Stunning: U.S. "compromise"(??): Iran can get the Bomb in gradual, phased-in program

Interesting to see the USMB progressives secretly hoping that Iran gets a bomb. I think they harbor fantasies about a smoking crater were Tel Aviv is now.
So Acorn what should we do? The way I see it there are 3 options:

1. Invade Iran

2. Increase sanctions; Iran continues nuclear program

3. Negotiate and monitor Iran's nuclear activities

What'll it be?
4. Watch the videos of the Israeli air strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities.
You mean Iraq? Do you have video of the Israeli's bombing Iran?
No. That will happen in the future if we allow Iran to maintain its course.
According to BS RW propaganda, here and in Israel. But Iran doesn't want a bomb. Screw RW a-holes....
Interesting to see the USMB progressives secretly hoping that Iran gets a bomb. I think they harbor fantasies about a smoking crater were Tel Aviv is now.
I judge Israel on the same scale I would any other country and I do not think they have any more or less right to national defense as anyone else. Contrary to propaganda I am certain Iran is not interested in national suicide in retaliation for setting off a Bomb in Israel. It's also important to remember that Our last president tried and failed to open a third war on them. I also want to make it clear that I do want them to get one, I just don't blame them for trying.
That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Ah, so that's it. You want the country to disappear. How liberal of you.
Think for a moment how insanely dangerous it is to have an unconditional alliance with a tiny little nation with erratic leadership that could easily provoke a war we would have to fight, no one here wants and that we could not afford. Fucker needs to quit running his fool mouth and consider Israel's place in the world and quit abusing our alliance with actions that undermine our other alliances and peace initiatives in the region.
The alliance has never been unconditional. We support them because they are a democracy, the sole one in the region. With all the erratic whackjobs in the region you're worried about Israel?
Our alliance is unconditional, or a least it was, Netyanyahu is pissed that for the first time ever an American president cast doubt that we might not come running if they start some shit. For decades Israel has done whatever they want with impunity because everyone knows that America is their bodyguard and lately they have been pretty fascist. It's about time they got taken down a few notches.
This president casts doubt on pretty much everything and is evidently making international decisions with chicken bones or Tarot cards. He waffles, draws lines in the sand and backs out. Out of Iraq, in Iraq, ran on closing Gitmo but it's still active because he was ignorant, refuses to call Islamic terrorism what it is, blames cops before getting facts, fans the flames of racism instead of dousing them, deflects his failures by drumming up the Crusades while denying the religious element to ISIS, on and on.

First time ever, sure. I can't blame any ally. Our allies don't trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. What a legacy!
It's also important to remember that Our last president tried and failed to open a third war on them.
How can we remember the hate that rattles around in your brain? When did they become facts? You proved it somewhere and it was accepted? I call bull.
Interesting to see the USMB progressives secretly hoping that Iran gets a bomb. I think they harbor fantasies about a smoking crater were Tel Aviv is now.
I judge Israel on the same scale I would any other country and I do not think they have any more or less right to national defense as anyone else. Contrary to propaganda I am certain Iran is not interested in national suicide in retaliation for setting off a Bomb in Israel. It's also important to remember that Our last president tried and failed to open a third war on them. I also want to make it clear that I do want them to get one, I just don't blame them for trying.
So, no moral differentiation from you. Sad really.

You are wrong about Iran...they have publicly stated that they intend to take out Israel. If you think they care about the retaliation if they do, then you really need to pay better attention to what has been happening in the world for he past 20 years.

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