Study: Welfare Pays More Than Minimum Wage in Most States

Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

Lower welfare payment and give people an incentive AND reduce the deficit!

So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

The best way to keep a man poor is to give him just enough money to stay there. There's no better incentive to get a job than a empty stomach.

I know I know, those of us who would like to see the healthy useless lift themselves up are just plain ole mean!!
Lower welfare payment and give people an incentive AND reduce the deficit!

So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

The best way to keep a man poor is to give him just enough money to stay there. There's no better incentive to get a job than a empty stomach.

I know I know, those of us who would like to see the healthy useless lift themselves up are just plain ole mean!!

Love how the rich care only for themselves.
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

Here's an even better idea...eliminate welfare and any other government hand-out programs. Starving in the street is a great incentive to work, too.
So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

The best way to keep a man poor is to give him just enough money to stay there. There's no better incentive to get a job than a empty stomach.

I know I know, those of us who would like to see the healthy useless lift themselves up are just plain ole mean!!

Love how the rich care only for themselves.

When did being for personal accountability and having too much pride to collect welfare if healthy become values only the rich have? You sure don't give hard working Americans much credit.
Well, we don't want a bunch of moochers on welfare. And the RW doesn't want to raise minimum wage....although if adjusted for inflation it is at its lowest purchasing power in decades.

So, if RW'ers don't want min wage to catch up to inflation....and they don't want people on do they expect people to take a min wage job and a pay cut by leaving welfare?

Its a free market decision that these people make. Job vs welfare. Simple math. Fix it.

Add in most don't have a problem with the current system. Which has big corporate lobbyists and shills (excuse me "congress people"), unlimited corporate cash flowing into campaigns and legislation that completely favors corporate interests (thanks to lobbyists, shills and unlimited corporate cash).

This country has no lack of billionaires. And it's the one thing we don't need any more of, while people are in economic dire straits.

I have no problem cutting corporate welfare, either. There's no such thing as "too big to fail".
So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

we wouldn't want to deprive them of their computers, plasma TVs, internet, cable, or obama phones now would we?

Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

Resumes? Not bloody likely when they are sucking the public tit for a living.
Well, we don't want a bunch of moochers on welfare. And the RW doesn't want to raise minimum wage....although if adjusted for inflation it is at its lowest purchasing power in decades.

So, if RW'ers don't want min wage to catch up to inflation....and they don't want people on do they expect people to take a min wage job and a pay cut by leaving welfare?

Its a free market decision that these people make. Job vs welfare. Simple math. Fix it.

MIN wage jobs are supposed to be starter jobs. Like for TEENAGERS or someone who just wants a 2nd job part time but the economy is so bad right now other people are in it. How about CREATING higher paying jobs. Instead forcing CoLLEGE down kids throats in high school give them options like car mechanic, Heating and air conditioning or welding and dont make them seem like second hand citizens if they chose that path. You know that pays just as much as any 4 yr college jobs pay in half the time.. Son is going for AC this year.. Guess going in his fathers food steps as a blue collar man .. And let me remind you they are in HIGH DEMAND right now . In fact they have a shortage of students.. If you dont want to do that you can always join the military. It is EXCUSES people make that make me angry. wah wah

Really? Seriously?

We are at a point now where Auto Mechanics need some college. As well as people who work with heating and air conditioning. Welding..I think you can still do without college.

In any case..who pays for that?

A lot of places require training in a training institution . That is where my son is going . You need to be certified!! My son made good grades in high school and got a scholarship in GA It paid for most of it and I paid the rest ..Lower classes can go for free here in GA so I think that is the case in many states
Who would of thunk


Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News

Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The Work versus Welfare Trade-Off: 2013 | Cato Institute

Fox News - FAIL.

Cato Institute - FAIL

We have a two time loser.

Bash the source because you can't dispute facts - FAIL!
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

Paying more for doing no more is your answer??

No... reducing the amount and length of any 'welfare' is the better answer... more incentive to work when you have to
This IS designed to be misleading.

The folks on welfare do not get more money, but more money is spend on them.

Health care and possibly rent are what drives these stories.

Health care coverage probably costs more than a full time min. wage slave makes before taxes!
So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

we wouldn't want to deprive them of their computers, plasma TVs, internet, cable, or obama phones now would we?

Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

TV is a luxury.. libraries have computers to use...

FOOD, WATER, SHELTER.. THOSE are essentials... and funny how people will get their cable, shoes, MP3's, cigs, etc and complain that they need help with their 'essentials'... and suckers like you fall for it every time
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

Paying more for doing no more is your answer??

No... reducing the amount and length of any 'welfare' is the better answer... more incentive to work when you have to

The whole "raise the minimum wage" meme is based on inverted economics, basic econ; when you raise prices (raise the minimum wage) you decrease demand. So this response not only locks unskilled/low skilled chronic welfare recipients out of the labor market it also acts to price current workers on the bottom end of the scale out of the market. The net result is an increase in people that ultimately wind up on the dole and a much harder task of getting them off it.

It would make much more sense to offer time limited subsidies to stabilize the standard of living to people that move off the welfare rolls and into entry level work, couple this with job placement (mandatory; similar to unemployment benefit requirements) and local/state designed/run job training. This sets up a benign cycle whereby people formerly dependent on government for a subsistence level existence (one which severely damages work ethic & sense of self-worth) into a situation where people are learning basic job skills on the job and via training are increasing the market value of the skills they possess.

The ultimate goal should be to help those that are dependent become independent (not just turn them into welfare slaves) without having to resort to counter-productive price fixing schemes in the labor market. The cost of welfare for the needy isn't the issue either since we only spend approximately 13 cents of every "welfare" dollar on people that are actually poor, the issue always has been and remains that we spend these crumbs VERY unwisely pursuing objectives which just facilitate dependency.

There's also significant non-obvious benefits of moving away from the current model of continuous dependency, such as the positive effect that people that actually work have on their own families, their communities and the fact they actually produce something of value for the economy instead of just consuming resources.
we wouldn't want to deprive them of their computers, plasma TVs, internet, cable, or obama phones now would we?

Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

TV is a luxury.. libraries have computers to use...

FOOD, WATER, SHELTER.. THOSE are essentials... and funny how people will get their cable, shoes, MP3's, cigs, etc and complain that they need help with their 'essentials'... and suckers like you fall for it every time

They were luxuries when we grew up Dave, they are the essentials of life to the entitled now.
Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

TV is a luxury.. libraries have computers to use...

FOOD, WATER, SHELTER.. THOSE are essentials... and funny how people will get their cable, shoes, MP3's, cigs, etc and complain that they need help with their 'essentials'... and suckers like you fall for it every time

They were luxuries when we grew up Dave, they are the essentials of life to the entitled now.

I always find it interesting what people actually consider ‘poverty’ in this nation. Quite frankly, it is a joke. I have been impoverished before and it certainly did not resemble anything that was even close to what welfare would have gotten me.

Today, if you just HAVE to have that TV. Pathetic.
In most cases it is probably both

Those supporting a family and working a minimum wage job are probably receiving food stamps, housing assistance and helthcare in addition to their meager salary
TV is a luxury.. libraries have computers to use...

FOOD, WATER, SHELTER.. THOSE are essentials... and funny how people will get their cable, shoes, MP3's, cigs, etc and complain that they need help with their 'essentials'... and suckers like you fall for it every time

They were luxuries when we grew up Dave, they are the essentials of life to the entitled now.

I always find it interesting what people actually consider ‘poverty’ in this nation. Quite frankly, it is a joke. I have been impoverished before and it certainly did not resemble anything that was even close to what welfare would have gotten me.

Today, if you just HAVE to have that TV. Pathetic.

Poverty isn't about material possessions, if you are hopelessly dependent on government, lacking any self-esteem with atrophied job skills and no idea how to get yourself out of it the fact that you have a bunch of gadgets doesn't alter the reality that you are impoverished.
Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

TV is a luxury.. libraries have computers to use...

FOOD, WATER, SHELTER.. THOSE are essentials... and funny how people will get their cable, shoes, MP3's, cigs, etc and complain that they need help with their 'essentials'... and suckers like you fall for it every time

They were luxuries when we grew up Dave, they are the essentials of life to the entitled now.

Poor people didn't smoke, drink or wear shoes when you grew up?
Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.

Lower welfare payment and give people an incentive AND reduce the deficit!

So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

No, idiot. You make them better off. You dont make people wealthier by giving them stuff. You make them poorer because you rob their incentive to do anything. Look at states with the most generous welfare payments and you find there are more people on welfare and over time they are less and less wealthy.
Between WW2 and 1965 blacks closed the income gap with whites at a much higher rate than they did after 1965. Why? Because of Johnson's Great Society crap.
Who would of thunk


Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News

Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The Work versus Welfare Trade-Off: 2013 | Cato Institute
fox noise really ??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hat a loser you are .... according to the us gubment, .11% of the national budgewt goes to just welfare ... you're complaining they get more money then a person who gets mim.wage???? really ???/ you're that moronic???

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