Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.
Trumps antics solidify his base

But it is independent women and men who will decide close elections. With a booming economy, Trump should be a shoe-in for re-election.
But he constantly shows himself to be unfit to be president.

Makes 2020 that much more difficult

You admit Trump's economy is booming, but say he's unfit. Uh what? LOL Liberals. smh

It is the Obama-Trump economy. Neither deserve any credit.

3 years in after tax cuts, tariffs, trade deals, etc, it's the Trump economy.

The key for the D's in 2020 is to somehow tank the economy. Their stooge economists like Krugman have done their best, but they are going to have to work harder to get people put out of work and, hopefully for them, starving on the streets so they can blame Trump.

Voters are prepared to throw out Trump out regardless of the economy. From the Fox poll.

If President Trump is re-elected, do you think economic conditions will get better, get worse, or stay about the same?
21-23 Jul 19
Better 33%
Worse 39%
The same 26%

37. If a Democratic candidate wins the 2020 presidential election, do you think economic conditions will get better, get worse, or stay about the same
21-23 Jul
Better 33%
Worse 36%
The same 24%

Essentially the numbers are the same no matter which party controls the White House.
Questions 38-43 are held for future release.
/——/ From a poll of 350 random adults. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.
For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.

Historically Presidents' lose seats in mid-terms..

In Since 1966 the President that lost most seats was in 2010 by Obama who lost 72 seats.
The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections

Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Trump lost 26 House and GAINED 3 Senate!
Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 8.53.57 PM.png

For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.

Historically Presidents' lose seats in mid-terms..

In Since 1966 the President that lost most seats was in 2010 by Obama who lost 72 seats.
The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections

Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Trump lost 26 House and GAINED 3 Senate!
Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
View attachment 272484

He lost 41 seats, not 26. That's 37% more than the average president.

Why would you say that he gained 3 seats in the Senate. The net gain was only two.

And you're making too much of the fact that he gained in the Senate, which historically doesn't happen. Senators have 6-year terms and the senators that happened to be up for election in 2018 were mostly Democrats - they were basically playing defense. 24 Democrat senators were up for election and only 9 Republican senators were up in 2018.
/—-/ I’d never vote to give up my liberties in exchange for the illusion of security. I’ll never vote democRAT.
Oh there's no question conservatives are the some of the most fearful delicate flowers on this planet.

Afraid of the dust bunnies under the sofa. Scary!
For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.

Historically Presidents' lose seats in mid-terms..

In Since 1966 the President that lost most seats was in 2010 by Obama who lost 72 seats.
The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections

Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Trump lost 26 House and GAINED 3 Senate!
Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
View attachment 272484

He lost 41 seats, not 26. That's 37% more than the average president.

Why would you say that he gained 3 seats in the Senate. The net gain was only two.

And you're making too much of the fact that he gained in the Senate, which historically doesn't happen. Senators have 6-year terms and the senators that happened to be up for election in 2018 were mostly Democrats - they were basically playing defense. 24 Democrat senators were up for election and only 9 Republican senators were up in 2018.

Where did you come up with Trump lost 41 seats? You don't have any links etc substantiating YOUR
FACT: Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Did you see the below chart? I didn't make it up that Trump joined only 3 other Presidents that GAINED
Senate seats! Give me YOUR facts because all you are doing is spouting your OPINION!!!

For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.

Historically Presidents' lose seats in mid-terms..

In Since 1966 the President that lost most seats was in 2010 by Obama who lost 72 seats.
The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections

Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Trump lost 26 House and GAINED 3 Senate!
Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
View attachment 272484

He lost 41 seats, not 26. That's 37% more than the average president.

Why would you say that he gained 3 seats in the Senate. The net gain was only two.

And you're making too much of the fact that he gained in the Senate, which historically doesn't happen. Senators have 6-year terms and the senators that happened to be up for election in 2018 were mostly Democrats - they were basically playing defense. 24 Democrat senators were up for election and only 9 Republican senators were up in 2018.

Don't believe a word of it! NO links. No substantiation. Just your guesses!
Come on that is so intellectual inept! Prove it!
Where did you come up with Trump lost 41 seats? You don't have any links etc substantiating YOUR
FACT: Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Did you see the below chart? I didn't make it up that Trump joined only 3 other Presidents that GAINED
Senate seats! Give me YOUR facts because all you are doing is spouting your OPINION!!!

View attachment 272534

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

"In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House and gained 41 seats from their total after the 2016 elections (including one seat gained previously with Conor Lamb's March 2018 special election victory). The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats."
I blame the liberal media, intentionally showing the leaked photos of children in cages at the border in order to promote their candidates.
For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.

Historically Presidents' lose seats in mid-terms..

In Since 1966 the President that lost most seats was in 2010 by Obama who lost 72 seats.
The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections

Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Trump lost 26 House and GAINED 3 Senate!
Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
View attachment 272484

He lost 41 seats, not 26. That's 37% more than the average president.

Why would you say that he gained 3 seats in the Senate. The net gain was only two.

And you're making too much of the fact that he gained in the Senate, which historically doesn't happen. Senators have 6-year terms and the senators that happened to be up for election in 2018 were mostly Democrats - they were basically playing defense. 24 Democrat senators were up for election and only 9 Republican senators were up in 2018.

Don't believe a word of it! NO links. No substantiation. Just your guesses!
Come on that is so intellectual inept! Prove it!

I looked at your link. That graph was generated the day after the midterm election. Notice the asterisk on the 2018. It says "Tentative results. Will be updated as more races are called."

Also, right below the graph, it says this:

"It wasn’t enough to stanch the bleeding in the House, however. Republicans on Tuesday lost at least 27 House seats, with some results still pending. Democrats are projected to win around 33 seats,"

Check it for yourself. See, several of the races were still being decided long past that date and Democrats ended up winning 41 net total.

Or just look up the numbers yourself. The 2016 House had 194 Democrats. The 2018 House has 235 Democrat members.

235-194 = 41.
Democrats always think they will get the votes of white women and they never do. Democrats were convinced that white women would vote for Hillary in droves. Then Hill explained it away by saying women voted the way their husbands told them to vote. There is always an excuse.

White women are not going to vote democrat because democrats call Trump a racist. Democrats are already calling white women racists.

Their is already a concerted media effort to paint those same whites as racist.

Kirsten Powers: Voting For Trump Because You Didn't Like Hillary Clinton "Doesn't Make You Not Racist"

Women Can Be Racists, Too

White Women Helped Elect Donald Trump

Keep calling them names. Worked so well last time.
Democrats are extremely racist people.

Their leaders get up and literally say "it's their job to tell white people to shut their mouths", and racist Democrats clap and cheer when they hear it.

Liberals project. Its that simple. Everything is about race to them. Dont look for hypocrisy though because it isnt about that. They have a plan and they work it hard. It isnt hypocritical..its evil. And showing them its hypocritical only emboldens them.
Trump isn’t going to change.

Very true!

Donald Trump has been this way all his adult life, so if Soccer Moms are now offeded then why did they vote for him in 2016 because let be clear he is as he was then...
It’s rather apparent why Donnie is potus. The Ds are so bad, that the people elected him instead. This proves that O and HER were so awful, the people chose a buffoon.

The Ds have learned nothing from their debacle of 2016, and are likely to repeat it.
Trump isn’t going to change.

Very true!

Donald Trump has been this way all his adult life, so if Soccer Moms are now offeded then why did they vote for him in 2016 because let be clear he is as he was then...
It’s rather apparent why Donnie is potus. The Ds are so bad, that the people elected him instead. This proves that O and HER were so awful, the people chose a buffoon.

The Ds have learned nothing from their debacle of 2016, and are likely to repeat it.

Tje Democratoc two choices are two old white men and one of them is a Socialist, so if Sanders is the candidate Trump will win again...
Trump isn’t going to change.

Very true!

Donald Trump has been this way all his adult life, so if Soccer Moms are now offeded then why did they vote for him in 2016 because let be clear he is as he was then...
It’s rather apparent why Donnie is potus. The Ds are so bad, that the people elected him instead. This proves that O and HER were so awful, the people chose a buffoon.

The Ds have learned nothing from their debacle of 2016, and are likely to repeat it.

Tje Democratoc two choices are two old white men and one of them is a Socialist, so if Sanders is the candidate Trump will win again...
I am not so sure. You have stated the corporate line, that a progressive can’t win. I suspect you have it backwards. If the Ds nominate another corporatist like O or HER, they lose. If they nominate a real progressive, they just might win.
here's what we're gonna do in 2020, my friends, Trump will put together a coalition of suburban women, working class blacks and hispanics, and we're gonna have a governing majority for the next 100 years
here's what we're gonna do in 2020, my friends, Trump will put together a coalition of suburban women, working class blacks and hispanics, and we're gonna have a governing majority for the next 100 years
That’s too funny. Trump barely beat the most unelectable corrupt candidate likely ever to run for potus. If the Ds get their act together (yes that’s a big if, since they have learned nothing from 2016), they easily beat Donnie.

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