Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

yes there are MILLIONS of American citizens that do not have a gvt issued photo id....


How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

Even though the Justice Department acted first in December in blocking a South Carolina voter-ID law, election law experts seem to agree that the Texas case is going to be the tip of the spear. Here's how the Justice Department responded when it reviewed Texas' new voter-ID law. Federal lawyers wrote:

[W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.

There's more. As Brentin Mock wrote earlier this week at Colorlines, the practical reality of life in Texas makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who want to comply with the new ID law to do so. Mock wrote:

Texas has no driver's license offices in almost a third of the state's counties. Meanwhile, close to 15 percent of Hispanic Texans living in counties without driver's license offices don't have ID. A little less than a quarter of driver's license offices have extended hours, which would make it tough for many working voters to find a place and time to acquire the IDs. Despite this, the Texas legislature struck an amendment that would have reimbursed low-income voters for travel expenses when going to apply for a voter ID, and killed another that would have required offices to remain open until 7:00 p.m. or later on just one weekday, and four or more hours at least two weekends.

The article was dated four years ago.

And let's be honest here: If you told anyone of these supposed people with no ID to vote that there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they needed was a valid ID to accept the check and cash it, it would take them less than 24 hours to obtain one and find transportation to get there.

The truth of the matter is that a good percentage of Democrat voters don't really care about voting. It's not a serious thing for them. If it's convenient, sure, they might vote, but it's not a priority or major concern.

It's my opinion that the biggest problem with our elections is we have too many uninformed voters. We have people that don't know left from right, conservative from liberal, or taxes and no taxes, and it's those people that vote Democrat.

Democrats heavily rely on uninformed voters. Don't believe me? Just check out how all inner-city voters vote. These are low educated people, many with low or no income, most who couldn't tell you who the vice-President is yet alone Speaker of the House.

Because these people are typically Democrat, of course Voter-ID affects them more than informed voters who take voting seriously.
see, you WANT TO DISENFRANCHISE citizens of their vote...

thanks for agreeing with what I said was republican's GOAL with all of this and being honest...:rolleyes:

How are you disenfranchising anybody if they are too lazy to comply with rules; if you don't make it overly convenient for them?

You see, disenfranchisement happens when you have two sets of rules. This is one set that everybody has to abide to regardless of age, gender, race or anything else.
Because if you're younger, you need proof of your age to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. If you need to leave the country, you need a photo ID to get a passport. If you don't live in a cave, you need a photo ID for the banks to open accounts in your name or to get a loan. If you get questioned by police for some reason, they need verification of who you are.

And if you are older, widowed, never driven, doesn't travel out of the country, had the same bank account for 60 years?

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that? And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.

Right, and how many hundreds of thousands of people would you have to go through to find somebody like that?

It doesn't matter. If a rule precludes one person from voting it's a bad rule.

And what bank has been around for 60 years anyway?

You've got to be kidding.

You people on the left believe any BS your leaders tell you to believe. This has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with neanderthals that don't live in the current century, it has to do with being able to cheat elections with felons, foreigners and liars.


Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

My mother never drove a car in her life. My mother never went outside of the country. But to participate in a modern society, even she got a state ID because it's required in various transactions it takes to live in the real world. From time to time, she does fly to another part of the country which requires valid ID.

Yes really. You jokers on the left buy into this notion that there are people living in a modern society that have no valid form of photo-id. They don't cash checks, they don't take out loans for homes, they don't rent apartments, they don't buy cigarettes or alcohol, they never get asked for their ID at voting places, they never leave the country, they don't apply for jobs. Who are these people anyway?

It doesn't matter. If there is one person that the law would effect then it shouldn't be law.

But instead of being concerned about the hundreds if not thousands who are voting illegally because we don't have theses safeguards in place, you worry about the one or two in a state that actually live this kind of isolated lifestyle.

Illegal aliens pay $1.6B in federal tax every year. What make you think they don't have ID? Neither side is going to do anything about illegal workers, so why don't you concentrate your effort on improving pay for the middle class.

Because I have no control over that besides voting Republican.

Pay works like anything else: supply and demand. When the demand is high and supply is low, wages go up. When demand is low and supply is high, wages lower.

Over the last decade or more, when demand goes up, illegals come to this country and take the jobs, therefore there will never be a real shortage of workers. That's not just for illegals alone, foreigners of legal and illegal status come here to take our jobs, so of course wages never increase for the middle-class.

Add to that the American consumer not supporting higher wages, and you have all the makings to create the situation we currently have.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?
To cash a check. When I pay my phone bill I have to show my id. Just a few examples.

To cash a check. When I pay my phone bill I have to show my id. Just a few examples.

It's 2015! Who cashes a check? For that matter who writes checks? Phone bills are paid on-line. NEXT!!
If you use your debit card and they want an I'd? To buy alcohol. If a cop wants to make sure you are who you say you are. Anyway it's convent to just have to show your I'd to vote instead of having to bring your voter card.
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

You need photo id to fish and a license, why don't the democrats make it easier to fish?
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

You need photo id to fish and a license, why don't the democrats make it easier to fish?
and all of these BS excuses for making it hard to vote. "Ahh, derr, well in many cases you need to drive 100 miles to the nearest office". yah, i guess according to liberals, we havent invented the phone, library and computers yet.
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
Every voter knows WTF they are doing.....that is the way our founders intended it

Why should a voter need to know who the VP is or anything about parties? A voter needs to know who best represents his values and it is up to the candidate to convince him
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

You need photo id to fish and a license, why don't the democrats make it easier to fish?
Voting is a right, fishing is not

Provide EVERY American with an ID and then you can require they provide one to vote
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...

Yes, I guess that's why all your cities that are loaded with lower income people who can barely spell their name vote heavily Democrat.

If you look at the color map of the country, most of the country is red. So how do Democrats keep winning elections? Those little blue areas have a lot of people. Those are the people in the inner-cities.

But let's say the MLB put in a new rule where the people get to vote on the players of your baseball team, and the city gets to set the parameters. My city allows anybody to vote on players, but your city only allows people who really follow baseball to vote on players. Which city would have the better team???
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
They would scream and whine about the return of the "black codes" after insisting for years that ignorant people only vote Republican...

Yes, I guess that's why all your cities that are loaded with lower income people who can barely spell their name vote heavily Democrat.

If you look at the color map of the country, most of the country is red. So how do Democrats keep winning elections? Those little blue areas have a lot of people. Those are the people in the inner-cities.

But let's say the MLB put in a new rule where the people get to vote on the players of your baseball team, and the city gets to set the parameters. My city allows anybody to vote on players, but your city only allows people who really follow baseball to vote on players. Which city would have the better team???

Talk about ignorance of voters. Who cares about vacant land ?
Land does not vote, people do. Most people live in cities and we have one man, one vote and it has nothing to do with acreage
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

Because making it easier to vote brings in voters that don't know WTF they are even voting on.

If I had my way, you would have to take a test before being allowed to vote. Nothing too hard, but things any voter should know, such as who is the VP and what party do they represent? Which party is in leadership of Congress? In Senate? Who is the Speaker of the House and things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test but Democrats would have a fit because a large base of theirs don't know anything about policies or issues. Putting an effort into voting only draws people who really know and really care about what they are voting on.

If we could do that, we would have a much better government.
Every voter knows WTF they are doing.....that is the way our founders intended it

Why should a voter need to know who the VP is or anything about parties? A voter needs to know who best represents his values and it is up to the candidate to convince him

If a voter doesn't even know what party the VP is from, then they certainly don't know who best represents them. They certainly don't understand tax issues yet alone the tragedy that's taking place with our national debt.

But like I said, Democrats rely on those people. FREE COLLEGE!! That's all they have to hear. Vote for the guy that will give me or my kids free college. Don't know anything about what it would cost, don't know anything about who will pay for it, don't know anything about the economic ramifications of taxing those who will pay for it, just free college.

The more "Obama Money" people we can purge from our voting rolls, the better for the country.
How Republicans block people from voting

1. Voter ID laws
2. Limit the number of polling places and voting machines
3. Cut back on days you can vote
4. Make the ballot more confusing

Right, because this doesn't apply to everybody--just Democrat voters.

Did it ever strike you that it's the local governments that decide on how many voting machines are in place at the polls and how many locations they have? Why are Democrats doing these things to their own voters?

Republicans don't need everyone, only a couple of a percent can swing and election.
Make it harder for voters in urban areas. Fewer polling areas, longer lines, question their documentation....frustrate them so they walk away

Why would Republicans consistently object to initiatives that make it easier to vote?

You need photo id to fish and a license, why don't the democrats make it easier to fish?
Voting is a right, fishing is not

Provide EVERY American with an ID and then you can require they provide one to vote

People need photo id and a license to get married, why don't we make it easier to get married?
hey, if Deomcrats choose to live in rural areas/out in "NoMansLand" and just sit there and collect welfare because they dont want to work in a red/purple state with very low unemployment, you think they will bitch about not having any ID? or is it just the left that needs to crap their depends over it?

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