Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

so its racist to ask for a photo ID to register,,i guess then it's racist for a white person to ask how much the "Fried Chicken and Ribs Special" is at KFC.
the sole purpose of voter gvt issued photo ids in order to vote, and cutting early voting days and cutting the hours on those days, is to disenfranchise LEGAL CITIZEN VOTERS that tend to lean Democratic in their vote.


so please stop with your bull crud!!!

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters
It’s been clear for a while that the voter-identification laws the GOP has been pushing are aimed at suppressing Democratic constituencies. And Republicans are fessing up, says Jamelle Bouie.
When liberals decry voter-identification laws as tools for voter suppression, they aren’t arguing ex nihilo. The evidence is clear: identification requirements for voting reduce turnout among low-income and minority voters. And the particular restrictions imposed by Republican lawmakers—limiting the acceptable forms of identification, ending opportunities for student voting, reducing hours for early voting—certainly do appear aimed at Democratic voters.

Indeed, in a column for right-wing clearinghouse WorldNetDaily, longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly acknowledged as much with a defense of North Carolina’s new voting law, which has been criticized for its restrictions on access, among other things. Here’s Schlafly:

“The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that ‘early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.’

“The Obama technocrats have developed an efficient system of identifying prospective Obama voters and then nagging them (some might say harassing them) until they actually vote. It may take several days to accomplish this, so early voting is an essential component of the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote campaign.”

She later adds that early voting “violates the spirit of the Constitution” and facilitates “illegal votes” that “cancel out the votes of honest Americans.” I’m not sure what she means by “illegal votes,” but it sounds an awful lot like voting by Democratic constituencies: students, low-income people, and minorities.

Schlafly, it should be noted, isn’t the first Republican to confess the true reason for voter-identification laws. Among friendly audiences, they can’t seem to help it.

Last spring, for example, Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai told a gathering of Republicans that their voter identification law would “allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.” That summer, at an event hosted by the Heritage Foundation, former Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund conceded that Democrats had a point about the GOP’s focus on voter ID, as opposed to those measures—such as absentee balloting—that are vulnerable to tampering. “I think it is a fair argument of some liberals that there are some people who emphasize the voter ID part more than the absentee ballot part because supposedly Republicans like absentee ballots more and they don’t want to restrict that,” he said.

After the election, former Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer told The Palm Beach Post that the explicit goal of the state’s voter-ID law was Democratic suppression. “The Republican Party, the strategists, the consultants, they firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates,” Greer told the Post. “It’s done for one reason and one reason only ... ‘We’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us,’” he said. Indeed, the Florida Republican Party imposed a host of policies, from longer ballots to fewer precincts in minority areas, meant to discourage voting. And it worked. According to one study, as many as 49,000 people were discouraged from voting in November 2012 as a result of long lines and other obstacles.

One could spend hours going through the abundant evidence that these laws are meant to discourage Democratic voting with burdens that harm blacks, Latinos, and other disproportionately low-income groups. In 2011 an Associated Press analysis found that South Carolina’s proposed voter-identification law would hit black precincts the hardest, keeping thousands from casting nonprovisional ballots. Likewise, if Alabama’s voter-ID law goes into effect, it will place its largest burden on black voters who lack acceptable forms of identification and don’t have immediate access to alternatives. And while most of these laws—which, it’s worth noting, have been passed in most of the states of the former Confederacy—provide for free identification, it’s not an easy reach. To get one in Mississippi, for instance, residents need a birth certificate, which costs $15 and requires the photo identification they don’t have. They’ll also need time to travel to the state office to pay or a computer to do the transaction online.

For the one in five Mississippians who live below the poverty line, there’s no guarantee of the time to go to an office, a computer to access the website, or a credit card to make the transaction. After all, more than 10 million American households don’t have bank accounts, and the large majority of them are low income. Most voters will know the steps they need to get an ID. They just aren’t easy to complete, and that’s the point.

So we should be thankful for Schlafly’s candor. The more Republicans acknowledge that these laws are designed to suppress the votes of blacks, Latinos, and others, the easier building a movement to stop them will be.
Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

Also this, in Pennsylvania

In his opinion, Judge McGinley stated that the voter ID law “does not pass constitutional muster because there is no legal, non-burdensome provision of a compliant photo ID to all qualified electors.” He reasoned that the commonwealth’s so-called DOS ID “is fraught with illegalities and dubious authority.” And, most importantly, he found that as to the “[h]undreds of thousands of electors in Pennsylvania [who] lack compliant photo ID, . . . [e]nforcement of the Voter ID Law as to these electors has the effect of disenfranchising them through no fault of their own. Inescapably, the Voter ID Law infringes upon qualified electors’ right to vote.” He also stated, “Disenfranchising voters through no fault of the voter himself is plainly unconstitutional.”

Pennsylvania’s voter ID law, which was passed by the state legislature and signed by Governor Corbett in March of 2012, was one of the most restrictive in the nation and did not allow many commonly used identification cards for voting. Most voters would have been forced to travel to one of only 71 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation locations to obtain state-issued identification. The law especially burdened the elderly, those with limited mobility and disabilities, individuals with fewer resources and the homeless.

“All the evidence in the case pointed to hundreds of thousands of registered Pennsylvania voters who do not have IDs. The state is simply unable to get ID into the hands of all the people who needed it. As voter turnout continues to hit record lows, we need to make sure we do everything we can to increase participation, not deter it,” said Jennifer Clarke, executive director of the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law Found Unconstitutional
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

My mother never drove a car in her life. My mother never went outside of the country. But to participate in a modern society, even she got a state ID because it's required in various transactions it takes to live in the real world. From time to time, she does fly to another part of the country which requires valid ID.
yes there are MILLIONS of American citizens that do not have a gvt issued photo id....


How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

Even though the Justice Department acted first in December in blocking a South Carolina voter-ID law, election law experts seem to agree that the Texas case is going to be the tip of the spear. Here's how the Justice Department responded when it reviewed Texas' new voter-ID law. Federal lawyers wrote:

[W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.

There's more. As Brentin Mock wrote earlier this week at Colorlines, the practical reality of life in Texas makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who want to comply with the new ID law to do so. Mock wrote:

Texas has no driver's license offices in almost a third of the state's counties. Meanwhile, close to 15 percent of Hispanic Texans living in counties without driver's license offices don't have ID. A little less than a quarter of driver's license offices have extended hours, which would make it tough for many working voters to find a place and time to acquire the IDs. Despite this, the Texas legislature struck an amendment that would have reimbursed low-income voters for travel expenses when going to apply for a voter ID, and killed another that would have required offices to remain open until 7:00 p.m. or later on just one weekday, and four or more hours at least two weekends.
Hillary is such a lying snake and you plan on putting that in as President. doesn't a persons character mean anything to you democrat voters or is winning more important? it's become party over country for many of these voters.

She's the only candidate qualified to be President.

in what way? She has never done anything of note. Don't confuse job titles (given due to political reasons) with accomplishments....her incompetence is largely documented.....she is in no way qualified to be President.
yes there are MILLIONS of American citizens that do not have a gvt issued photo id....


How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

Even though the Justice Department acted first in December in blocking a South Carolina voter-ID law, election law experts seem to agree that the Texas case is going to be the tip of the spear. Here's how the Justice Department responded when it reviewed Texas' new voter-ID law. Federal lawyers wrote:

[W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.

There's more. As Brentin Mock wrote earlier this week at Colorlines, the practical reality of life in Texas makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who want to comply with the new ID law to do so. Mock wrote:

Texas has no driver's license offices in almost a third of the state's counties. Meanwhile, close to 15 percent of Hispanic Texans living in counties without driver's license offices don't have ID. A little less than a quarter of driver's license offices have extended hours, which would make it tough for many working voters to find a place and time to acquire the IDs. Despite this, the Texas legislature struck an amendment that would have reimbursed low-income voters for travel expenses when going to apply for a voter ID, and killed another that would have required offices to remain open until 7:00 p.m. or later on just one weekday, and four or more hours at least two weekends.

The article was dated four years ago.

And let's be honest here: If you told anyone of these supposed people with no ID to vote that there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they needed was a valid ID to accept the check and cash it, it would take them less than 24 hours to obtain one and find transportation to get there.

The truth of the matter is that a good percentage of Democrat voters don't really care about voting. It's not a serious thing for them. If it's convenient, sure, they might vote, but it's not a priority or major concern.

It's my opinion that the biggest problem with our elections is we have too many uninformed voters. We have people that don't know left from right, conservative from liberal, or taxes and no taxes, and it's those people that vote Democrat.

Democrats heavily rely on uninformed voters. Don't believe me? Just check out how all inner-city voters vote. These are low educated people, many with low or no income, most who couldn't tell you who the vice-President is yet alone Speaker of the House.

Because these people are typically Democrat, of course Voter-ID affects them more than informed voters who take voting seriously.
Well Hillary actually isn't wrong. We are keeping illegal aliens from voting and they are most surely Democrats.

She's still stupid though.

Why would you want to stop a group voting for your own best interest?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about "illegal" that has your tiny brain stumped?

What is it about 'voting in your own best interest' has your tiny brain stumped.

The only way to eradicate illegal alien workers is to remove the reason they Fine and imprison employers that knowingly hire them, which zero parties want to do, so why don't you concentrate your efforts on something you can vote to change, promoting the middle class.

Deflection noted.

I'm deflecting nothing. Illegal aliens vote in your own best interest, unless you're rich or stupid.
Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?

Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

My mother never drove a car in her life. My mother never went outside of the country. But to participate in a modern society, even she got a state ID because it's required in various transactions it takes to live in the real world. From time to time, she does fly to another part of the country which requires valid ID.

Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

It doesn't matter. If there is one person that the law would effect then it shouldn't be law.

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year. What make you think they don't have ID? Neither side is going to do anything about illegal workers, so why don't you concentrate your effort on improving pay for the middle class.
Hillary is such a lying snake and you plan on putting that in as President. doesn't a persons character mean anything to you democrat voters or is winning more important? it's become party over country for many of these voters.

She's the only candidate qualified to be President.

in what way? She has never done anything of note. Don't confuse job titles (given due to political reasons) with accomplishments....her incompetence is largely documented.....she is in no way qualified to be President.

Here's 7

7 of Hillary Clinton’s biggest accomplishments
yes there are MILLIONS of American citizens that do not have a gvt issued photo id....


How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

Even though the Justice Department acted first in December in blocking a South Carolina voter-ID law, election law experts seem to agree that the Texas case is going to be the tip of the spear. Here's how the Justice Department responded when it reviewed Texas' new voter-ID law. Federal lawyers wrote:

[W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.

There's more. As Brentin Mock wrote earlier this week at Colorlines, the practical reality of life in Texas makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who want to comply with the new ID law to do so. Mock wrote:

Texas has no driver's license offices in almost a third of the state's counties. Meanwhile, close to 15 percent of Hispanic Texans living in counties without driver's license offices don't have ID. A little less than a quarter of driver's license offices have extended hours, which would make it tough for many working voters to find a place and time to acquire the IDs. Despite this, the Texas legislature struck an amendment that would have reimbursed low-income voters for travel expenses when going to apply for a voter ID, and killed another that would have required offices to remain open until 7:00 p.m. or later on just one weekday, and four or more hours at least two weekends.

The article was dated four years ago.

And let's be honest here: If you told anyone of these supposed people with no ID to vote that there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they needed was a valid ID to accept the check and cash it, it would take them less than 24 hours to obtain one and find transportation to get there.

The truth of the matter is that a good percentage of Democrat voters don't really care about voting. It's not a serious thing for them. If it's convenient, sure, they might vote, but it's not a priority or major concern.

It's my opinion that the biggest problem with our elections is we have too many uninformed voters. We have people that don't know left from right, conservative from liberal, or taxes and no taxes, and it's those people that vote Democrat.

Democrats heavily rely on uninformed voters. Don't believe me? Just check out how all inner-city voters vote. These are low educated people, many with low or no income, most who couldn't tell you who the vice-President is yet alone Speaker of the House.

Because these people are typically Democrat, of course Voter-ID affects them more than informed voters who take voting seriously.
see, you WANT TO DISENFRANCHISE citizens of their vote...

thanks for agreeing with what I said was republican's GOAL with all of this and being honest...:rolleyes:
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?
yes, but none of his posts are particularly reality based.

he says a lot of words thought... all meaningless.
Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

My mother never drove a car in her life. My mother never went outside of the country. But to participate in a modern society, even she got a state ID because it's required in various transactions it takes to live in the real world. From time to time, she does fly to another part of the country which requires valid ID.

Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

It doesn't matter. If there is one person that the law would effect then it shouldn't be law.

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year. What make you think they don't have ID? Neither side is going to do anything about illegal workers, so why don't you concentrate your effort on improving pay for the middle class.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year.

That's at an even lower rate than your fake trust.

What make you think they don't have ID?

How did they get ID?
Hillary is such a lying snake and you plan on putting that in as President. doesn't a persons character mean anything to you democrat voters or is winning more important? it's become party over country for many of these voters.

She's the only candidate qualified to be President.

in what way? She has never done anything of note. Don't confuse job titles (given due to political reasons) with accomplishments....her incompetence is largely documented.....she is in no way qualified to be President.

Here's 7

7 of Hillary Clinton’s biggest accomplishments

Thanks, those were funny.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Republicans admitted it.

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters
And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

My mother never drove a car in her life. My mother never went outside of the country. But to participate in a modern society, even she got a state ID because it's required in various transactions it takes to live in the real world. From time to time, she does fly to another part of the country which requires valid ID.

Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

It doesn't matter. If there is one person that the law would effect then it shouldn't be law.

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year. What make you think they don't have ID? Neither side is going to do anything about illegal workers, so why don't you concentrate your effort on improving pay for the middle class.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year.

That's at an even lower rate than your fake trust.

What make you think they don't have ID?

How did they get ID?
most states allow illegals to get driver's licenses, and bank accounts and mortgages etc etc etc, and they can be renewed by mail on the driver's licenses... others have stolen identities....

NOTE! - out of all races, legal Hispanics registered and eligible to vote are least likely to vote... I doubt Hispanic illegals are voting when you can't even get legal Hispanics to vote in any high percentages....

plus, if caught, it guarantees deportation, it's a felony....crossing the border is a misdemeanor, unless it is their second time caught, after already deported.
the sole purpose of voter gvt issued photo ids in order to vote, and cutting early voting days and cutting the hours on those days, is to disenfranchise LEGAL CITIZEN VOTERS that tend to lean Democratic in their vote.


so please stop with your bull crud!!!

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters
It’s been clear for a while that the voter-identification laws the GOP has been pushing are aimed at suppressing Democratic constituencies. And Republicans are fessing up, says Jamelle Bouie.
When liberals decry voter-identification laws as tools for voter suppression, they aren’t arguing ex nihilo. The evidence is clear: identification requirements for voting reduce turnout among low-income and minority voters. And the particular restrictions imposed by Republican lawmakers—limiting the acceptable forms of identification, ending opportunities for student voting, reducing hours for early voting—certainly do appear aimed at Democratic voters.

Indeed, in a column for right-wing clearinghouse WorldNetDaily, longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly acknowledged as much with a defense of North Carolina’s new voting law, which has been criticized for its restrictions on access, among other things. Here’s Schlafly:

“The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that ‘early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.’

“The Obama technocrats have developed an efficient system of identifying prospective Obama voters and then nagging them (some might say harassing them) until they actually vote. It may take several days to accomplish this, so early voting is an essential component of the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote campaign.”

She later adds that early voting “violates the spirit of the Constitution” and facilitates “illegal votes” that “cancel out the votes of honest Americans.” I’m not sure what she means by “illegal votes,” but it sounds an awful lot like voting by Democratic constituencies: students, low-income people, and minorities.

Schlafly, it should be noted, isn’t the first Republican to confess the true reason for voter-identification laws. Among friendly audiences, they can’t seem to help it.

Last spring, for example, Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai told a gathering of Republicans that their voter identification law would “allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.” That summer, at an event hosted by the Heritage Foundation, former Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund conceded that Democrats had a point about the GOP’s focus on voter ID, as opposed to those measures—such as absentee balloting—that are vulnerable to tampering. “I think it is a fair argument of some liberals that there are some people who emphasize the voter ID part more than the absentee ballot part because supposedly Republicans like absentee ballots more and they don’t want to restrict that,” he said.

After the election, former Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer told The Palm Beach Post that the explicit goal of the state’s voter-ID law was Democratic suppression. “The Republican Party, the strategists, the consultants, they firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates,” Greer told the Post. “It’s done for one reason and one reason only ... ‘We’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us,’” he said. Indeed, the Florida Republican Party imposed a host of policies, from longer ballots to fewer precincts in minority areas, meant to discourage voting. And it worked. According to one study, as many as 49,000 people were discouraged from voting in November 2012 as a result of long lines and other obstacles.

One could spend hours going through the abundant evidence that these laws are meant to discourage Democratic voting with burdens that harm blacks, Latinos, and other disproportionately low-income groups. In 2011 an Associated Press analysis found that South Carolina’s proposed voter-identification law would hit black precincts the hardest, keeping thousands from casting nonprovisional ballots. Likewise, if Alabama’s voter-ID law goes into effect, it will place its largest burden on black voters who lack acceptable forms of identification and don’t have immediate access to alternatives. And while most of these laws—which, it’s worth noting, have been passed in most of the states of the former Confederacy—provide for free identification, it’s not an easy reach. To get one in Mississippi, for instance, residents need a birth certificate, which costs $15 and requires the photo identification they don’t have. They’ll also need time to travel to the state office to pay or a computer to do the transaction online.

For the one in five Mississippians who live below the poverty line, there’s no guarantee of the time to go to an office, a computer to access the website, or a credit card to make the transaction. After all, more than 10 million American households don’t have bank accounts, and the large majority of them are low income. Most voters will know the steps they need to get an ID. They just aren’t easy to complete, and that’s the point.

So we should be thankful for Schlafly’s candor. The more Republicans acknowledge that these laws are designed to suppress the votes of blacks, Latinos, and others, the easier building a movement to stop them will be.
Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

Also this, in Pennsylvania

In his opinion, Judge McGinley stated that the voter ID law “does not pass constitutional muster because there is no legal, non-burdensome provision of a compliant photo ID to all qualified electors.” He reasoned that the commonwealth’s so-called DOS ID “is fraught with illegalities and dubious authority.” And, most importantly, he found that as to the “[h]undreds of thousands of electors in Pennsylvania [who] lack compliant photo ID, . . . [e]nforcement of the Voter ID Law as to these electors has the effect of disenfranchising them through no fault of their own. Inescapably, the Voter ID Law infringes upon qualified electors’ right to vote.” He also stated, “Disenfranchising voters through no fault of the voter himself is plainly unconstitutional.”

Pennsylvania’s voter ID law, which was passed by the state legislature and signed by Governor Corbett in March of 2012, was one of the most restrictive in the nation and did not allow many commonly used identification cards for voting. Most voters would have been forced to travel to one of only 71 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation locations to obtain state-issued identification. The law especially burdened the elderly, those with limited mobility and disabilities, individuals with fewer resources and the homeless.

“All the evidence in the case pointed to hundreds of thousands of registered Pennsylvania voters who do not have IDs. The state is simply unable to get ID into the hands of all the people who needed it. As voter turnout continues to hit record lows, we need to make sure we do everything we can to increase participation, not deter it,” said Jennifer Clarke, executive director of the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law Found Unconstitutional

One republican said that, yet you use plural terms, that's a sign of intellectual dishonesty. Also the supreme court says voter ID is constitutional, so the opinion of a State judge is meaningless.
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And so it begins again..............same tactics used over and over again by the Dems................Their OK with having to have an I.D. for most things unless it's for voting..................and now the Propaganda machine will go to standard talking points to feed the people how they are being oppressed and not allowed to vote..........

It doesn't work on the informed............It only works on those not informed............and it is to be expected..............

On a lighter note.........expect their other points to be if you vote GOP old people will have to eat Dog Food.
Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

My mother never drove a car in her life. My mother never went outside of the country. But to participate in a modern society, even she got a state ID because it's required in various transactions it takes to live in the real world. From time to time, she does fly to another part of the country which requires valid ID.

Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

It doesn't matter. If there is one person that the law would effect then it shouldn't be law.

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year. What make you think they don't have ID? Neither side is going to do anything about illegal workers, so why don't you concentrate your effort on improving pay for the middle class.

So 30-40 million illegals, your nuts if you believe the government saying there's only 11 million, pay a whopping 1.6 billion in taxes, while costing us a hundred times more for all the services they consume. BTW the supreme court found voter ID constitutional.
And so it begins again..............same tactics used over and over again by the Dems................Their OK with having to have an I.D. for most things unless it's for voting..................and now the Propaganda machine will go to standard talking points to feed the people how they are being oppressed and not allowed to vote..........

It doesn't work on the informed............It only works on those not informed............and it is to be expected..............

On a lighter note.........expect their other points to be if you vote GOP old people will have to eat Dog Food.

Isn't it amazing how Voter-ID is a form of discrimination to keep minorities from voting, but background checks are not discriminatory and will solve all our gun crimes and mass shootings?

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