Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

Women and other independent voters know what they hear from our president
Most Americans are embarrassed by how our president acts

It is his base that makes excuses and blames the media

His "base" is much larger than you think. Hillary only won the popular vote by 3 million. Trump's "base" could very well be at least 1/2 the country. Frankly, whether folks like Trump or not, the smart ones realize that voting for ANY of the Democratic candidates will doom our country. The smart ones will vote for Trump and are part of his "base". The idealogues and very impressionable believe every tweet from the president is racist and they will vote for the "free" stuff being prormised by the left.

The dumb ones will vote for Trump. Trump is dooming the country with his unnecessary trade wars. That is why Americans disapprove of is trade policies. The decent people will send Trump packing.

So, you think that Red China and other countries treat America fairly in trade? President Trump certainly doesn't think so.

Right now, the President made the decision to reduce unemployment to a 50 year low, become energy self sufficient, and to get the economy moving. If we are going to press the Red Chinese and other to treat America fairly, there is no better time. In a few year, if Trump loses, we will be stuck paying for the New Green Deal, reparations, free college and all kinds of other craziness. America will be a whole lot weaker and at Red China's tender mercies.

If the economy is so great than why mess with success. The fact is that a large number of people have jobs related to trade that are in jeopardy. Trump's trade policies are slowing the world economy which will ultimately claim the US. Trump is raising taxes on Americans.

The fact is that unemployment went down to 4.7% under Obama. We became energy self-sufficient under Obama. Fracking is the reason we are energy self-sufficient and not Obama or even Trump. Trump wants a oil well in every national park. Taxing Americans is not the way to get to the Chinese. America will be weaker if Trump wins. The Constitution will be shredded.

First of all why do you stupid people like you make up crap? The Internet is so easy to use...but you put out LIES that are easily proven. Why are you so f...king Dumb to do it?

You wrote "We became energy self-sufficient under Obama"
A) Trump Just Achieved What Every President Since Nixon Had Promised: Energy Independence
Energy Security: Last week, the U.S. exported more oil than we imported, for the first time in 70-plus years.
And it happened not because of decades of federal "energy policies," but despite them.
Energy Independence: Trump Just Achieved What Every President Since Nixon Promised | Investor's Business Daily

Now as far as Obama's position on "energy".
B) Really? This from a guy who did EVERYTHING to encourage the USA to be again in his own words:
“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,” said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil
All the while encouraging the USA to pay higher gas prices... "I prefer higher gas prices".(And how did he go about doing that?)
C) Federal oil leases... This is truly the most direct affect on oil/gas production a President can have.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke today signed a secretarial order to tackle permitting backlogs and delays, identify solutions to improve the permitting process on federal lands, and to identify solutions to improve access to additional parcels of federal land that are appropriate for mineral development. As of January 31, 2017, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) had 2,802 Applications for Permit to Drill (APD) pending.

Despite the fact that statute requires that the Department and the BLM process APD review within 30 days, the average time to process an APD in FY16 was 257 days. The directive will improve the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program and the Federal Solid Mineral Leasing Program, which is a major source of income for the federal government and a critical component of American Energy Dominance.
Zinke Signs Secretarial Order To Streamline Process For Federal Onshore Oil And Gas Leasing Permits

Oil lease signings...
To show you how anti-American energy independence Obama was look at this chart.
Obama signed fewer leases and this is one of the most direct ways of affecting energy prices.
Obama was happy to say the USA grow more energy DEPENDENT!
View attachment 272439

Oil and Gas Statistics | Bureau of Land Management

The reason that the US is moving towards energy independence is not Trump or Obama. It is fracking. Oil production increased from 8,616,000 in Jan 2009 to
14,727,000 in Jan 2017. This occurred on Obama's watch although he had very little to do with it. It was largely due to drilling on private land. What you forget is that it takes years to drill once it has even been leased so what Trump has done has not even made it to the market. Also even Republican Governors in South Carolina and Florida have opposed drilling off of their coastline. The fact is that we do not need to drill on federal lands as there is a surplus of oil on the market now. Oil prices have dropped due to Trump's trade wars which is expected to lower demand for oil.
For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

Illegal voting is a fantasy dreamed up by Republicans..
For House members, Democrats received a total of 60.6 million votes. Republicans received 50.9 million votes. That's an 8.6% difference. Obviously not all states in the Senate are up for vote, so I don't think the 7 percentage points is unreasonable.

And it's based on exit polling.

Trump will get his base out in 2020. Plus there's a new push to stop the illegal voting in the inner cities.

He tried to get his base to come out in the midterm election. That didn't go well.

Historically Presidents' lose seats in mid-terms..

In Since 1966 the President that lost most seats was in 2010 by Obama who lost 72 seats.
The President's Party Loses an Average 30 Seats in Midterm Elections

Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
Trump lost 26 House and GAINED 3 Senate!
Trump averts disaster: He is just the third president in 100 years to gain Senate seats in midterm election, but lose House seats
View attachment 272484

What you forget is the fact that the House was heavily gerrymandered to prevent this from happening. Yet in 2016 a number of suburban districts went narrowly for Trump or for Clinton. In Texas Clinton won 3 suburban House districts. Two of those districts went Democrat in 2018. The congressman holding the third seat is retiring. 2 more suburban congressmen facing tough fights have retired. Democrats won suburban seats in other red states like Oklahoma and South Carolina.

The Republicans got lucky in the Senate. The map heavily favored them as Republicans realistically had a shot at 8 seats in states Trump won. Yet they only picked up 2 seats out of 8.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Suburban women is left for “white women”. White women and white working men determine the Elections.

Suburban voters especially suburban women will determine the election.
Trumps antics solidify his base

But it is independent women and men who will decide close elections. With a booming economy, Trump should be a shoe-in for re-election.
But he constantly shows himself to be unfit to be president.

Makes 2020 that much more difficult

You admit Trump's economy is booming, but say he's unfit. Uh what? LOL Liberals. smh

It is the Obama-Trump economy. Neither deserve any credit.
/—-/ Is that the libs screwball excuse today? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The unemployment rate was 4.7% when Trump took office. That is a fact.
Obama's median unemployment rate during his 96 months in office was 7.7% - the highest of any administration since WW2.
That is a fact.

It was nearly 10% when he took office. It was 4.7% when he left office.
Rush Limbaugh does not claim the people he talks to on the phone are representative of all Americans yet you claim the women you talk to represents all American women. Figures do not lie. Women especially suburban women have supported the Democrats in larger numbers than they supported Clinton.
The raunchier Trumps gets, the more suburban women like him. :biggrin:


The raunchier Trumps gets, the more suburban women like him.

Trump knows women. They really do like being grabbed by their private parts.

You people have a low opinion of women.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Suburban women is left for “white women”. White women and white working men determine the Elections.

Suburban voters especially suburban women will determine the election.
Lol Trump wins huge.
Rush Limbaugh does not claim the people he talks to on the phone are representative of all Americans yet you claim the women you talk to represents all American women. Figures do not lie. Women especially suburban women have supported the Democrats in larger numbers than they supported Clinton.
The raunchier Trumps gets, the more suburban women like him. :biggrin:


The raunchier Trumps gets, the more suburban women like him.

Trump knows women. They really do like being grabbed by their private parts.

You people have a low opinion of women.
I have a low opinion of leftist women. They are of no use to society. I do, however, have a high opinion of strong, conservative women.
I'm a suburban woman and I am a Trump supporter. So are all my neighbors!

You and your bubble don't represent what's actually happening in the country.
We'll see!

Look at the 2018 midterm election.

There was a 10-point drop in white women supporting Republican candidates. There's nothing "we'll see" about it, it already happened.
Look at 2010 midterms.
I'm a suburban woman and I am a Trump supporter. So are all my neighbors!

You and your bubble don't represent what's actually happening in the country.
We'll see!

Look at the 2018 midterm election.

There was a 10-point drop in white women supporting Republican candidates. There's nothing "we'll see" about it, it already happened.
Look at 2010 midterms.

I did.

Republicans were energized, with 25% more votes compared to the previous midterm election.
Democrats were not energized, with 8% less votes compared to the previous midterm.

Democrats got destroyed that election. Then Obama manages to win a closer election than he did in 2008.

What exactly do you want me to look at?
They are done at the State level. I, as a resident of New York am OK with the old abortion laws we had, which basically said anything goes before the 3rd trimester.

If Alabama wants to ban it, let them.

I say no and a majority of voters would say no. That is why they support the Roe vs Wade ruling.

Roe V Wade is made up bullshit.

I bet you are the type that loves made up rights while trying to deny people 2nd amendment rights.

You are bullshit. Roe vs Wade is a reasonable compromise since no one knows when a life exists.

Privacy rights are not made up rights. I support gun rights with reasonable regulation and bump stocks should be they are not guns.

It's a "compromise" based on nothing. No where in the Constitution is there a right to an abortion.

NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay over $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in my apartment, and makes me come up with a "good reason" and wait even longer and pay even more for a concealed carry permit. Is that "reasonable"?

The right to privacy exists. You apparently support the government telling women what they can do with their bodies yet you oppose mandates such as the individual mandate in Obamacare. You are a hypocrite.

Show me where the terms are in the Document. RKBA is EXPLICIT, and you want to ignore it.

Is a 3-6 month waiting period and $500 in fees infringement or not?

Would a 3-6 day waiting period and $50 in fees for an abortion be infringement?

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