Study: U.S. Flag Only Boosts GOP or Time for Left to remove Flag from Public Places


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009

this does not speak well for Papa Obama and our dreams to build a Progressive utopia

Just a brief exposure to an image of the American flag shifts voters, even Democrats, to Republican beliefs, attitudes and voting behavior even though most don't believe it will impact their politics, according to a new two-year study just published in the scholarly Psychological Science.

What's more, according to three authors from the University Chicago, Cornell University and Hebrew University, the impact had staying power.

-We must, effective immediately, remove the flag from our events.

-We must fight in court the placement of the flag in any public places
with the argument that it infringes on people's rights

-We must hide behind our favorite causes to complete this mission- it is for children; it is racist; it offends the lower classes

The flag must go, so our Progressive dreams can live on


But what can we ever replace it with....?
We need to start a "grass roots" movement to replace with something
that is more befitting Papa Obama and our goals

Perhaps, a few suggestions
I for one like

Wow... I just saw a flag and saluted it, then thanked all those that fought and died for it so I can live in a free country.

(Compare my post and the one above it, and there you have the difference between a liberal shit bag and a conservative, on many different levels.)
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this does not speak well for Papa Obama and our dreams to build a Progressive utopia

Just a brief exposure to an image of the American flag shifts voters, even Democrats, to Republican beliefs, attitudes and voting behavior even though most don't believe it will impact their politics, according to a new two-year study just published in the scholarly Psychological Science.

What's more, according to three authors from the University Chicago, Cornell University and Hebrew University, the impact had staying power.

-We must, effective immediately, remove the flag from our events.

-We must fight in court the placement of the flag in any public places
with the argument that it infringes on people's rights

-We must hide behind our favorite causes to complete this mission- it is for children; it is racist; it offends the lower classes

The flag must go, so our Progressive dreams can live on


But what can we ever replace it with....?
We need to start a "grass roots" movement to replace with something
that is more befitting Papa Obama and our goals

Perhaps, a few suggestions
I for one like



It's symbolic of Capitalistic oppression of the working man, a throw back to the days when men walked on their knuckles, it must be treated like Christmas trees, the very sight of it is offensive
Wow... I just saw a flag and saluted it, then thanked all those that fought and died for it so I can live in a free country.

(Compare my post and the one above it, and there you have the difference between a liberal shit bag and conservative, on many different levels.)

Wow, I just saw a flag and got a strange urge to scratch my butt and throw a rock at a NEGRO!!!

That must be the core Democrat in you
still coming out

The Democrats the Party of the three S's

Slavery Segregation Socialism
Wow... I just saw a flag and saluted it, then thanked all those that fought and died for it so I can live in a free country.

(Compare my post and the one above it, and there you have the difference between a liberal shit bag and a conservative, on many different levels.)
I concur, Pale Rider. The flag symbolizes everything that is great in this awesome nation.

"All this for a damn flag", Michelle Obama.
What a dumb thread, I'm sure nothing fires up the GOP thugs to keep punching (R) at every election than having this flag flying on the back of their rusted out old pickup trucks


another failure of the Papa Obama Truth goon squad
What a great thread on this day of all days. If you don't know what our flag stands for move to a country where you feel more comfortable. The 4th of July is a great day in our country too bad some of you missed it.

Papa Obama Truth Goon squad fails again

FDR appointed first KKK member to SCOTUS

The complete list of the 21 Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes Senators:

- Hill and Sparkman of Alabama
- Fulbright and McClellan of Arkansas
- Holland and Smathers of Florida
- Russell and Talmadge of Georgia
- Ellender and Long of Louisiana
- Eastland and Stennis of Mississippi
- Ervin and Jordan of North Carolina
- Johnston and Thurmond of South Carolina
- Gore Sr. and Walters of Tennessee
- H. Byrd and Robertson of Virginia
- R. Byrd of West Virginia

Outside of Congress, the three most notorious opponents of school integration were all Democrats:
- Orval Faubus, Democrat Governor of Arkansas and one of Bill Clinton's political heroes
- George Wallace, Democrat Governor of Alabama
- Lester Maddox, Democrat Governor of Georgia
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The Old Democratic Flag ?

exactly. Black_Fable fails history again.

Beyond epic history fail again if you are that moronic to not know today's GOP are the party of racists and oppression. Though not to worry, the GOP's main voter base still carries their flag proudly.


They look more like democrats to me. Dems are the ones that hate blacks and keep them oppressed, not republicans.

Can you say... DEMOCRAT SENATOR Robert - KKK - Byrd? Of course you can.
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and dependent on gov't and voting for them

nothing more than "sugar coated slavery"

Before the Great Society
blacks had a lower divorce rate and illegitimate rate
and a higher employment rate than whites

See gov't "works"
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