Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

cutting the extended voting days, where working class hourly people can vote on their day off, instead of just Tuesday/election day....where they lose pay, in order to vote.
cutting gvt student id's as an id acceptable for students who live in their university's state 9 months of the year....that want to vote there.

cutting out the Sunday before election day as a day to vote where churches bused their parishioners to the polls to vote

reducing voting machines in democratic precincts, so people have to wait hours in line in order to vote vs. increasing voting machines in republican leaning precincts...

THAT is just the TIP of the iceberg on what Republicans have done to disenfranchise primarily democratic voting citizens
oh bs. what a state does in their voting is their right. you don't like their rules, move. some of us wish we could disenfranchise you democrats from voting. especially after you gave us that thug OBama and is now going to vote for that liar and crook Hillary
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Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.
Hillary is such a lying snake and you plan on putting that in as President. doesn't a persons character mean anything to you democrat voters or is winning more important? it's become party over country for many of these voters.
cutting the extended voting days, where working class hourly people can vote on their day off, instead of just Tuesday/election day....where they lose pay, in order to vote.
cutting gvt student id's as an id acceptable for students who live in their university's state 9 months of the year....that want to vote there.

cutting out the Sunday before election day as a day to vote where churches bused their parishioners to the polls to vote

reducing voting machines in democratic precincts, so people have to wait hours in line in order to vote vs. increasing voting machines in republican leaning precincts...

restrictions on voter registration drives

THAT is just the TIP of the iceberg on what Republicans have done to disenfranchise primarily democratic voting citizens

Then why haven't they affected me or anybody I know?

I work full time plus, and I always vote. Just do it after work. The polls are open more than 8 or 9 hours a day. If you can't do it after work because of the shift you have, wake up early and vote.

See, things that are so simple for Republicans are nightmare for Democrats because they can't figure it out. Kind of like when we had to change our voting methods because Democrats in Florida were not smart enough to punch a hole in a voting card.
cutting the extended voting days, where working class hourly people can vote on their day off, instead of just Tuesday/election day....where they lose pay, in order to vote.
cutting gvt student id's as an id acceptable for students who live in their university's state 9 months of the year....that want to vote there.

cutting out the Sunday before election day as a day to vote where churches bused their parishioners to the polls to vote

reducing voting machines in democratic precincts, so people have to wait hours in line in order to vote vs. increasing voting machines in republican leaning precincts...

restrictions on voter registration drives

THAT is just the TIP of the iceberg on what Republicans have done to disenfranchise primarily democratic voting citizens

Then why haven't they affected me or anybody I know?

I work full time plus, and I always vote. Just do it after work. The polls are open more than 8 or 9 hours a day. If you can't do it after work because of the shift you have, wake up early and vote.

See, things that are so simple for Republicans are nightmare for Democrats because they can't figure it out. Kind of like when we had to change our voting methods because Democrats in Florida were not smart enough to punch a hole in a voting card.

We should all know by now because Hillary says so. we are all suppose to bend our lives to accommodate theirs or be accused of disenfranchising them. good grief just so pathetic and to see an intelligent person falling for that.
cutting the extended voting days, where working class hourly people can vote on their day off, instead of just Tuesday/election day....where they lose pay, in order to vote.
cutting gvt student id's as an id acceptable for students who live in their university's state 9 months of the year....that want to vote there.

cutting out the Sunday before election day as a day to vote where churches bused their parishioners to the polls to vote

reducing voting machines in democratic precincts, so people have to wait hours in line in order to vote vs. increasing voting machines in republican leaning precincts...

restrictions on voter registration drives

THAT is just the TIP of the iceberg on what Republicans have done to disenfranchise primarily democratic voting citizens

Then why haven't they affected me or anybody I know?

I work full time plus, and I always vote. Just do it after work. The polls are open more than 8 or 9 hours a day. If you can't do it after work because of the shift you have, wake up early and vote.

See, things that are so simple for Republicans are nightmare for Democrats because they can't figure it out. Kind of like when we had to change our voting methods because Democrats in Florida were not smart enough to punch a hole in a voting card.

We should all know by now because Hillary says so. we are all suppose to bend our lives to accommodate theirs or be accused of disenfranchising them. good grief just so pathetic and to see an intelligent person falling for that.

Democrats never tell the truth.

The truth is, most of their constituency base does not understand policies or issues. Sure, they may vote, but only if it's convenient enough. To get a Voter-ID? That requires some effort, and we all know how effort can discourage a Democrat voter.

So unlike Republicans, Democrats need a week to vote instead of one day. Unlike Democrats, they take voting very seriously and will wait in line to vote for hours if that's what it takes. Unlike Republicans who make sure we have all the essentials to vote without a problem, Democrat voters want to drift in and cast a ballot just by giving somebody's name no questions asked.

Republicans will put forth the effort to vote because most of us are not stuck on some welfare role where we became to lazy to exercise our right to vote.
and now the dems are choosing states to do battle with when it comes to requiring photo ID? but its ok in Blue States to vote on election night, no questions asked,, even if u dont speak any english
Hillary is desperate. she has no RIGHT to interfere in what states do with their voting. but does that stop her? no because she needs to whip up hate and division or she stands no chance of winning. The same the democrats do with every election. it's so disgusting
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Show me a blue State that had 11 days early voting with hours on Sat and Sun.
Hillary is desperate. she has no RIGHT to interfere in what states do with their voting. but does that stop her? no because she needs to whip up hate and division or she stands no chance of winning. The same the democrats do with every election. it's so disgusting
right, why are blue states telling red states how to organize their elections? and they want to sue/crap their pants with select purple states to make sure that no one needs an ID to vote? fine, then let all red states allow all white people to vote three times!
can you imagine the fit that the 10 or so blue states will have if all red states start voting three weeks in advance? but its ok for New York/Cally to start their elections early to make sure all illegals get their votes in.
this just in from NBC news, the supreme court has just made it legal for ducks, rabbits, wolves, deer, and bigfoots to vote in the state of Georgia.
this just in from NBC news, the supreme court has just made it legal for ducks, rabbits, wolves, deer, and bigfoots to vote in the state of Georgia.
With those sitting on it now without Scalia, I wouldn't be surprised.
this just in from NBC news, the supreme court has just made it legal for ducks, rabbits, wolves, deer, and bigfoots to vote in the state of Georgia.
With those sitting on it now without Scalia, I wouldn't be surprised.
that would make for a great photo shop,,,have Hillary at a zoo,and going cage to cage registering more democrats
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.
You don't need a gvt issued photo id to get a bank account, you don't need one to purchase alcohol or cigarettes if you are not young, most elderly/ poor people don't leave the country, they don't even drive or own a car... you don't even need a gvt issued photo id to collect Welfare or social security, if you don't have one, they use other id's without a photo along with other methods to identify you.

you live in some glass bubble that only includes middle class people just like you, and have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the poor and how they live and have lived their entire lives without a gvt issued photo id.

Eventually these people will die off and all the young through force/necessity will have gvt issued photo id's (Can you say in your best Nazi accent, PAPERS PLEASE) ty ty very much.
maybe Hillary can show us some video evidence of a Republican stopping a democrat from voting?
Here you go: Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

The GOP is preventing Senate Democrats from voting up or down for a Supreme Court nominee, thus obstructing them from their Constitutional obligation.

Of course you can show where they are "required" to do that?
Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

SWING and a miss. Once again, NOTHING in the Constitution says WHEN it must happen.

"Despite suggestions by the President, various Senators, and

numerous commentators that the Senate has a constitutional

obligation to act on judicial nominations, the text of the Constitution

contains no such obligation. Moreover, the suggestion

that the obligation is implicit in the Advice and Consent Clause

does not appear to comport with the Framers’ understanding

of the term."

Well Hillary actually isn't wrong. We are keeping illegal aliens from voting and they are most surely Democrats.

She's still stupid though.

Why would you want to stop a group voting for your own best interest?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about 'voting in your own best interest' has your tiny brain stumped.

The only way to eradicate illegal alien workers is to remove the reason they Fine and imprison employers that knowingly hire them, which zero parties want to do, so why don't you concentrate your efforts on something you can vote to change, promoting the middle class.

I love this "meme".

So it's in MY best interest to vote in such away that the Government can take MORE of my money and give it to someone else so that they can buy Cigs and Beer and such. I don't think so Tim.

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