Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:
I'm sure the lying bitch has a list of names...maybe they're in Obabbles binder....pieces of shit.
if Hillary had her way, she would allow dogs and cats to register as democrats in all swing states,,,hey,,,pets are people too!
maybe Hillary can show us some video evidence of a Republican stopping a democrat from voting?
Here you go: Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

The GOP is preventing Senate Democrats from voting up or down for a Supreme Court nominee, thus obstructing them from their Constitutional obligation.

Of course you can show where they are "required" to do that?
Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text
Just following the Dem example...
maybe Hillary can show us some video evidence of a Republican stopping a democrat from voting?
Here you go: Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

The GOP is preventing Senate Democrats from voting up or down for a Supreme Court nominee, thus obstructing them from their Constitutional obligation.
No Democrat has ever disallowed the Senate from voting on a Supreme Court nominee.

Nice try.
right, if Republicans stopped all dumb people from voting, how did they win New York and California?
maybe Hillary can show us some video evidence of a Republican stopping a democrat from voting?
Here you go: Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

The GOP is preventing Senate Democrats from voting up or down for a Supreme Court nominee, thus obstructing them from their Constitutional obligation.

Of course you can show where they are "required" to do that?
Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Yeah yeah yeah, I've already used a Harvard Constitutional Law Professor to discount that argument.
what does the Supreme Court got to do with this? i just want to know how people are stopping other people from registering to vote!
i guess according to Hillary,,,white people are blocking black people in the door ways of local voting registering offices,,,right?
i can just see some of the excuses if Trump wins by one or two per-cent,,,,,,,whites were stopping black people from voting in Florida !!!
and what with all of these rants about rights? doesnt hillary know that we live in a free country?
cutting the extended voting days, where working class hourly people can vote on their day off, instead of just Tuesday/election day....where they lose pay, in order to vote.
cutting gvt student id's as an id acceptable for students who live in their university's state 9 months of the year....that want to vote there.

cutting out the Sunday before election day as a day to vote where churches bused their parishioners to the polls to vote

reducing voting machines in democratic precincts, so people have to wait hours in line in order to vote vs. increasing voting machines in republican leaning precincts...

restrictions on voter registration drives

THAT is just the TIP of the iceberg on what Republicans have done to disenfranchise primarily democratic voting citizens
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Well Hillary actually isn't wrong. We are keeping illegal aliens from voting and they are most surely Democrats.

She's still stupid though.

Why would you want to stop a group voting for your own best interest?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about 'voting in your own best interest' has your tiny brain stumped.

The only way to eradicate illegal alien workers is to remove the reason they Fine and imprison employers that knowingly hire them, which zero parties want to do, so why don't you concentrate your efforts on something you can vote to change, promoting the middle class.
there isn't any low that corrupted career politician won't crawl to get her hand on POWER. what a lowlife human being and loser to boot. Is there anyone in that party that has an ounce of honesty or honor?
But, doesn't mean they didn't try...
White House rebuts Supreme Court hypocrisy charge against Obama | Reuters
As a first-term senator from Illinois, Obama used a procedural maneuver called a filibuster. Alito was confirmed anyway.

Democratic hypocrisy on Supreme Court nominees

Just following the Dem example...
maybe Hillary can show us some video evidence of a Republican stopping a democrat from voting?
Here you go: Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

The GOP is preventing Senate Democrats from voting up or down for a Supreme Court nominee, thus obstructing them from their Constitutional obligation.
No Democrat has ever disallowed the Senate from voting on a Supreme Court nominee.

Nice try.
there isn't any low that corrupted career politician won't crawl to get her hand on POWER. what a lowlife human being and loser to boot. are their any in that party that has an ounce of honesty or honor?

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. And it doesn't need to be a career politician.

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