Study: Welfare Pays More Than Minimum Wage in Most States


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.
Who would of thunk


Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News

Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The Work versus Welfare Trade-Off: 2013 | Cato Institute

Fox News - FAIL.

Cato Institute - FAIL

We have a two time loser.
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.
You don't earn welfare, thats why it is called welfare:confused: People earn money, pay taxes, and that is redistributed to welfare recipients - fucking liberal thinking.

End welfare; work or starve!
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

So your proposal is government economic intervention to address a problem created by government economic intervention? Can you please explain your reasoning in further detail since I'm not aware of any circumstances where the cure for the disease is more of the disease. :cool:
Well, we don't want a bunch of moochers on welfare. And the RW doesn't want to raise minimum wage....although if adjusted for inflation it is at its lowest purchasing power in decades.

So, if RW'ers don't want min wage to catch up to inflation....and they don't want people on do they expect people to take a min wage job and a pay cut by leaving welfare?

Its a free market decision that these people make. Job vs welfare. Simple math. Fix it.
Who would of thunk


Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News

Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The Work versus Welfare Trade-Off: 2013 | Cato Institute

Ah yes..the Cato institute.

Independent and Principled? Behind the Cato Myth | The Nation

Cato Claim #1: The Cato Institute was one of the earliest and most principled critics of the Bush Administration’s wars abroad and attacks on civil liberties at home (here and here).

Fact: The Cato Institute’s actual record during the Bush administration years was anything but principled and far from heroic.

John Yoo, author of the notorious “torture memo,” served on the Cato editorial board for Cato Supreme Court Review during the Bush presidency. At the same time, Yoo was writing the Bush administration’s legal justifications for waterboarding, Guantánamo, warrantless wiretapping and more. Yoo also contributed articles to Cato Supreme Court Review and a chapter to a Cato book titled The Rule of Law in the Wake of Clinton criticizing President Clinton’s “imperial presidency.”

The “Cato Policy Report” attacked progressive critics of Bush’s “War on Terror” as “Terrorism’s Fellow Travelers“ in its November/December 2001 issue. Former Vice President of Research Brink Lindsey wrote, “Most of the America haters flushed out by September 11 are huddled on the left wing of the conventional political spectrum.”

Another Cato executive, Ted Galen Carpenter, former VP for defense and foreign policy studies, enthusiastically supported Bush’s “war on terror” and called on Bush to invade Pakistan.

The Cato Institute advised the 2002–04 Republican-dominated Congress to commence military strikes in Pakistan in its Cato Handbook for Congress arguing, “Ultimately, Afghanistan becomes less important as a place to conduct military operations in the war on terrorism and more important as a place from which to launch military operations. And those operations should be directed across the border into neighboring Pakistan.”

Another Cato Institute executive, Roger Pilon, vigorously supported Bush’s attacks on civil liberties. Pilon, Cato’s VP for legal affairs and founding director of the Cato Institute’s “Center for Constitutional Studies,” supported expanded FBI wiretapping in 2002 and called on Congress to reauthorize the Patriot Act as late as 2008.

Well, we don't want a bunch of moochers on welfare. And the RW doesn't want to raise minimum wage....although if adjusted for inflation it is at its lowest purchasing power in decades.

So, if RW'ers don't want min wage to catch up to inflation....and they don't want people on do they expect people to take a min wage job and a pay cut by leaving welfare?

Its a free market decision that these people make. Job vs welfare. Simple math. Fix it.

Add in most don't have a problem with the current system. Which has big corporate lobbyists and shills (excuse me "congress people"), unlimited corporate cash flowing into campaigns and legislation that completely favors corporate interests (thanks to lobbyists, shills and unlimited corporate cash).

This country has no lack of billionaires. And it's the one thing we don't need any more of, while people are in economic dire straits.
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

So your proposal is government economic intervention to address a problem created by government economic intervention? Can you please explain your reasoning in further detail since I'm not aware of any circumstances where the cure for the disease is more of the disease. :cool:

How about we take government out of the mix.

As in when workers are pissed about wages, and go to the bosses office to have a "nice chat" and the boss calls the police?

The police DON'T show up.

You in?
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

So your proposal is government economic intervention to address a problem created by government economic intervention? Can you please explain your reasoning in further detail since I'm not aware of any circumstances where the cure for the disease is more of the disease. :cool:

How about we take government out of the mix.

As in when workers are pissed about wages, and go to the bosses office to have a "nice chat" and the boss calls the police?

The police DON'T show up.

You in?

How about you spare me your inane responses and call it a day?
Well, we don't want a bunch of moochers on welfare. And the RW doesn't want to raise minimum wage....although if adjusted for inflation it is at its lowest purchasing power in decades.

So, if RW'ers don't want min wage to catch up to inflation....and they don't want people on do they expect people to take a min wage job and a pay cut by leaving welfare?

Its a free market decision that these people make. Job vs welfare. Simple math. Fix it.

MIN wage jobs are supposed to be starter jobs. Like for TEENAGERS or someone who just wants a 2nd job part time but the economy is so bad right now other people are in it. How about CREATING higher paying jobs. Instead forcing CoLLEGE down kids throats in high school give them options like car mechanic, Heating and air conditioning or welding and dont make them seem like second hand citizens if they chose that path. You know that pays just as much as any 4 yr college jobs pay in half the time.. Son is going for AC this year.. Guess going in his fathers food steps as a blue collar man .. And let me remind you they are in HIGH DEMAND right now . In fact they have a shortage of students.. If you dont want to do that you can always join the military. It is EXCUSES people make that make me angry. wah wah
Granny says, "Dat's right - `cause the Great Recession ain't ended yet...
Report: US Household Income Below End-of-Recession Level
August 21, 2013 WASHINGTON (AP) — The average American household is earning less than when the Great Recession ended four years ago, according to a report released Wednesday.
U.S. median household income, once adjusted for inflation, has fallen 4.4 percent in that time, according to the report from Sentier Research. The report is based on an analysis of Census Bureau data.

The median, or midpoint, income in June 2013 was $52,098. That's down from $54,478 in June 2009, when the recession officially ended. And it's below the $55,480 that the median household took in when the recession began in December 2007.

The report says nearly every group is worse off than four years ago, except for those 65 to 74. Some groups have experienced larger-than-average declines, including blacks, young and upper-middle-aged people and the unemployed.

- See more at: Report: US Household Income Below End-of-Recession Level | CNS News
So your proposal is government economic intervention to address a problem created by government economic intervention? Can you please explain your reasoning in further detail since I'm not aware of any circumstances where the cure for the disease is more of the disease. :cool:

How about we take government out of the mix.

As in when workers are pissed about wages, and go to the bosses office to have a "nice chat" and the boss calls the police?

The police DON'T show up.

You in?

How about you spare me your inane responses and call it a day?

You're confusing "inane" with "germane".

Corporate entities make far more use of publicly funded government services than labor. Or "the people" in general.

I cited one hypothetical.

Which wasn't hypothetical at all when unions were beginning in this country.

And considering the FACT that government intervenes on behalf of corporate entities and deals directly with corporate entities, I can see why you have no answer to this.

The OP's source by the funded and controlled by one of the Koch brothers.

Well, we don't want a bunch of moochers on welfare. And the RW doesn't want to raise minimum wage....although if adjusted for inflation it is at its lowest purchasing power in decades.

So, if RW'ers don't want min wage to catch up to inflation....and they don't want people on do they expect people to take a min wage job and a pay cut by leaving welfare?

Its a free market decision that these people make. Job vs welfare. Simple math. Fix it.

MIN wage jobs are supposed to be starter jobs. Like for TEENAGERS or someone who just wants a 2nd job part time but the economy is so bad right now other people are in it. How about CREATING higher paying jobs. Instead forcing CoLLEGE down kids throats in high school give them options like car mechanic, Heating and air conditioning or welding and dont make them seem like second hand citizens if they chose that path. You know that pays just as much as any 4 yr college jobs pay in half the time.. Son is going for AC this year.. Guess going in his fathers food steps as a blue collar man .. And let me remind you they are in HIGH DEMAND right now . In fact they have a shortage of students.. If you dont want to do that you can always join the military. It is EXCUSES people make that make me angry. wah wah

Really? Seriously?

We are at a point now where Auto Mechanics need some college. As well as people who work with heating and air conditioning. Welding..I think you can still do without college.

In any case..who pays for that?

Lower welfare payment and give people an incentive AND reduce the deficit!

So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

we wouldn't want to deprive them of their computers, plasma TVs, internet, cable, or obama phones now would we?

Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

So your proposal is government economic intervention to address a problem created by government economic intervention? Can you please explain your reasoning in further detail since I'm not aware of any circumstances where the cure for the disease is more of the disease. :cool:

How about we take government out of the mix.

As in when workers are pissed about wages, and go to the bosses office to have a "nice chat" and the boss calls the police?

The police DON'T show up.

You in?

The police have no obligation and are not required to respond to your defense


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