Study: Welfare Pays More Than Minimum Wage in Most States

Why get a job when you can earn more off the government. Raise minimum wage and give people an incentive to work.
do you realize that after 2 years on welfare if you don't get a jon that you are taken off welfare ???
Who would of thunk


Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states | Fox News

Welfare pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, creating little incentive for Americans to take entry-level work and likely increasing their long-term dependency on government help, according to a new study by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute.

The Work versus Welfare Trade-Off: 2013 | Cato Institute
fox noise really ??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hat a loser you are .... according to the us gubment, .11% of the national budgewt goes to just welfare ... you're complaining they get more money then a person who gets mim.wage???? really ???/ you're that moronic???
Billy, all those red marks in your rep line are hints that when you find yourself in a hole the first thing is to stop digging.
TV is a luxury.. libraries have computers to use...

FOOD, WATER, SHELTER.. THOSE are essentials... and funny how people will get their cable, shoes, MP3's, cigs, etc and complain that they need help with their 'essentials'... and suckers like you fall for it every time

They were luxuries when we grew up Dave, they are the essentials of life to the entitled now.

Poor people didn't smoke, drink or wear shoes when you grew up?

Sure they did, because they too were so poor all they could afford was booze and smokes lol Poor America.
They were luxuries when we grew up Dave, they are the essentials of life to the entitled now.

I always find it interesting what people actually consider ‘poverty’ in this nation. Quite frankly, it is a joke. I have been impoverished before and it certainly did not resemble anything that was even close to what welfare would have gotten me.

Today, if you just HAVE to have that TV. Pathetic.

Poverty isn't about material possessions, if you are hopelessly dependent on government, lacking any self-esteem with atrophied job skills and no idea how to get yourself out of it the fact that you have a bunch of gadgets doesn't alter the reality that you are impoverished.

Worthy point but I don’t know. There are plenty of millionaires that exist solely because of the government cheese that is handed to them. They are not what I would consider impoverished though.

To me, impoverished is simply a state of not being able to meet ones basic needs, no matter who provides those needs. Being stuck on the government teat is not necessarily a state of impoverishment but rather a state of dependence. It is, in some cases even worse than impoverishment but I think there is a stark difference in the 2 concepts.
So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

we wouldn't want to deprive them of their computers, plasma TVs, internet, cable, or obama phones now would we?

Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

Fuckem...they can go to the library for their computer needs.
So make the poor even poorer. Nice.

we wouldn't want to deprive them of their computers, plasma TVs, internet, cable, or obama phones now would we?

Big screen TV's are often cheaper than the smaller ones, and computers are more essentials, as you have the internet to search for jobs, and also to send in resumes - some businesses want you to email a resume, you can't do that without a computer.

I can look for jobs and Email my resume on my dumb phone.

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