Study finds conservatives have lower-IQs than liberals

"Largely mediated by conservative ideology"? That's not science, it is politically motivated assumptions based on bigotry. No wonder low information lefties drool over it.
Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

"Looking at the General Social Survey I too have found at a correlation between higher intelligence and social liberalism."

lots more at link
LMAO...I just read the entire link.

Now, if you did, you likely would not have posted I will assume you didn't.

But if you did AND you posted it anyway?

Then you are nothing but hack with nothing better to do than to take skewed OPINIONS and consider them factual science.
Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

"Looking at the General Social Survey I too have found at a correlation between higher intelligence and social liberalism."

lots more at link
LMAO...I just read the entire link.

Now, if you did, you likely would not have posted I will assume you didn't.

But if you did AND you posted it anyway?

Then you are nothing but hack with nothing better to do than to take skewed OPINIONS and consider them factual science.

What did you expect.. these are AGW cultists... they believe anything.
My mom could beat up your dad too.

Ah the wit of leftists, rarely can one find such repartee outside of a alley on skid row...

Of course you failed to read the article, which points the survey back to Soros funded hate site DailyKOS. You see, leftist demagogues spew a lot of shit, but rarely is there any validity to the hatred you post.

It's amusing the that link delta posted dissociates the validity of the demagoguery posing as a study thus;

{It is important to emphasize that theauthors do not posit an independent direct causal connection between low I.Q. and more reactionary attitudes towards race and homosexuality.}

Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

Obviously George Soros determines what you think on any given subject, and you merely regurgitate memes from the various hate sites, but your lack of grasp of what is in the link referenced in the OP is hilarious.
I find that difficult to believe after reading leftist comments here. With that said, for every study there is another study to refute the first study.
I am sure the dependent 47% of dumbasses that cannot make enough to pay Federal Personal Income Tax are assumed to be conservative for purposes of this propaganda.
The fact that you continue to quote this completely debunked statistic goes to the prove the point of the study.
LOL...from your link.

Noah Carl, the researcher who preformed this study, noted that socially conservative views, such as being anti abortion or gay marriage, have been linked to lower IQ by past studies. To explain the high IQ of republicans he therefore turns to socially liberal republicans.

Cruella. isn't it true that some of the questions that the Soros funded "study" asks have to do with anthropogenic global warming and abortion, should opposition to these political positions be held, then Soros deems the respondent "stupid?"

There is in fact no validity to politically motivated hatchet jobs like this, which are nothing more than crude slander by the demagogue party.
Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

"Looking at the General Social Survey I too have found at a correlation between higher intelligence and social liberalism."

lots more at link
Reactionaries are a lower form of human life, which isn't easy to accomplish but they somehow manage it.

Their version of a Traditional Marriage is a man and a woman, who met at a family reunion.

From the link:

More relevantly, educated liberals also make use of ‘stereotypes’ constantly. It’s just that those stereotypes are of conservatives. I know this because almost all my friends are educated liberals, and they often forget that I’m a conservative. So I hear a lot about conservatives are this and that without qualification, to great merriment and laughter (also, conservatives are genuinely evil and malevolent apparently!). The tendency toward generalization doesn’t bother me in an of itself, rather, I’m focused on whether the proposition is true. But the hypocrisy gets tiresome sometimes, as people will fluidly switch from a cognitive style which accepts generalization to one which rejects it. A stereotype is often a generalization whose robustness you don’t want to accept. Negative generalities need context when they’re unpalatable, but no qualification is necessary when their truth is congenial. Sometimes this veers into moderately politically incorrect territory. I was once an observer on a conversation between liberal white academics who were mulling over the unfortunate reality that their Asian American students were far more likely to cheat to obtain better grades. I suspect that this is actually true for various reasons. But I also suspect that these academics forgot that I was privy to the conversation, and wouldn’t have aired this truth in a more racially diverse social context.

This describes most of the ignorant libs on this board to a T, ignorant leftist elitist wannabes.
My mom could beat up your dad too.

Ah the wit of leftists, rarely can one find such repartee outside of a alley on skid row...

Of course you failed to read the article, which points the survey back to Soros funded hate site DailyKOS. You see, leftist demagogues spew a lot of shit, but rarely is there any validity to the hatred you post.

It's amusing the that link delta posted dissociates the validity of the demagoguery posing as a study thus;

{It is important to emphasize that theauthors do not posit an independent direct causal connection between low I.Q. and more reactionary attitudes towards race and homosexuality.}

Social conservatives have a lower I.Q. probably - Gene Expression

Obviously George Soros determines what you think on any given subject, and you merely regurgitate memes from the various hate sites, but your lack of grasp of what is in the link referenced in the OP is hilarious.

I don't know why you're babbling about Soros, what I do know is that you are a poor liar and not too bright.

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