Study: White liberals dumb themselves down when speaking to minorities

Cankles; " I ain't in no way tarrd" and she always carries hot sauce.

Like that?

She also thinks blacks "all look alike" and laughs after saying it.
so you think, THIS time you got him?

This time?

I mean you were sure he was a goner, like what, 30 times before?

so yea, THIS time

I always knew we had to get control of the house to impeach him.

Should have never gone this far. The GOP should have realized that he was nut and invoked the 25th Amendment, but keep drinking the koolaid.

You do know the Senate has to agree, right? Impeach him now and you go nowhere except to failure in 2020. If you attack the king, better make sure you kill him.
You gotta scratch your head when radical democrats claim that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. The dirty little secret is that smart people of color are abandoning the democrat plantation and that's way democrats are importing a new ignorant base in illegal aliens.
You gotta scratch your head when radical democrats claim that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. The dirty little secret is that smart people of color are abandoning the democrat plantation and that's way democrats are importing a new ignorant base in illegal aliens.

In 2000 the Democrats said the Florida ballot was too complicated for blacks. They simply never cease impugning the intelligence of blacks.

And remember these are the people who claimed literacy tests eliminated black voters. Could be true I suppose. But they depend on the uneducated for votes so yes literacy tests would be devastating for them.
I always knew we had to get control of the house to impeach him.

Should have never gone this far. The GOP should have realized that he was nut and invoked the 25th Amendment, but keep drinking the koolaid.

What a loser!

I doubt that will be an issue. First, the democrats are probably going to retake the Senate this year.

Secondly, grandstanding aside, once the election is over, they'll stop grandstanding.

Once Hillary beats Trump, you are going to see most of the Senate going back to "business as usual".

Guy, you screwed up. YOu couldn't have nominated Rubio or Kasich and you'd be mopping the floor with Hillary right now.

Instead, you nominated a Nazi who can't help saying crazy shit.

Have fun with that massive landslide you are going to be buried under.

Enough of them vote for John Kasich in the Electoral College to toss the thing into Congress, and Congress elects Kasich.
You gotta scratch your head when radical democrats claim that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. The dirty little secret is that smart people of color are abandoning the democrat plantation and that's way democrats are importing a new ignorant base in illegal aliens.
In 2000 the Democrats said the Florida ballot was too complicated for blacks. They simply never cease impugning the intelligence of blacks.
And yet the Dimocrats manage to manipulate minorities into voting for them big majorities with each election.
You do know the Senate has to agree, right? Impeach him now and you go nowhere except to failure in 2020. If you attack the king, better make sure you kill him.

The Republicans failed to impeach Clinton in 1999, and still won the White House in 2000.... so that's not an argument. And the charges against Clinton were utter bullshit. Lying about a blow job.

If Trump is impeached, you really can't wash that stain off. even if impeachment fails in the Senate, Trump will be disgraced and crippled.

That said, I think you have to hit three conditions to get Republicans on board. Not that Trump is crazy and unfit for office, they already know this, they don't care.

1) The Dems had to take the house. - Done.
2) Mueller or someone has to come up with clear evidence of wrongdoing.
3) The economy has to go into a decline.

It looks like #3 is already starting to happen, and Trump isn't helping with his trade wars and his shutdowns.

So now it comes down to #2.
And yet the Dimocrats manage to manipulate minorities into voting for them big majorities with each election.

Yes, they deviously manipulated the Republicans into supporting racism for the last 50 years...getting minorities to vote for them.
You gotta scratch your head when radical democrats claim that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. The dirty little secret is that smart people of color are abandoning the democrat plantation and that's way democrats are importing a new ignorant base in illegal aliens.
In 2000 the Democrats said the Florida ballot was too complicated for blacks. They simply never cease impugning the intelligence of blacks.
And yet the Dimocrats manage to manipulate minorities into voting for them big majorities with each election.
Yes, white liberals show their true colors by simplifying their speech to minorities. But unfortunately, what does the alternative look like?

By and large, Republicans can't even bring themselves to admit that racism even exists any more. As Americans just LOVE to do, they've knee-jerked too hard in the opposite direction, and absolutely refuse to look in the mirror or hold their own accountable.

Animated (as usual) by their maternal impulses, the Left is all over minorities like a momma bear with newborn cub. Meanwhile, the GOP thinks it can attract minorities by letting them sink or swim. After generations of the status quo, that just isn't going to be good enough.

The GOP won't get minorities with a come-hither look alone. Yes, the Democrats are what they are, but minorities aren't moving until there is a serious alternative.
Yes, white liberals show their true colors by simplifying their speech to minorities. But unfortunately, what does the alternative look like?

By and large, Republicans can't even bring themselves to admit that racism even exists any more. As Americans just LOVE to do, they've knee-jerked too hard in the opposite direction, and absolutely refuse to look in the mirror or hold their own accountable.

Animated (as usual) by their maternal impulses, the Left is all over minorities like a momma bear with newborn cub. Meanwhile, the GOP thinks it can attract minorities by letting them sink or swim. After generations of the status quo, that just isn't going to be good enough.

The GOP won't get minorities with a come-hither look alone. Yes, the Democrats are what they are, but minorities aren't moving until there is a serious alternative.

Oh, Stormy Mac, you still don't get it.

If you take away the racism from the GOP, all they have left is the Plutocracy.

That only gets you 20% of the vote. If they didn't slather on the racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, then all they would have is a party that advocates taking apart the middle class to enrich the One Percent...

Who the fuck would vote for that?

Bottom line is, ALL Politicians talk down to their voters, because a speech is only as effective as the understanding of the dumbest person in that crowd.
You gotta scratch your head when radical democrats claim that Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. The dirty little secret is that smart people of color are abandoning the democrat plantation and that's way democrats are importing a new ignorant base in illegal aliens.
In 2000 the Democrats said the Florida ballot was too complicated for blacks. They simply never cease impugning the intelligence of blacks.
And yet the Dimocrats manage to manipulate minorities into voting for them big majorities with each election.

So that should tell you something about what is really going on.

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