Study: White liberals dumb themselves down when speaking to minorities

dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,”

That's not unique to white European Americans by any means. That is just a bland description of how older folks of any race try to connect with the youth.

That is all it means to be "patronizing" in a well-meaning way. I really don't think whites behave that way to minorities unless they are older.

Unless we are talking about "minors" rather than minorities, which is occasionally the case with white liberals. There is a sex trade, which liberals strongly support and enforce, and that is the not-so-innocent side of "patronizing."

They want someone young and foreign, gullible and not of their own community and race.
No freedom means being able to live your life the way you want with the only restriction being you do not in any way violate the rights of others.

You don't want that.

You want to tell everyone what they "need" what the "should" do etc becuase you think you're the best person to make those decisions

That , Corky, is narcissism

No, that's civilization... and what we need or should do is open to discussion...

But if I'm having to walk through three security checkpoints a day because you want to compensate for a tiny dick with a gun, then really, you are the one imposing, not me.

Where do you walk through 3 checkpoints a day?

Oh yeah nowhere.

And no civilization is not you dictating to people what they need it is allowing others to live their lives in peace and quiet as long as they do nothing to violate the rights of others, and having a codified set of laws that clearly spells out and strictly enforces the punishments for those that choose to violate the rights of others

No discussion needed as this is the absolute one and only attribute of a civilization that matters

And you really should see a shrink about your penis obsession
the right wing is simply more upfront about it, with their Reality TV guy.
Not according to the study and thread topic.
dear, we argue this every day; not just on topic.
You're arguing with studies now, darling.
not studies; the right wing doesn't believe in them. i just argue with right wingers.

they claim whatever they want as "gospel Truth".
Right wingers aren't studies, which is what you're arguing with.
the whole point, dear; is that we Have to dumb it down for the right wing.
Our welfare clause is General not Common. Want to argue about it.

I've already destroyed your argument about you trying to claim welfare is actually unemployment insurance, this thread has nothing to do with that, and your phrase is meaningless, so no.
It is about equal protection of the law. Employment is at the will of either party.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is public policy and Institutional, not Individual. Eminent Domain can apply, right wingers. Want to argue about it.

When you have something that relates to the topic, let me know.
not dumbed down enough for you, right wingers? i will work on it some more.

Oh, please do. While you're at it, maybe you can convince us that you're actually talking about the thread topic.
It is about equal protection of the law. Employment is at the will of either party.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is public policy and Institutional, not Individual. Eminent Domain can apply, right wingers. Want to argue about it.

or, is it not dumbed down enough.
Where do you walk through 3 checkpoints a day?

Oh yeah nowhere.

My previous job, i walked through three security checkpoints to get to my desk... Of course, with their management, an employee shooting the place up was something they probably should have expected.

And no civilization is not you dictating to people what they need it is allowing others to live their lives in peace and quiet as long as they do nothing to violate the rights of others, and having a codified set of laws that clearly spells out and strictly enforces the punishments for those that choose to violate the rights of others

No discussion needed as this is the absolute one and only attribute of a civilization that matters

But that's the whole point, dummy. Because of you gun fetishists, the rest of us have to live with security check points and send our kids to school with clear backpacks and have to do active shooter drills because your fetish gets imposed on the rest of us.

And you really should see a shrink about your penis obsession

I'm not the one arming himself like the Zombies are coming... that would be you nutters... Unfortunately, every once in a while, one of you shoots up a school or a concert.
Not according to the study and thread topic.
dear, we argue this every day; not just on topic.
You're arguing with studies now, darling.
not studies; the right wing doesn't believe in them. i just argue with right wingers.

they claim whatever they want as "gospel Truth".
Right wingers aren't studies, which is what you're arguing with.
the whole point, dear; is that we Have to dumb it down for the right wing.
The study says you have to dumb it down for minorities, darling.
dear, we argue this every day; not just on topic.
You're arguing with studies now, darling.
not studies; the right wing doesn't believe in them. i just argue with right wingers.

they claim whatever they want as "gospel Truth".
Right wingers aren't studies, which is what you're arguing with.
the whole point, dear; is that we Have to dumb it down for the right wing.
The study says you have to dumb it down for minorities, darling.
yes, dear; the right wing is a "minority".
You're arguing with studies now, darling.
not studies; the right wing doesn't believe in them. i just argue with right wingers.

they claim whatever they want as "gospel Truth".
Right wingers aren't studies, which is what you're arguing with.
the whole point, dear; is that we Have to dumb it down for the right wing.
The study says you have to dumb it down for minorities, darling.
yes, dear; the right wing is a "minority".
Cool. They are a protected class. Careful of hate crimes, darling.
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

Same study shows that conservatives dumb themselves when talking about race.
Same study shows that conservatives dumb themselves when talking about race.
Well, at least you didn't deny the point of the thread. Before you deflected.

So, that's good.
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Well, at least you didn't deny the point of the thread. Before you deflected.

So, that's good.

The thread didn't really have a point other than, "Idiots find what they are looking for when they start with a premise before collecting data."
not studies; the right wing doesn't believe in them. i just argue with right wingers.

they claim whatever they want as "gospel Truth".
Right wingers aren't studies, which is what you're arguing with.
the whole point, dear; is that we Have to dumb it down for the right wing.
The study says you have to dumb it down for minorities, darling.
yes, dear; the right wing is a "minority".
Cool. They are a protected class. Careful of hate crimes, darling.
No hate from me, dear; only valid arguments.
Where do you walk through 3 checkpoints a day?

Oh yeah nowhere.

My previous job, i walked through three security checkpoints to get to my desk... Of course, with their management, an employee shooting the place up was something they probably should have expected.

And no civilization is not you dictating to people what they need it is allowing others to live their lives in peace and quiet as long as they do nothing to violate the rights of others, and having a codified set of laws that clearly spells out and strictly enforces the punishments for those that choose to violate the rights of others

No discussion needed as this is the absolute one and only attribute of a civilization that matters

But that's the whole point, dummy. Because of you gun fetishists, the rest of us have to live with security check points and send our kids to school with clear backpacks and have to do active shooter drills because your fetish gets imposed on the rest of us.

And you really should see a shrink about your penis obsession

I'm not the one arming himself like the Zombies are coming... that would be you nutters... Unfortunately, every once in a while, one of you shoots up a school or a concert.

And I am not responsible for the crimes committed by other people.

I don't know what's so difficult to understand about that
Winner! The way Obama addresses a large group of blacks is sickening and all his media darlings let him get away with it while his supporters are too blind to even notice it.

You mean he actually gave uplifting, positive speeches? Yeah, that was terrible...

We need a guy who attacks the disabled, Gold Star Families, the free press, minorities, and everyone else who ticked him off that day.

LOL you have no idea what I’m talking about here. Can’t say I’m surprised you never noticed that Obama tweaked his cadence and used slang he would have never used elsewhere when speaking to an all-black crowd.

Listen to a speech where he’s talking to blacks and a speech where he’s not and get back to me. Or continue to keep that head buried.
And I am not responsible for the crimes committed by other people.

I don't know what's so difficult to understand about that

Sorry, man, your assurance that you aren't going to turn into a nut some day isn't very re-assuring.

Gun bans... Then it doesn't matter if you are a nut or not.
LOL you have no idea what I’m talking about here. Can’t say I’m surprised you never noticed that Obama tweaked his cadence and used slang he would have never used elsewhere when speaking to an all-black crowd.

Listen to a speech where he’s talking to blacks and a speech where he’s not and get back to me. Or continue to keep that head buried.

Most of us change our cadance depending who we are talking to, how loud we have to talk, what we are talking about.

What I remember about Obama is he didn't mock Gold Star Families, POW's, the disabled, immigrants, minorities, or women... that's what I remember about Obama.
LOL you have no idea what I’m talking about here. Can’t say I’m surprised you never noticed that Obama tweaked his cadence and used slang he would have never used elsewhere when speaking to an all-black crowd.

Listen to a speech where he’s talking to blacks and a speech where he’s not and get back to me. Or continue to keep that head buried.

Most of us change our cadance depending who we are talking to, how loud we have to talk, what we are talking about.

What I remember about Obama is he didn't mock Gold Star Families, POW's, the disabled, immigrants, minorities, or women... that's what I remember about Obama.
He just called certain Americans enemies.
And I am not responsible for the crimes committed by other people.

I don't know what's so difficult to understand about that

Sorry, man, your assurance that you aren't going to turn into a nut some day isn't very re-assuring.

Gun bans... Then it doesn't matter if you are a nut or not.

I have no assurance that you won't rape the child of your neighbor so what should we do about you?

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