Stunning: U.S. "compromise"(??): Iran can get the Bomb in gradual, phased-in program

At the very least you're a bigot. Refute that, fool

Because I oppose the policies of Israel?

Let me ask you a serious question:

How can one oppose the policies of the nation of Israel and NOT be a bigot?

can you answer that?
Thank you for confirming you are a bigot. Israel is (or was) our ally, our only true one in the ME, leave it to you loons to fug that up like you fug everything up. EVERYTHING the left touches turns to shit

Israel is not our ally. Allies fight alongside their ally in times of war. How many Israelis died in the Afghan war? How many died in the Iraq war?

And no, I didn't miss that you cannot tell us how one can oppose Israeli policies without being a bigot.

that makes you the bigot.
Yeah, that's the way to win friends in the muslim world...have Jews by your side killing muzzies...great strategy.

That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Americans are dying defending innocent muslims...
So Acorn what should we do? The way I see it there are 3 options:

1. Invade Iran

2. Increase sanctions; Iran continues nuclear program

3. Negotiate and monitor Iran's nuclear activities

What'll it be?
4. Watch the videos of the Israeli air strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities.
I wish ISIS would attack Israel, ISIS would soon learn what an ass kicking really feels like. The Kurds (bless them) are giving ISIS all they want and then some
Iran deserves the right to defend itself against Israel.

Israel deserves the same...and will not hesitate to strike Iran if Israel is threatened. They have proven that time and time again...and remain undefeated
Yes, Israel's terrorism is a well established fact.

You finally got something right.
You are overlooking the fact that if the terrorists lay down their arms there will be peace. If Israel lays down their arms they'll be dead.
Iran has no nuke bomb program...just as Putin has no forces in the Ukraine...just as ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. All very believable.
For the United States, the goal is to extend to at least a year the period that Iran would need to surreptitiously "break out" toward nuclear weapons development. Daryl Kimball of the Washington-based Arms Control Association said that with the IAEA's additional monitoring, the deal taking shape leaves "more than enough time to detect and disrupt any effort to pursue nuclear weapons in the future."

In exchange, Iran wants relief from sanctions crippling its economy and the U.S. is talking about phasing in such measures.
Keep the sanctions in place until Iran agrees to cease calling for the annihilation of Israel and other "infidels". I have no sympathy whatsoever for Iran.

Of course, Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood see it differently.
That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Ah, so that's it. You want the country to disappear. How liberal of you.
Think for a moment how insanely dangerous it is to have an unconditional alliance with a tiny little nation with erratic leadership that could easily provoke a war we would have to fight, no one here wants and that we could not afford. Fucker needs to quit running his fool mouth and consider Israel's place in the world and quit abusing our alliance with actions that undermine our other alliances and peace initiatives in the region.
That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Ah, so that's it. You want the country to disappear. How liberal of you.
Think for a moment how insanely dangerous it is to have an unconditional alliance with a tiny little nation with erratic leadership that could easily provoke a war we would have to fight, no one here wants and that we could not afford. Fucker needs to quit running his fool mouth and consider Israel's place in the world and quit abusing our alliance with actions that undermine our other alliances and peace initiatives in the region.
Iran will never be peaceful. Israel is willing to be peaceful if not attacked. Why lift sanctions on Iran before they agree to peace with Israel?
That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Ah, so that's it. You want the country to disappear. How liberal of you.
Think for a moment how insanely dangerous it is to have an unconditional alliance with a tiny little nation with erratic leadership that could easily provoke a war we would have to fight, no one here wants and that we could not afford. Fucker needs to quit running his fool mouth and consider Israel's place in the world and quit abusing our alliance with actions that undermine our other alliances and peace initiatives in the region.
The alliance has never been unconditional. We support them because they are a democracy, the sole one in the region. With all the erratic whackjobs in the region you're worried about Israel?
That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Ah, so that's it. You want the country to disappear. How liberal of you.
Think for a moment how insanely dangerous it is to have an unconditional alliance with a tiny little nation with erratic leadership that could easily provoke a war we would have to fight, no one here wants and that we could not afford. Fucker needs to quit running his fool mouth and consider Israel's place in the world and quit abusing our alliance with actions that undermine our other alliances and peace initiatives in the region.
The alliance has never been unconditional. We support them because they are a democracy, the sole one in the region. With all the erratic whackjobs in the region you're worried about Israel?
Our alliance is unconditional, or a least it was, Netyanyahu is pissed that for the first time ever an American president cast doubt that we might not come running if they start some shit. For decades Israel has done whatever they want with impunity because everyone knows that America is their bodyguard and lately they have been pretty fascist. It's about time they got taken down a few notches.
That is the insanity of there being a Jewish state. Americans have to die defending it. Israelis don't.
Ah, so that's it. You want the country to disappear. How liberal of you.
Think for a moment how insanely dangerous it is to have an unconditional alliance with a tiny little nation with erratic leadership that could easily provoke a war we would have to fight, no one here wants and that we could not afford. Fucker needs to quit running his fool mouth and consider Israel's place in the world and quit abusing our alliance with actions that undermine our other alliances and peace initiatives in the region.
The alliance has never been unconditional. We support them because they are a democracy, the sole one in the region. With all the erratic whackjobs in the region you're worried about Israel?
Our alliance is unconditional, or a least it was, Netyanyahu is pissed that for the first time ever an American president cast doubt that we might not come running if they start some shit. For decades Israel has done whatever they want with impunity because everyone knows that America is their bodyguard and lately they have been pretty fascist. It's about time they got taken down a few notches.
Now I know what "glittering generalities" are.
So it only puts off an Iran bomb or war for ten years? Horrors! How stupid and fear mongered are you. You do realize a new agreement can continue this again in ten years, and this is how diplomacy works? RW fear mongered idiocy...

The issue is Israel has every right to defend itself, and Iran has threatened the existence of that nation. Should the United States likewise have allowed missiles to be placed in Cuba?
So it only puts off an Iran bomb or war for ten years? Horrors! How stupid and fear mongered are you. You do realize a new agreement can continue this again in ten years, and this is how diplomacy works? RW fear mongered idiocy...

The issue is Israel has every right to defend itself, and Iran has threatened the existence of that nation. Should the United States likewise have allowed missiles to be placed in Cuba?
Israel has also continually threatened Iran with attack, it is an open secret that Israel has the Bomb so it's not like Iran is totally irrational in their desire for a Bomb, after all, MAD kept Russia and America out of a shooting war for 30 years. If Israel has the right to defend itself what does Iran have?
So Acorn what should we do? The way I see it there are 3 options:

1. Invade Iran

2. Increase sanctions; Iran continues nuclear program

3. Negotiate and monitor Iran's nuclear activities

What'll it be?
4. Watch the videos of the Israeli air strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities.
You mean Iraq? Do you have video of the Israeli's bombing Iran?
No. That will happen in the future if we allow Iran to maintain its course.
So it only puts off an Iran bomb or war for ten years? Horrors! How stupid and fear mongered are you. You do realize a new agreement can continue this again in ten years, and this is how diplomacy works? RW fear mongered idiocy...

The issue is Israel has every right to defend itself, and Iran has threatened the existence of that nation. Should the United States likewise have allowed missiles to be placed in Cuba?
Israel has also continually threatened Iran with attack, it is an open secret that Israel has the Bomb so it's not like Iran is totally irrational in their desire for a Bomb, after all, MAD kept Russia and America out of a shooting war for 30 years. If Israel has the right to defend itself what does Iran have?

Can you provide any instances where such threats by Israel included an annihilation of Iran's way of life? Where such an attack wasn't just the result of a development of a nuclear weapon by Iran? You do know Israel has already bombed Iran before, when such threats of their nuclear defiance was uncovered?

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