Subversive, Disrespectful, Butt-Hurt Babies Plan NOT To Attend Inauguration

What on earth has he done that is so bad?
Surely you jest!
well what then?
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.

1. He hasn't insulted every demographic, the MSM lied about insulting demographics, just look at the polling results, Trump won the battle for all demographics doing much better than suckup Romney.
2. Trump has CEO antic tendencies, which is apolitical and definitely not politically correct, although he may seem to have been raised by wolves, his choices of cabinet picks is encouraging. Lets hope he becomes more "presidential" after taking office.
3. The endearing "salient characteristics" that Trump has is not being part of the DC "establishment". We pulled the pin and sent him to DC, so far so good...(or as Michael Moore puts it, Trump is the biggest FU from voters to DC in history).
4. Trump's constituents are basically taxpayers with jobs, who cling to guns and religion (i.e. not college grads with art-history degrees living in mom's basement)
Trump is everything I said he is. We all saw his nastiness unfold repeatedly during his campaign. The MSM gave him free airtime because he was entertaining. Now that he is president-elect,,, the party is over... he has a boss now and that boss is We the People. He moght think he is king and that we are at his mercy but he is in for a shock when, in his puerile stupor, it dawns upon him that he will be held accountable. He is between a rock and a hard place because he has all that power and hasn't a clue as to how to use it. A 13 year old in a 70 year old body is about to become president of the USA.
And now you've insulted transgenders.
Good! I hope more join them! NOT ONE Democrat should attend this fucking fraud's inauguration. He's a Russian puppet, not a legitimate president.

Say the Stalinists.... :eusa_whistle:

The democratic party serves a foreign interest in detriment to America. The democrats serve Hungarian George Soros and are rightfully seditious traitors. And yes, Soros IS at war again the United States Constitution, so it is treason.
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Surely you jest!
well what then?
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.
you've insulted a few demographics right there.

How? By telling the truth? But even so, I am not running for public office. I can insult with impunity!
He can too, even when he's running for office.
Well, that is obvious... You can imagine the lies he will tell in the ensuing years since his entire campaign was weened on lies.
But his Trump-Bot lackeys don't care...
Surely you jest!
well what then?
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.

1. He hasn't insulted every demographic, the MSM lied about insulting demographics, just look at the polling results, Trump won the battle for all demographics doing much better than suckup Romney.
2. Trump has CEO antic tendencies, which is apolitical and definitely not politically correct, although he may seem to have been raised by wolves, his choices of cabinet picks is encouraging. Lets hope he becomes more "presidential" after taking office.
3. The endearing "salient characteristics" that Trump has is not being part of the DC "establishment". We pulled the pin and sent him to DC, so far so good...(or as Michael Moore puts it, Trump is the biggest FU from voters to DC in history).
4. Trump's constituents are basically taxpayers with jobs, who cling to guns and religion (i.e. not college grads with art-history degrees living in mom's basement)
Trump is everything I said he is. We all saw his nastiness unfold repeatedly during his campaign. The MSM gave him free airtime because he was entertaining. Now that he is president-elect,,, the party is over... he has a boss now and that boss is We the People. He moght think he is king and that we are at his mercy but he is in for a shock when, in his puerile stupor, it dawns upon him that he will be held accountable. He is between a rock and a hard place because he has all that power and hasn't a clue as to how to use it. A 13 year old in a 70 year old body is about to become president of the USA.
And now you've insulted transgenders.
No, the pleasure would be all ours. Can you imagine the twitter tirade that would cause if none of them show up? We would have 3:00am tweets about it for months!

Tell you what, why don't all you brave Soros soldiers fly to North Korea for the next 4 years, just to show us Running Dogs how we can't make it without you......
well what then?
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.
you've insulted a few demographics right there.

How? By telling the truth? But even so, I am not running for public office. I can insult with impunity!
He can too, even when he's running for office.
Well, that is obvious... You can imagine the lies he will tell in the ensuing years since his entire campaign was weened on lies.
But his Trump-Bot lackeys don't care...
He might fix the place up. Why can't you wait and see?
What on earth has he done that is so bad?
Surely you jest!
well what then?
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.
you've insulted a few demographics right there.

How? By telling the truth? But even so, I am not running for public office. I can insult with impunity!
It didn't seem to hurt him, lol. He grabbed you by your pussy.
Good! I hope more join them! NOT ONE Democrat should attend this fucking fraud's inauguration.

I imagine Republicans could only dream of something so blissful.

No, the pleasure would be all ours. Can you imagine the twitter tirade that would cause if none of them show up? We would have 3:00am tweets about it for months!
Yeah, I'm thinking, no. No one would care. They would care about as much as they care about your general dissatisfaction with all of this. Which is to say none, except this silly smile on my face as I type these words.
meh, the cowards have manufactured a reason to feign outrage so they can further gin up their 'illegitimate' rhetoric, and they're using their faux outrage to stage their little tantrum.

fuck em.
Good! I hope more join them! NOT ONE Democrat should attend this fucking fraud's inauguration.

I imagine Republicans could only dream of something so blissful.

No, the pleasure would be all ours. Can you imagine the twitter tirade that would cause if none of them show up? We would have 3:00am tweets about it for months!

But you think people who voted for Trump would care. They wouldn't. That's the disconnect you people are having. Trump voters don't care if no celebrities perform. They don't care if no Democrats show up, in fact, they'd probably prefer it. They simply don't care about this shit and the sooner you people start to understand that the better equipped you might be to win the next election.
Good! I hope more join them! NOT ONE Democrat should attend this fucking fraud's inauguration.

I imagine Republicans could only dream of something so blissful.

No, the pleasure would be all ours. Can you imagine the twitter tirade that would cause if none of them show up? We would have 3:00am tweets about it for months!

Cankles would be asleep...or drunk and miss the call.....shades of Benghazi
Do liberals really think this will help them come election time? The evidence says otherwise. If they knew what was good for them as a political party they would attend.
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.
you've insulted a few demographics right there.

How? By telling the truth? But even so, I am not running for public office. I can insult with impunity!
He can too, even when he's running for office.
Well, that is obvious... You can imagine the lies he will tell in the ensuing years since his entire campaign was weened on lies.
But his Trump-Bot lackeys don't care...
He might fix the place up. Why can't you wait and see?
That is just it. We don't have much of an insight on what Trump is going to do, even after all those debates and campaigning.
I am already at odds over the the few promises he made concerning domestic issues such as repealing and replacing Obamacare.
We still don't know how he intends to do that and the math isn't adding up. One thing does add up and that was some of this Cabinet choices. Choosing someone like Jeff Sessions as Attorney General tells me all I need to know about what Trump intends to do about policing the Black community. Knowing what the future will bring, waiting is futile and foolish. we need to start a counter offensive before the hammer drops. A series of protests all across the country are already in progress.
Surely you jest!
well what then?
Well, for starters he has insulted every demographic out there including White women. He has no class or sense of decorum. Trump is trailer trash in a business suit. He has money but that doesn't change who he is. Those salient characteristics have endeared him to his populist've seen them,,,the used car salesmen wearing purple pants and blue jackets, the doddering old men at the senior center wearing thread bare knickers, and the xenophobic trailer park denizens with the plastic pink flamingos displayed proudly on their front lawns.
you've insulted a few demographics right there.

How? By telling the truth? But even so, I am not running for public office. I can insult with impunity!
It didn't seem to hurt him, lol. He grabbed you by your pussy.
I'm not a female . byatch!
Good! I hope more join them! NOT ONE Democrat should attend this fucking fraud's inauguration. He's a Russian puppet, not a legitimate president.

Yes, we have all seen your incredibly pathetic attempts to even show one bit of evidence of anything, and you consistently failed.

How does it feel to be the biggest dumbass on the message board?

Considering some of the other numbskulls around here, that is quite an accomplishment!

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