Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

More bad news for Republicans in the suburbs. Will Hurd announced he is retiring. Clearly his poll numbers were not very good. He won by a few hundred votes in a suburban seat in Texas. A seat that went for Clinton in 2016.

Rep. Will Hurd will not seek re-election for Congress

You can write all you want


Trump will still be your President in 2020! :113::113::113:

These effects have already started to show in the last midterm.

In 2016, white women supported Trump by 10 points. (53% to 43%)
In 2018, white women were dead even between Democrat candidates and Republican candidates. (49% to 49%)

That's a 10-point swing, and that's HUGE considering how big the population of white women is in the electorate. In the 2016 election, for example, they made up approximately 37% of all voters.

It'll be interesting to revisit this demographic after the election.

When you look at the trends, it is even more pronounced in swing states. Increased support from white women in Virginia gave Democrats a 9 point win in the Governor's race versus a 5 point win for Clinton in 2016.
These effects have already started to show in the last midterm.

In 2016, white women supported Trump by 10 points. (53% to 43%)
In 2018, white women were dead even between Democrat candidates and Republican candidates. (49% to 49%)

That's a 10-point swing, and that's HUGE considering how big the population of white women is in the electorate. In the 2016 election, for example, they made up approximately 37% of all voters.

It'll be interesting to revisit this demographic after the election.
/——/ Link, please.



How Race, Gender, Class, and Education Influenced the Election

The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
No one thinks we get services for free. We all pay for it in our taxes. The President's tweets are inappropriate to the dignity of the office. This is not a reality tv show, but it is exactly how he "plays" it. His words are not to be parsed for meaning--they are the set up for the squabble that will ensue, just like The Real Housewives of Orange County. He does it for the "clicks," the attention. He is already trying to steal all the oxygen out of the room so that no one can focus even for a minute on any of his challengers.
Dems--it is time to pay attention to this and IGNORE him as you would any troll.

Most of your base thinks someone else will pay for it. They don't think their taxes will go up for it, it will be the "bad people" paying for it.
Apparently, Republicans can also be gullible. They believed that their new tax program would bring in even more revenue because the economy would be so BOOMING that even though there were big tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy, it would more than make up for it.
/—-/ since corporate tax hikes increases costs to consumers and creates inflation, how much more do you want to pay for stuff to bring in more revenue?

No they don't. Corporations have gotten big tax cuts and I haven't seen any price cuts. Hershey recently announced a price increase just in time for Halloween.
Seriously? Corporations won't cut prices due to tax cuts. They may, however, hire more employees. Which does what? Creates more taxpayers? Which does what? Creates more tax revenue? Imagine that.

The Congressional Research Service has found that the tax cuts have not done anything Republicans promised. Business investment has not increased, wages have not risen and repatriated earning did not increase as much as expected.

The Economic Effects of the 2017 Tax Revision: Preliminary Observations
House elections have nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Two different matrices, two different voting bases.

To a certain extent, yes

But for the Democrats to take over a heavily gerrymandered house, they needed a Yuge Democratic turnout

As it was, they received 9 million more votes than Republicans

Hillary only pulled 3 million more

A similar turnout will crush Trump

Or they needed to break up the Reagan coalition. President Reagan put together a coalition that consisted of rural voters and suburban voters. The suburban voters voted heavily for Democrats in 2018.

Gwinnett County was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80's. In 2012, Nathan Deal won the county by 12 points in his re-election effort. in 2014. In 2016, Clinton won Gwinnet by 6 points and Abrams won the county by 13 points in 2018.

In Texas, Clinton won 3 suburban House districts for the first time. 2 of the 3 House districts went Democrat. In Tarrant County Texas, Ted Cruz won by 16 points in 2012. Trump won by 8 points in 2016 and O'Rourke won by 1 in 2018.

What you are now losing are the non-governmental union voters.

What you are losing is suburban voters and especially suburban women.

according to the polls, and we know how accurate those can be.....

They were dead on in 2018. The only one who got it wrong was Rasmussen.
To a certain extent, yes

But for the Democrats to take over a heavily gerrymandered house, they needed a Yuge Democratic turnout

As it was, they received 9 million more votes than Republicans

Hillary only pulled 3 million more

A similar turnout will crush Trump

Or they needed to break up the Reagan coalition. President Reagan put together a coalition that consisted of rural voters and suburban voters. The suburban voters voted heavily for Democrats in 2018.

Gwinnett County was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80's. In 2012, Nathan Deal won the county by 12 points in his re-election effort. in 2014. In 2016, Clinton won Gwinnet by 6 points and Abrams won the county by 13 points in 2018.

In Texas, Clinton won 3 suburban House districts for the first time. 2 of the 3 House districts went Democrat. In Tarrant County Texas, Ted Cruz won by 16 points in 2012. Trump won by 8 points in 2016 and O'Rourke won by 1 in 2018.

What you are now losing are the non-governmental union voters.

What you are losing is suburban voters and especially suburban women.

according to the polls, and we know how accurate those can be.....

They were dead on in 2018. The only one who got it wrong was Rasmussen.

They were actually short of the overall turnover from Republican to Dem. not exactly "dead on"

Wow a sitting President loses the House in his first term.... that has never happened before, EVER
You confuse intelligence with voting for Trump. You also confuse not selling out your values with progressives. You are the unintelligent one.

The only value progressives care about is power.

Power is why conservatives have sold out to Trump. They have sold their sold to the devil for power.

Bullshit. We want less federal government, not more.

You want the feds breaking down people's doors if they refuse to say a guy with his dick tucked is a woman.

Bullshit. You want the federal government doing what you want. You do not want less government. These anti-abortion bills are not small government.

I do not interfere in what someone calls themselves. You want the federal government to interfere.

They are done at the State level. I, as a resident of New York am OK with the old abortion laws we had, which basically said anything goes before the 3rd trimester.

If Alabama wants to ban it, let them.

I say no and a majority of voters would say no. That is why they support the Roe vs Wade ruling.
The only value progressives care about is power.

Power is why conservatives have sold out to Trump. They have sold their sold to the devil for power.

Bullshit. We want less federal government, not more.

You want the feds breaking down people's doors if they refuse to say a guy with his dick tucked is a woman.

Bullshit. You want the federal government doing what you want. You do not want less government. These anti-abortion bills are not small government.

I do not interfere in what someone calls themselves. You want the federal government to interfere.

They are done at the State level. I, as a resident of New York am OK with the old abortion laws we had, which basically said anything goes before the 3rd trimester.

If Alabama wants to ban it, let them.

I say no and a majority of voters would say no. That is why they support the Roe vs Wade ruling.

Roe V Wade is made up bullshit.

I bet you are the type that loves made up rights while trying to deny people 2nd amendment rights.
Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Once again another example of how the MSM biases the news and WHY the majority of Trump supporters
like me continue to point this out to those people like these suburban women!

“I just don’t like the way he talks about other people,” Evans, a 79-year-old retired data entry supervisor, said recently as she walked through a shopping mall in Brookfield, Wisconsin, days after Trump fired off a racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen.
Many professional, suburban women — a critical voting bloc in the 2020 election — recoil at the abrasive, divisive rhetoric, exposing the president to a potential wave of opposition in key battlegrounds across the country.

BUT do these "many professional, suburban women" really understand how their "emotions" are manipulated by the MSM like AP?
For example... what was the "racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen."
This is exactly the supposedly "racist" tweet:
"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

A) NO where did he talk about SENDING!!! He said why don't they go back... freely... no forcing..
B) Why don't they fix their places from which they came...Detroit, Somalia...etc...
C) HE asked them to come back and show us how it is done!

So where is the "RACISM" in that tweet? NO WHERE! Trump was being an honest person who was pointing out what the Bible said in Matthew 7:5.
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "
Women and other independent voters know what they hear from our president
Most Americans are embarrassed by how our president acts

It is his base that makes excuses and blames the media

His "base" is much larger than you think. Hillary only won the popular vote by 3 million. Trump's "base" could very well be at least 1/2 the country. Frankly, whether folks like Trump or not, the smart ones realize that voting for ANY of the Democratic candidates will doom our country. The smart ones will vote for Trump and are part of his "base". The idealogues and very impressionable believe every tweet from the president is racist and they will vote for the "free" stuff being prormised by the left.

The dumb ones will vote for Trump. Trump is dooming the country with his unnecessary trade wars. That is why Americans disapprove of is trade policies. The decent people will send Trump packing.

So, you think that Red China and other countries treat America fairly in trade? President Trump certainly doesn't think so.

Right now, the President made the decision to reduce unemployment to a 50 year low, become energy self sufficient, and to get the economy moving. If we are going to press the Red Chinese and other to treat America fairly, there is no better time. In a few year, if Trump loses, we will be stuck paying for the New Green Deal, reparations, free college and all kinds of other craziness. America will be a whole lot weaker and at Red China's tender mercies.

If the economy is so great than why mess with success. The fact is that a large number of people have jobs related to trade that are in jeopardy. Trump's trade policies are slowing the world economy which will ultimately claim the US. Trump is raising taxes on Americans.

The fact is that unemployment went down to 4.7% under Obama. We became energy self-sufficient under Obama. Fracking is the reason we are energy self-sufficient and not Obama or even Trump. Trump wants a oil well in every national park. Taxing Americans is not the way to get to the Chinese. America will be weaker if Trump wins. The Constitution will be shredded.
Most of your base thinks someone else will pay for it. They don't think their taxes will go up for it, it will be the "bad people" paying for it.
Apparently, Republicans can also be gullible. They believed that their new tax program would bring in even more revenue because the economy would be so BOOMING that even though there were big tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy, it would more than make up for it.
/—-/ since corporate tax hikes increases costs to consumers and creates inflation, how much more do you want to pay for stuff to bring in more revenue?

No they don't. Corporations have gotten big tax cuts and I haven't seen any price cuts. Hershey recently announced a price increase just in time for Halloween.
Seriously? Corporations won't cut prices due to tax cuts. They may, however, hire more employees. Which does what? Creates more taxpayers? Which does what? Creates more tax revenue? Imagine that.

The Congressional Research Service has found that the tax cuts have not done anything Republicans promised. Business investment has not increased, wages have not risen and repatriated earning did not increase as much as expected.

The Economic Effects of the 2017 Tax Revision: Preliminary Observations
/—-/ Your own link contradicts your claim that wages have not gone up. Try reading the articles before you post.
Suburban women need to be a little more intelligent with their decisions. Trump says to the suburban woman as he leaves the house, " You're lucky to be with me. I left you a thousand dollars on the table. Gotta go". The sensitive Democrat says " You know I love you and I would do anything for you but we're into some hard times darling. I hope it won't be too much trouble for you and the kids to do without ice cream for a while. I promise things will get better sweetheart". So what do you want. A safe and prosperous life with a sometimes gruff person or a life of poverty and uncertainty with a complete gentleman and romantic. How do your kids feel? Trump has made suburbia much more prosperous and safe. Viva Trump.

That's your problem. Right there in bold letters. It's why I'll never ever vote Republican again.

GOP has finally showed their true hateful vile colors and there is no coming back from that.
These effects have already started to show in the last midterm.

In 2016, white women supported Trump by 10 points. (53% to 43%)
In 2018, white women were dead even between Democrat candidates and Republican candidates. (49% to 49%)

That's a 10-point swing, and that's HUGE considering how big the population of white women is in the electorate. In the 2016 election, for example, they made up approximately 37% of all voters.

It'll be interesting to revisit this demographic after the election.
/——/ Link, please.



How Race, Gender, Class, and Education Influenced the Election

The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
/——-/ From your link buried at the bottom: Fake poll based on estimates ( read bias guesswork) by the NY Times: Nationally, voters favored Democratic candidates for Congress over Republican candidates by a margin of about 7 percentage points, according to a preliminary estimate by The New York Times.
Suburban women need to be a little more intelligent with their decisions. Trump says to the suburban woman as he leaves the house, " You're lucky to be with me. I left you a thousand dollars on the table. Gotta go". The sensitive Democrat says " You know I love you and I would do anything for you but we're into some hard times darling. I hope it won't be too much trouble for you and the kids to do without ice cream for a while. I promise things will get better sweetheart". So what do you want. A safe and prosperous life with a sometimes gruff person or a life of poverty and uncertainty with a complete gentleman and romantic. How do your kids feel? Trump has made suburbia much more prosperous and safe. Viva Trump.

That's your problem. Right there in bold letters. It's why I'll never ever vote Republican again.

GOP has finally showed their true hateful vile colors and there is no coming back from that.
/—-/ Yeah, democRATs need to keep women mild, weak and victims unable to stand up for themselves. That’s why Ill never vote democRAT again.
Suburban women need to be a little more intelligent with their decisions. Trump says to the suburban woman as he leaves the house, " You're lucky to be with me. I left you a thousand dollars on the table. Gotta go". The sensitive Democrat says " You know I love you and I would do anything for you but we're into some hard times darling. I hope it won't be too much trouble for you and the kids to do without ice cream for a while. I promise things will get better sweetheart". So what do you want. A safe and prosperous life with a sometimes gruff person or a life of poverty and uncertainty with a complete gentleman and romantic. How do your kids feel? Trump has made suburbia much more prosperous and safe. Viva Trump.

That's your problem. Right there in bold letters. It's why I'll never ever vote Republican again.

GOP has finally showed their true hateful vile colors and there is no coming back from that.
/—-/ Yeah, democRATs need to keep women mild, weak and victims unable to stand up for themselves. That’s why Ill never vote democRAT again.
I think that's a great idea. Stay in your lane.

It's best to keep your kind clearly defined, recognized and identified.
Suburban women need to be a little more intelligent with their decisions. Trump says to the suburban woman as he leaves the house, " You're lucky to be with me. I left you a thousand dollars on the table. Gotta go". The sensitive Democrat says " You know I love you and I would do anything for you but we're into some hard times darling. I hope it won't be too much trouble for you and the kids to do without ice cream for a while. I promise things will get better sweetheart". So what do you want. A safe and prosperous life with a sometimes gruff person or a life of poverty and uncertainty with a complete gentleman and romantic. How do your kids feel? Trump has made suburbia much more prosperous and safe. Viva Trump.

That's your problem. Right there in bold letters. It's why I'll never ever vote Republican again.

GOP has finally showed their true hateful vile colors and there is no coming back from that.
/—-/ Yeah, democRATs need to keep women mild, weak and victims unable to stand up for themselves. That’s why Ill never vote democRAT again.
I think that's a great idea. Stay in your lane.

It's best to keep your kind clearly defined, recognized and identified.
/—-/ I’d never vote to give up my liberties in exchange for the illusion of security. I’ll never vote democRAT.
I think Trump will tone down some of his tweets, but I hope not to the point it changes his direction which I think is positive.

Suburban, Soccer Mom's are easily manipulated, offended, and overly emotional. I don't think Trump got many of their votes in 2016 anyway. Suburbs, now mostly mirror the cities and are largely Democrat controlled. This is a long term problem for the Republican Party as suburbs are growing in population.


The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Trumps antics solidify his base

But it is independent women and men who will decide close elections. With a booming economy, Trump should be a shoe-in for re-election.
But he constantly shows himself to be unfit to be president.

Makes 2020 that much more difficult

You admit Trump's economy is booming, but say he's unfit. Uh what? LOL Liberals. smh

It is the Obama-Trump economy. Neither deserve any credit.

3 years in after tax cuts, tariffs, trade deals, etc, it's the Trump economy.

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