, college campuses no doubt become a cesspool of political correctness...
A lot of ways I don't blame them a lot of money to be made for being political correct, just look at algore one the most politically correct people on the planet and a pseudoscientists a boot. What is he worth a gazillion dollars??
they could all go out and shit in the snow can call it a brown Christmas. What a bunch of idiots.

the word "white" is now offensive? Where does this crap end?

Why are you upset when no one said the word white was offensive?
Deflection noted

White isnt offensive crying that it is is stupid
Aside from your deflection, anyway, college campuses no doubt become a cesspool of political correctness...
A lot of ways I don't blame them a lot of money to be made for being political correct, just look at algore one the most politically correct people on the planet and a pseudoscientists a boot. What is he worth a gazillion dollars??

You have a knack for just saying things that make no sense.

Make money off of policitcal correctness? Al Gore? Cesspool of Political Correctness?
Cool. Now everyone will think the song is racist. Can Republicans get any stupider?

What do you think the reasoning behind wanting to ban White Christmas is? If it isn't because of the word White, or is it because of the word CHRIST in Christmas?
Cool. Now everyone will think the song is racist. Can Republicans get any stupider?

What do you think the reasoning behind wanting to ban White Christmas is? If it isn't because of the word White, or is it because of the word CHRIST in Christmas?

Ok, so the joke in the OP has now turned into these idiots believing that someone actually wants to ban White Christmas.
That's it, I've been burdened by the white privilege my enjoyment of Metallica Black album continually assaults me with, so I have no choice.....

.....but to turn it up to cast those demons OUT!

Cool. Now everyone will think the song is racist. Can Republicans get any stupider?

What do you think the reasoning behind wanting to ban White Christmas is? If it isn't because of the word White, or is it because of the word CHRIST in Christmas?

Ok, so the joke in the OP has now turned into these idiots believing that someone actually wants to ban White Christmas.

The idiot seems to be you. The question was to ban the playing of White Christmas on local radio stations. If that isn't banning it what is it? I also noticed you aren't bright enough to answer my questions.

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