Study finds conservatives have lower-IQs than liberals

You know its bad when you start trying the grammar argument. This isnt a term paper. However, I do expect people to know there is actual proof of evolution.

You are attempting to impugn your intellectual superior as "stupid." When you do that, grammatical fuckups are fair game. (Sentence fragment.)
I think you are just reaching to take the spotlight off the fact that my intellectual inferior didnt know evolution was a proven fact. "Gone", "went" doesnt make any difference unless you are writing a term paper. Nice try at deflection but I know thats all you guys have. Grammar Nazis are amusing.
Republicans More Knowledgeable

Across the 12 knowledge items tested, the biggest gap between Democrats and Republicans comes over awareness of the current level of the Dow. Republicans also are more likely to correctly name Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and know that Tim Geithner’s position is treasury secretary. In addition, a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats know that Obama decided to increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and that Ford is the U.S. automaker that has not taken emergency government loans.

But there is little or no partisan gap in knowledge on some other key items: Democrats and Republicans are about equally likely to know that China holds the most U.S. debt, that Hillary Clinton is secretary of state; and that roughly 4,300 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq.

The differences in knowledge levels between Republicans and Democrats are mostly a reflection of the different demographics of the two groups. Republicans tend to be older, more educated, higher income and are more likely to be male; each of these characteristics is strongly associated with political and economic knowledge. When these characteristics are held constant – that is, when Republicans and Democrats with similar demographic characteristics are compared – there is little difference between the two groups.
From Pew Research Center 2009

and this
Large Age Gap in Knowledge

As in past rounds of Pew Research’s News IQ Quiz, a person’s age is closely associated with their knowledge of facts about domestic and international issues. This gap carries over to the economic realm as well.
For each of the 12 items tested, a greater proportion of older people (50 and older) than younger people (younger than 35) knew the correct answer.

This gap is largest on the two questions relating to Afghanistan. Only about half (52%) of those younger than 35 know that Pakistan and Afghanistan share a border, compared with 71% of those 35 to 49, and 80% of those 50 and older. While just 47% of those younger than 35 know that Obama decided to increase troop levels in Afghanistan, substantial majorities of those 35 to 49 (69%) and 50 and older know this (79%). There also are sizable age differences in the percentages able to identify Timothy Geithner’s position, the name of the Federal Reserve Board chairman and the U.S. automaker that has not taken emergency loans from the government.
Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

"Looking at the General Social Survey I too have found at a correlation between higher intelligence and social liberalism."

lots more at link

I could have told you that without the study.

Exactly, there have been plenty of studies that have linked Conservatives to:

Low effort thought. (Actual study paper)

Low IQs and Conservative beliefs leading to prejudice. (Hello ShootSpeeders!)

And guess what? Conservatives don't believe in science or will say "It's the liberal universities out to get us!"
And then ignore it.

I don't really think they're stupid, just very lazy.
How would you imagine IQ plays into the phenomenon of so many conservatives not believing in Evolution?

Evolution is nothing more than theory
Youre making it worse.

Has evolution been observed? Nope, therefore it's a theory. They teach you this in college you know
Yes evolution has been observed. You must have went to an online college.

I think this forum is just about as far as her education goes.

You know it occurs to me all you do is quip what you think are funny one line insults. Don't youj ever actuallyh contribute anything? Or is that above your pay grade?
Republicans More Knowledgeable

Across the 12 knowledge items tested, the biggest gap between Democrats and Republicans comes over awareness of the current level of the Dow. Republicans also are more likely to correctly name Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and know that Tim Geithner’s position is treasury secretary. In addition, a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats know that Obama decided to increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and that Ford is the U.S. automaker that has not taken emergency government loans.

But there is little or no partisan gap in knowledge on some other key items: Democrats and Republicans are about equally likely to know that China holds the most U.S. debt, that Hillary Clinton is secretary of state; and that roughly 4,300 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq.

The differences in knowledge levels between Republicans and Democrats are mostly a reflection of the different demographics of the two groups. Republicans tend to be older, more educated, higher income and are more likely to be male; each of these characteristics is strongly associated with political and economic knowledge. When these characteristics are held constant – that is, when Republicans and Democrats with similar demographic characteristics are compared – there is little difference between the two groups.
From Pew Research Center 2009
More proof. A con that thinks knowledge and intellect is the same thing. :laugh:

You can be knowledgeable about trapping rats. That doesnt make you intelligent.
Evolution is nothing more than theory
Youre making it worse.

Has evolution been observed? Nope, therefore it's a theory. They teach you this in college you know
Yes evolution has been observed. You must have went to an online college.

I think this forum is just about as far as her education goes.

You know it occurs to me all you do is quip what you think are funny one line insults. Don't youj ever actuallyh contribute anything? Or is that above your pay grade?

I actuallyh do some times. What about youj?
I think you are just reaching to take the spotlight off the fact that my intellectual inferior didnt know evolution was a proven fact. "Gone", "went" doesnt make any difference unless you are writing a term paper. Nice try at deflection but I know thats all you guys have. Grammar Nazis are amusing.

I just enjoy pointing out the fact that you are an ignoramus.
I think you are just reaching to take the spotlight off the fact that my intellectual inferior didnt know evolution was a proven fact. "Gone", "went" doesnt make any difference unless you are writing a term paper. Nice try at deflection but I know thats all you guys have. Grammar Nazis are amusing.

I just enjoy pointing out the fact that you are an ignoramus.
Using "went" instead of "gone" on a message board makes one an ignoramus? Great deflection. :laugh:
I think you are just reaching to take the spotlight off the fact that my intellectual inferior didnt know evolution was a proven fact. "Gone", "went" doesnt make any difference unless you are writing a term paper. Nice try at deflection but I know thats all you guys have. Grammar Nazis are amusing.

I just enjoy pointing out the fact that you are an ignoramus.
Using "went" instead of "gone" on a message board makes one an ignoramus? Great deflection. :laugh:
Anyone that signs onto this nonsense is the ignorant one.
Could there possibly be a better set up than this thread? They just leap right in as if they want to substantiate the premise of the OP. That's how smart they are.

I did notice that it was only social conservatives attacking it...
A stunning indictment of our educational system.

Your ignorance is not an indictment of or our educational system, simply because you failed to avail yourself to the available educational opportunities. Finishing second grade would have helped you immensely, you probably wouldn't even be a leftist...
A stunning indictment of our educational system.

Your ignorance is not an indictment of or our educational system, simply because you failed to avail yourself to the available educational opportunities. Finishing second grade would have helped you immensely, you probably wouldn't even be a leftist...
No are an indictment of the educational system. They failed you when you flunked 3rd grade yet they passed you on.

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