Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
Every voter knows WTF they are doing.....that is the way our founders intended it

Why should a voter need to know who the VP is or anything about parties? A voter needs to know who best represents his values and it is up to the candidate to convince him

If a voter doesn't even know what party the VP is from, then they certainly don't know who best represents them. They certainly don't understand tax issues yet alone the tragedy that's taking place with our national debt.

But like I said, Democrats rely on those people. FREE COLLEGE!! That's all they have to hear. Vote for the guy that will give me or my kids free college. Don't know anything about what it would cost, don't know anything about who will pay for it, don't know anything about the economic ramifications of taxing those who will pay for it, just free college.

The more "Obama Money" people we can purge from our voting rolls, the better for the country.

Only political geeks like us need to know things like who the VP and Speaker of the House is. To most Americans, it has little bearing on their day to day lives
Even a man who lives under a bridge only needs to know which candidate will do the best job of getting him out from that bridge.
hey, if Deomcrats choose to live in rural areas/out in "NoMansLand" and just sit there and collect welfare because they dont want to work in a red/purple state with very low unemployment, you think they will bitch about not having any ID? or is it just the left that needs to crap their depends over it?
Do you really think people who live in rural areas do not receive welfare?
Travel through Appalachia sometime

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How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...

Yes, I guess that's why all your cities that are loaded with lower income people who can barely spell their name vote heavily Democrat.

If you look at the color map of the country, most of the country is red. So how do Democrats keep winning elections? Those little blue areas have a lot of people. Those are the people in the inner-cities.

But let's say the MLB put in a new rule where the people get to vote on the players of your baseball team, and the city gets to set the parameters. My city allows anybody to vote on players, but your city only allows people who really follow baseball to vote on players. Which city would have the better team???
and to add to the lamest of excuses! god, they have four years to register for the next election, so whats the problem getting registered? does it take four years to drive to the nearest local registration office?
hey, if Deomcrats choose to live in rural areas/out in "NoMansLand" and just sit there and collect welfare because they dont want to work in a red/purple state with very low unemployment, you think they will bitch about not having any ID? or is it just the left that needs to crap their depends over it?

And the thing is, it's the left that insults their own people by telling them they're too stupid or too lazy to get an ID to vote, and these people still vote Democrat anyway!!!!

- DOJ Expert Witness: Blacks Are Less Sophisticated Voters
The real question is, if we believe the meme of the left the Republican party is made up of uneducated toothless rubes who don't have an inch of common sense. So if Republicans are disenfranchising the poor then would that effect their base?

What this really is, is Mrs. Clinton doing what liberals do. Telling minorities that they are stupid too uneducated to figure out how to vote or where to vote. Telling the minorities that only the old white DNC can help them.
Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...

Yes, I guess that's why all your cities that are loaded with lower income people who can barely spell their name vote heavily Democrat.

If you look at the color map of the country, most of the country is red. So how do Democrats keep winning elections? Those little blue areas have a lot of people. Those are the people in the inner-cities.

But let's say the MLB put in a new rule where the people get to vote on the players of your baseball team, and the city gets to set the parameters. My city allows anybody to vote on players, but your city only allows people who really follow baseball to vote on players. Which city would have the better team???
and to add to the lamest of excuses! god, they have four years to register for the next election, so whats the problem getting registered? does it take four years to drive to the nearest local registration office?

That's the standard for the party of excuses. But like I said earlier, if any of these people who claim they can't get an ID to vote knew there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they had to do was get there and present a valid ID, they would have it done in less than 24 hours.
Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...

Yes, I guess that's why all your cities that are loaded with lower income people who can barely spell their name vote heavily Democrat.

If you look at the color map of the country, most of the country is red. So how do Democrats keep winning elections? Those little blue areas have a lot of people. Those are the people in the inner-cities.

But let's say the MLB put in a new rule where the people get to vote on the players of your baseball team, and the city gets to set the parameters. My city allows anybody to vote on players, but your city only allows people who really follow baseball to vote on players. Which city would have the better team???
and to add to the lamest of excuses! god, they have four years to register for the next election, so whats the problem getting registered? does it take four years to drive to the nearest local registration office?

hey, if Deomcrats choose to live in rural areas/out in "NoMansLand" and just sit there and collect welfare because they dont want to work in a red/purple state with very low unemployment, you think they will bitch about not having any ID? or is it just the left that needs to crap their depends over it?

And the thing is, it's the left that insults their own people by telling them they're too stupid or too lazy to get an ID to vote, and these people still vote Democrat anyway!!!!

- DOJ Expert Witness: Blacks Are Less Sophisticated Voters

And so it is starting to happen. As the left FINALLY sees that they are probably going to actually lose it all, they start throwing everything at the wall to see what might stick, and become more shrill.

Around the month of May, get some earplugs because the loud siren you think you are hearing, will be the Democrats in full blown scream mode-)
Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...

Yes, I guess that's why all your cities that are loaded with lower income people who can barely spell their name vote heavily Democrat.

If you look at the color map of the country, most of the country is red. So how do Democrats keep winning elections? Those little blue areas have a lot of people. Those are the people in the inner-cities.

But let's say the MLB put in a new rule where the people get to vote on the players of your baseball team, and the city gets to set the parameters. My city allows anybody to vote on players, but your city only allows people who really follow baseball to vote on players. Which city would have the better team???
and to add to the lamest of excuses! god, they have four years to register for the next election, so whats the problem getting registered? does it take four years to drive to the nearest local registration office?

That's the standard for the party of excuses. But like I said earlier, if any of these people who claim they can't get an ID to vote knew there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they had to do was get there and present a valid ID, they would have it done in less than 24 hours.
right, thats why dems are so desperate for votes when the economy is doing well that they have to pay them to vote, or just allow them to vote in as many districts as they want on election nights.
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

only this brain dead

typical hillary supporter

:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

only this brain dead

typical hillary supporter

Donald Trump is your shepherd
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:
I think these two guys are tea baggers scaring Democrat voters away.

:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:
I think these two guys are tea baggers scaring Democrat voters away.

Looks like two men exercising their second amendment rights
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.

Show me any recent initiatives out of Republicans that will improve the plight of the homeless. Other than "get a job loser" they have no formal policy.

Please take your 93 million Americans are not working claim and shove it firmly up your ass. Unless you are concerned about the employment of 16 year olds, stay at home moms and retirees, your number is meaningless
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.

Show me any recent initiatives out of Republicans that will improve the plight of the homeless. Other than "get a job loser" they have no formal policy.

Please take your 93 million Americans are not working claim and shove it firmly up your ass. Unless you are concerned about the employment of 16 year olds, stay at home moms and retirees, your number is meaningless

You mean the same group of people your side wants to raise minimum wage for? You know, the idea that will pull everybody out of poverty?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.

Show me any recent initiatives out of Republicans that will improve the plight of the homeless. Other than "get a job loser" they have no formal policy.

Please take your 93 million Americans are not working claim and shove it firmly up your ass. Unless you are concerned about the employment of 16 year olds, stay at home moms and retirees, your number is meaningless

You mean the same group of people your side wants to raise minimum wage for? You know, the idea that will pull everybody out of poverty?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

You mean like retirees?
How about those lazy 16 year olds who refuse to support themselves?
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.

Show me any recent initiatives out of Republicans that will improve the plight of the homeless. Other than "get a job loser" they have no formal policy.

Please take your 93 million Americans are not working claim and shove it firmly up your ass. Unless you are concerned about the employment of 16 year olds, stay at home moms and retirees, your number is meaningless
If creating another 18 Trillion in taxes over 10 years is the Job's creator then Bernie is your man.

If you want more of the same and again higher taxes for job growth, lol...........Hillary is your woman...........

Job creation is stagnant.................lower wages more in poverty............GOP candidates are looking at job growth plans not the opposite...................

Carson's tax plan if implemented is estimating 5.2 million jobs created over 10 years..............with the lowest so called loss of revenue for the tax incentives of the plans.................of course the establishment wouldn't let a plan like that happen..................they like it the way it is...............Hillary is the establishment great white hope.....................

We continue to allow the exodus of our industry and jobs we are done as far as the American Worker and the American Dream will's dying now.............

Obama is upping the ante...................with the the establishment carry's on.........destroying everything in it's path.................Like a Cat 5 hurricane rolling across the land.................

Might as well quite working vote for Bernie and watch the show with all his proposed free shit.
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.

Show me any recent initiatives out of Republicans that will improve the plight of the homeless. Other than "get a job loser" they have no formal policy.

Please take your 93 million Americans are not working claim and shove it firmly up your ass. Unless you are concerned about the employment of 16 year olds, stay at home moms and retirees, your number is meaningless

You mean the same group of people your side wants to raise minimum wage for? You know, the idea that will pull everybody out of poverty?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

You mean like retirees?
How about those lazy 16 year olds who refuse to support themselves?

Correct, because this is the first time our labor force ever had retirees or 16 year olds included.
So what does a man who lives under a bridge need to know in order to vote? Does he need to know who the VP is or which party controls Congress? What does that have to do with his life?

All he needs to know is that the Democratic candidate came to his bridge and offered a place to stay, food to eat and job training if he wanted it
The Republican candidate came to the bridge and told him to get the hell out or he would call the cops

No, the Democrat candidate would offer him a place to stay and food to eat. It's the Republican that would teach him how to work so he never had to be under that bridge again.

In this rip-roaring economy of DumBama's, we still have 45 million people on food stamps, and the only reason it's that low is because Republicans cut some funds to it.

But your example of the guy under the bridge is the perfect example of the Democrat platform: buy votes by giving things to people. And this is why it's important for voters to understand politics, costs and the demise of our workforce. They need to know that 93 million Americans of working age are not only not working, but not looking for a job either.

Tough love is sometimes needed to get lazy people off of their ass and do something about their life, not give them things to keep them there. We witnessed this with Welfare Reform back in the 90's. We recently seen the results in Maine where they cut people off of food stamps and they did just fine. They were only using the program because why? FREE! They never needed food stamps in the first place.

This is what conservatives bring to the table.

Show me any recent initiatives out of Republicans that will improve the plight of the homeless. Other than "get a job loser" they have no formal policy.

Please take your 93 million Americans are not working claim and shove it firmly up your ass. Unless you are concerned about the employment of 16 year olds, stay at home moms and retirees, your number is meaningless

You mean the same group of people your side wants to raise minimum wage for? You know, the idea that will pull everybody out of poverty?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

You mean like retirees?
How about those lazy 16 year olds who refuse to support themselves?

Correct, because this is the first time our labor force ever had retirees or 16 year olds included.
Far from correct.
Your 93 million "freeloaders" number includes 40 million over the age of 65. They are not in the workforce and have no desire to be so

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