Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.
You don't need a gvt issued photo id to get a bank account, you don't need one to purchase alcohol or cigarettes if you are not young, most elderly/ poor people don't leave the country, they don't even drive or own a car... you don't even need a gvt issued photo id to collect Welfare or social security, if you don't have one, they use other id's without a photo along with other methods to identify you.

you live in some glass bubble that only includes middle class people just like you, and have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the poor and how they live and have lived their entire lives without a gvt issued photo id.

Eventually these people will die off and all the young through force/necessity will have gvt issued photo id's (Can you say in your best Nazi accent, PAPERS PLEASE) ty ty very much.

Most acceptable forms of ID are drivers licenses since they are issued by the state and CCW licenses if you have CCW's in your state which most do by now.

It has to be some verifiable form of ID that can't be manipulated. In my suburb for example, I can't rent you one of my apartments if you don't have a valid drivers license or a state ID. The city will reject the application if I don't submit such ID"s on behalf of my potential tenants. Children excluded of course.

There is no reason a poor person can't get an ID like a middle-class person.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.
You don't need a gvt issued photo id to get a bank account, you don't need one to purchase alcohol or cigarettes if you are not young, most elderly/ poor people don't leave the country, they don't even drive or own a car... you don't even need a gvt issued photo id to collect Welfare or social security, if you don't have one, they use other id's without a photo along with other methods to identify you.

you live in some glass bubble that only includes middle class people just like you, and have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the poor and how they live and have lived their entire lives without a gvt issued photo id.

Eventually these people will die off and all the young through force/necessity will have gvt issued photo id's (Can you say in your best Nazi accent, PAPERS PLEASE) ty ty very much.

Most acceptable forms of ID are drivers licenses since they are issued by the state and CCW licenses if you have CCW's in your state which most do by now.

It has to be some verifiable form of ID that can't be manipulated. In my suburb for example, I can't rent you one of my apartments if you don't have a valid drivers license or a state ID. The city will reject the application if I don't submit such ID"s on behalf of my potential tenants. Children excluded of course.

There is no reason a poor person can't get an ID like a middle-class person.
we have no such restrictions in my State, in fact my State sued the federal gvt for forcing the state to put info for the patriot act requirement into our drivers licenses.... i think my state might have finally caved but we still are not completely patriot act compliant.... we are a sister State to the attitude about the fed as NH, Live free, or Die.... up in the boonies, where I live!!! :lol:
i wouldnt be surprised if Los Angeles County has more people registered than live there
i wouldnt be surprised if Los Angeles County has more people registered than live there

I don't know if I still have the story or not, but I believe they were trying to (or perhaps now allow) have 16 year olds vote. What most 16 year olds know about politics and issues is probably the same what you and I know about the latest Rap or pop band to come out.
i wouldnt be surprised if Los Angeles County has more people registered than live there

I don't know if I still have the story or not, but I believe they were trying to (or perhaps now allow) have 16 year olds vote. What most 16 year olds know about politics and issues is probably the same what you and I know about the latest Rap or pop band to come out.
if Pelosi had her way, she would register tall trees
i wouldnt be surprised if Los Angeles County has more people registered than live there

I don't know if I still have the story or not, but I believe they were trying to (or perhaps now allow) have 16 year olds vote. What most 16 year olds know about politics and issues is probably the same what you and I know about the latest Rap or pop band to come out.
Harry Reid would register all weight machines in Nevada as democrats
maybe Hillary can show us some video evidence of a Republican stopping a democrat from voting?
Here you go: Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

The GOP is preventing Senate Democrats from voting up or down for a Supreme Court nominee, thus obstructing them from their Constitutional obligation.

the Constitution does not say the Senate has to hold a vote on a nominee nor does it prescribe a time frame on which it has to approve any nominee. It simply states the Senate is to "advise and consent the President" in the process. It isn't a rubber stamp. And least we not forget this gem from Harry Reid 11 years ago..

"The duties of the Senate are set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Nowhere in that document does it say that the Senate has a duty to give Presidential appointees [sic; he means "nominees"] a vote. It says appointments shall be made with the advice and consent of the Senate. That is very different than saying very nominee receives a vote."

Read more at: Harry Reid: No Senate Duty to Give Nominees a Vote, by Ed Whelan, National Review

Harry Reid: No Senate Duty to Give Nominees a Vote, by Ed Whelan, National Review
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?
Hillary is such a lying snake and you plan on putting that in as President. doesn't a persons character mean anything to you democrat voters or is winning more important? it's become party over country for many of these voters.

She's the only candidate qualified to be President.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?
To cash a check. When I pay my phone bill I have to show my id. Just a few examples.

To cash a check. When I pay my phone bill I have to show my id. Just a few examples.

It's 2015! Who cashes a check? For that matter who writes checks? Phone bills are paid on-line. NEXT!!
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.
You don't need a gvt issued photo id to get a bank account, you don't need one to purchase alcohol or cigarettes if you are not young, most elderly/ poor people don't leave the country, they don't even drive or own a car... you don't even need a gvt issued photo id to collect Welfare or social security, if you don't have one, they use other id's without a photo along with other methods to identify you.

you live in some glass bubble that only includes middle class people just like you, and have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the poor and how they live and have lived their entire lives without a gvt issued photo id.

Eventually these people will die off and all the young through force/necessity will have gvt issued photo id's (Can you say in your best Nazi accent, PAPERS PLEASE) ty ty very much.

Most acceptable forms of ID are drivers licenses since they are issued by the state and CCW licenses if you have CCW's in your state which most do by now.

It has to be some verifiable form of ID that can't be manipulated. In my suburb for example, I can't rent you one of my apartments if you don't have a valid drivers license or a state ID. The city will reject the application if I don't submit such ID"s on behalf of my potential tenants. Children excluded of course.

There is no reason a poor person can't get an ID like a middle-class person.

Most acceptable forms of ID are drivers licenses since they are issued by the state and CCW licenses if you have CCW's in your state which most do by now.

Well gee, thanks for letting us know. How about your picture on a credit card?

Invalids do not have driver’s licenses, passports, or gun permits. Shouldn't they be allowed to vote?
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Well Hillary actually isn't wrong. We are keeping illegal aliens from voting and they are most surely Democrats.

She's still stupid though.

Why would you want to stop a group voting for your own best interest?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about 'voting in your own best interest' has your tiny brain stumped.

The only way to eradicate illegal alien workers is to remove the reason they Fine and imprison employers that knowingly hire them, which zero parties want to do, so why don't you concentrate your efforts on something you can vote to change, promoting the middle class.

Deflection noted.
and now she is adding the disabled? really? how does one stop a disabled american from registering to vote? wipe their server clean?

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