Study: White liberals dumb themselves down when speaking to minorities

He was governor of the state, she was a state employee.

Who didn't report to him directly, he had no say on whether or not she was fired or promoted. This is the whole basis of a sexual harrassment claim, whether or not the behavior had an effect on her career... and it didn't. she wasn't fired. She eventually quit AFTER he left the job because once was outed by Right Wing Media, she couldn't work there anymore.
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Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

Yeah, conservatives think we are so dumb that we can't decide for ourselves what party to support.

It is sad and pathetic how you ignore all the conservative racism around you to create this thread.


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It is sad and pathetic how you ignore all the conservative racism around you to create this thread.
The thread is about a specific study.

If you want to change the subject because you don't like the study, go ahead.

Ignore it. How ironic.

The study is flawed and basically inaccurate.
“competence downshift”

Conservatives do this all the time. So if the study was to say that whites do it, that is a more accurate assessment.

Study: White liberals perform ‘competence downshift’ when talking to a black person
John Sexton Posted at 3:01 pm on November 27, 2018

"This article on Yale’s website was published almost two weeks ago. The author of the article, Cydney Dupree, is one of two researchers who started out looking at how white presidential candidates talk when they are addressing a mostly black audience compared to when they are speaking to a mostly white audience. Dupree, who is black, and co-researcher Susan Fiske of Princeton found the candidates were less likely to use words that expressed competence and more likely to use words that expressed warmth when talking to a minority audience:

In a podcast discussing the research, Dupree said that when white liberals are asked if they are doing this intentionally as a strategy they deny it. So she sees this as an unconscious strategy which could be the result of relying on implicit stereotypes. However, she adds that the work necessary to test that explanation has yet to be done and there are other possible explanations.

The next step in Dupree’s work will be to see whether or not the competence downshift strategy actually works, i.e. do black Americans approached in this way find it endearing or demeaning? She also wants to see if black Americans have any similar strategies when dealing with people who are white. It’ll be interesting to see what she comes up with."

Study: White liberals perform 'competence downshift' when talking to a black person
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He was governor of the state, she was a state employee.

Who didn't report to him directly, he had no say on whether or not she was fired or promoted. This is the whole basis of a sexual harrassment claim, whether or not the behavior had an effect on her career... and it didn't. she wasn't fired. She eventually quit AFTER he left the job because once was outed by Right Wing Media, she couldn't work there anymore.

Who didn't report to him directly, he had no say on whether or not she was fired or promoted.

Didn't stop him from sexually harassing her, did it?

This is the whole basis of a sexual harrassment claim, whether or not the behavior had an effect on her career... and it didn't.

You can expose yourself, ask her to "kiss it", but as long as you don't damage her career, it's not harassment?

“competence downshift”

Conservatives do this all the time. So if the study was to say that whites do it, that is a more accurate assessment.

Study: White liberals perform ‘competence downshift’ when talking to a black person
John Sexton Posted at 3:01 pm on November 27, 2018

"This article on Yale’s website was published almost two weeks ago. The author of the article, Cydney Dupree, is one of two researchers who started out looking at how white presidential candidates talk when they are addressing a mostly black audience compared to when they are speaking to a mostly white audience. Dupree, who is black, and co-researcher Susan Fiske of Princeton found the candidates were less likely to use words that expressed competence and more likely to use words that expressed warmth when talking to a minority audience:

In a podcast discussing the research, Dupree said that when white liberals are asked if they are doing this intentionally as a strategy they deny it. So she sees this as an unconscious strategy which could be the result of relying on implicit stereotypes. However, she adds that the work necessary to test that explanation has yet to be done and there are other possible explanations.

The next step in Dupree’s work will be to see whether or not the competence downshift strategy actually works, i.e. do black Americans approached in this way find it endearing or demeaning? She also wants to see if black Americans have any similar strategies when dealing with people who are white. It’ll be interesting to see what she comes up with."

Study: White liberals perform 'competence downshift' when talking to a black person

So if the study was to say that whites [liberals] do it, that is a more accurate assessment.

But the study didn't say all whites or conservative whites, just white liberals.
Most Liberals have to dumb themselves down to talk to nearly everyone.
Conservatives don’t have that problem.
Did you guys understand that? LOL
If only you liberals were half as smart as you THINK you are, Candy! Do you understand that?
Most Liberals have to dumb themselves down to talk to nearly everyone.
Conservatives don’t have that problem.
Did you guys understand that? LOL
If only you liberals were half as smart as you THINK you are, Candy! Do you understand that?

I understand that liberals saved this nation at least 2 times from complete economic ruin caused by conservatives
Most Liberals have to dumb themselves down to talk to nearly everyone.
Conservatives don’t have that problem.
Did you guys understand that? LOL
If only you liberals were half as smart as you THINK you are, Candy! Do you understand that?

I understand that liberals saved this nation at least 2 times from complete economic ruin caused by conservatives

That statement right there simply illustrates how the average liberal is clueless when it comes to economics, IM2!

I'm from Massachusetts. We have a long history of electing Republican Governors periodically to fix the State's economic woes. Why would the most liberal State in the country need to do that? Obviously it's because you liberals don't know how to get it done! Just saying...
Two liberal "icons" have overseen the two worst recoveries from recessions in this nation's history! Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama gave us The Great Depression and The Great Recession.
Most Liberals have to dumb themselves down to talk to nearly everyone.
Conservatives don’t have that problem.
Did you guys understand that? LOL
If only you liberals were half as smart as you THINK you are, Candy! Do you understand that?

Im sorry. I can’t dumb myself down enough for you to understand me

Your version of "smart", Candy is doing a drive by "funny" and then running away. Why is it that you folks on the left always see yourselves as so gosh darned smart...but never seem to demonstrate that intelligence with posts?
Did you want to take a crack at explaining why Massachusetts has to elect Republican Governors so often...or is that something you're too BRILLIANT to deal with? (eye roll)
Two liberal "icons" have overseen the two worst recoveries from recessions in this nation's history! Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama gave us The Great Depression and The Great Recession.

Just because he gave us the slowest recovery since WWII doesn't mean Obama was incompetent.

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