Study finds conservatives have lower-IQs than liberals

She thanked elektra for calling her dumb so she probably forgot her argument as well.

I have to wonder how stupid someone has to be to characterize evolution as a "study" that could somehow be refuted by another study. Evolution is a fundamental pillar of science, part of the foundation of reason. People who don't understand that much have no business even having opinions about science.

You obviously (and as usual) didn't pay attention. I said evolution has never been maybe you can provide proof it HAS been observed? Your cohort failed miserably and was reduced to blabbering like a 6 y/o
You are the one that failed to pay attention. Several people cited links for you. Pretending you didnt see them is not a get out of stupid free card.

No they didn't, it can't be a viable link because once again EVOLUTION HAS NEVER BEEN OBSERVED, that is a fact. You lose and I knew this before I posted it. Now stop with your BS, you've lost
Learning new things must hurt for you.

Eating pudding with a rubber spoon hurts science deniers.
I understand the concept of blaming others for thoughts you hold. It's common with cons...they claim they would support things if only dems didn't do *insert action here*

So you don't know what confirmation bias is and seek to erect a straw man in hopes of evading the issue at hand.

Delta is a retard who failed to even follow the link he posted, so we will ignore him. But the contention of the left is that they can prove the right is stupid through studies of conservatives. Is the the study legitimate? Is the testing methodology sound and complaint with statistical controls? Are the questions on the study valid, or do they lead to a predesignated conclusion?

  1. In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatorybias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.

No study that offends you is accurate...and those you agree with are valid. Got it..and much easier than your paragraphs of babble

There is no record of evolution ever being observed, sorry that's just a fact. A million studies won't change that fact

What the hell? Is anyone talking about evolution?
I understand the concept of blaming others for thoughts you hold. It's common with cons...they claim they would support things if only dems didn't do *insert action here*

So you don't know what confirmation bias is and seek to erect a straw man in hopes of evading the issue at hand.

Delta is a retard who failed to even follow the link he posted, so we will ignore him. But the contention of the left is that they can prove the right is stupid through studies of conservatives. Is the the study legitimate? Is the testing methodology sound and complaint with statistical controls? Are the questions on the study valid, or do they lead to a predesignated conclusion?

  1. In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatorybias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.

No study that offends you is accurate...and those you agree with are valid. Got it..and much easier than your paragraphs of babble

There is no record of evolution ever being observed, sorry that's just a fact. A million studies won't change that fact

What the hell? Is anyone talking about evolution?

Lot of talk but no action from the leftists...I knew they couldn't deliver. All blow and no go
Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

"Looking at the General Social Survey I too have found at a correlation between higher intelligence and social liberalism."

lots more at link

Liberals have average IQ of 87, barely above pro football players.
New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives International Association of Homing Sources a News Network

Did you happen to notice how your link never actually cites the so called study?
Fossil record.

That's not proof of evolution, it's proof something existed not that they evolved. Keep trying....but it's a lost cause, it's never been observed. I already knew this from a debate I attended while in college and the losing team failed to make a case it had ever been observed.
No you're wrong, and the people you debated were obviously stupid. The fossil record is conclusive evidence, end of story.

No it's not, now either cough up a link or sit down. Your ramblings are not facts
A link to what?

Your proof evolution has been observed. You don't expect me to take your ramblings serious do you?

I think it's time we began your education, read and learn. There will be a short quiz later.

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American
That's not proof of evolution, it's proof something existed not that they evolved. Keep trying....but it's a lost cause, it's never been observed. I already knew this from a debate I attended while in college and the losing team failed to make a case it had ever been observed.
No you're wrong, and the people you debated were obviously stupid. The fossil record is conclusive evidence, end of story.

No it's not, now either cough up a link or sit down. Your ramblings are not facts
A link to what?

Your proof evolution has been observed. You don't expect me to take your ramblings serious do you?

I think it's time we began your education, read and learn. There will be a short quiz later.

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American

Sorry but that provides nothing as to evolution being observed at anytime. Try again.

PS I didn't even read it because I KNOW it's never been observed. It's a fact
I have to run...but I'll check back to see if any of you have found that elusive proof evolution was observed LMAO
No you're wrong, and the people you debated were obviously stupid. The fossil record is conclusive evidence, end of story.

No it's not, now either cough up a link or sit down. Your ramblings are not facts
A link to what?

Your proof evolution has been observed. You don't expect me to take your ramblings serious do you?

I think it's time we began your education, read and learn. There will be a short quiz later.

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American

Sorry but that provides nothing as to evolution being observed at anytime. Try again.

PS I didn't even read it because I KNOW it's never been observed. It's a fact

Your shallow semantics only demonstrate a complete lack of any knowledge of science.
No it's not, now either cough up a link or sit down. Your ramblings are not facts
A link to what?

Your proof evolution has been observed. You don't expect me to take your ramblings serious do you?

I think it's time we began your education, read and learn. There will be a short quiz later.

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American

Sorry but that provides nothing as to evolution being observed at anytime. Try again.

PS I didn't even read it because I KNOW it's never been observed. It's a fact

Your shallow semantics only demonstrate a complete lack of any knowledge of science.

Copy and paste the exact text that reveals it's been observed. C'mon ...LOL It won't be there. Have a great evening :)
A link to what?

Your proof evolution has been observed. You don't expect me to take your ramblings serious do you?

I think it's time we began your education, read and learn. There will be a short quiz later.

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American

Sorry but that provides nothing as to evolution being observed at anytime. Try again.

PS I didn't even read it because I KNOW it's never been observed. It's a fact

Your shallow semantics only demonstrate a complete lack of any knowledge of science.

Copy and paste the exact text that reveals it's been observed. C'mon ...LOL It won't be there. Have a great evening :)

You'll have to study harder if you expect to pass the quiz.
The frightening thing is that up to 42% of Americans believe in creationist explanations. I wonder if when God first created man he knew he was making a creature stupid enough to believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. I think God is probably a little disappointed with some of his creations.

LOL...from your link.

Noah Carl, the researcher who preformed this study, noted that socially conservative views, such as being anti abortion or gay marriage, have been linked to lower IQ by past studies. To explain the high IQ of republicans he therefore turns to socially liberal republicans.

How ironic.

Yes, too bad the irony went right over your head.

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