Success stories for Obamacare!

you do realize the minimum standards of the aca cover pretty much nothing, have high deductibles and you pay mostly out of pocket. and you do realize that the reason there was such a massive result when the program launched was because 5,000,000 people who were told they could keep their plans received cancellation notices and what they found was less than what they had and cost more. you aren't hearing a whole lot of hey, I lost my plan but no I am doing so much better on obamacare, stories. if people were, you liberal idiots would be posting them all over the internet. but the reality is, more people have been screwed by it the have benefitted form it. ok even the poster girl for obamacare got screwed. I mean seriously. how does the person you select for your campaign as the face of your program, who is supposed to benefit from it end up in an even worse situation because of it. but that typifies the disaster this plan is

You are not in possession of the facts.

Everything Spoon said is true, all of it.
ANYTHING below Silver is junk.

Bolded: untrue.
Since it is the only heath care reform that was offered......yes. Doing nothing was not an option. The right offered nothing.

Since this is what WE bet your ass rooting for it to succeed is patriotic.

Democrats had a chance to do something good. Instead they chose the ACA.

Just because it would have been hard to accomplish something good is not an excuse for what Democrats did.

I will continue to root for the success of America and will continue to count as a blessing everything which shows how badly served our nation was by the people who allowed Democrats to get away with the travesty they committed on the nation.

The cure will be painful and America deserves the pain because as a nation we were not vigilant. But a cure is possible and I continue to hope that it comes.

Political governs you. I get it.

The ACA is based on a conservative idea...modeled after the plan championed by the GOP's last Presidential candidate. jest.

It is was made weak by your side. Now you hope for it to fail for political points.

Five years.

Lies and backdoor tricks to circumvent the will of the people. That is cancer.

Political points? I am saddened that so many Americans, including you, are so willing to abandon what the founding fathers fought and died for. I hope for whatever situation will not reward the abandonment of liberty and truth.

And I continue to be grateful that Obama's incompetence exceeded my wildest dreams and worst nightmares. Obama's glorious failure could be the salvation of America.

The price of anything worth having is eternal vigilance and Obama's incompetence may succeed in jolting a snoozing nation into alertness.

If Democrats had been willing to be vigilant and honorable they would have deserved accolades. They didn't. And it is not Republicans' fault Democrats were so ignoble.

It is not my fault Obama is a liar.

It is not your fault, but it is your choice whether to excuse the lies, and I see which choice you made.

I only jumped into this conversation in response to your statement, "start rooting for your country to succeed," implying that I have not been rooting for that all along. I have been and it is low of you to suggest that I have not simply because I don't support bad legislation.

I have made my point quite thoroughly and will now bow out and let whoever wants try to get the thread back on course.
Democrats had a chance to do something good. Instead they chose the ACA.

Just because it would have been hard to accomplish something good is not an excuse for what Democrats did.

I will continue to root for the success of America and will continue to count as a blessing everything which shows how badly served our nation was by the people who allowed Democrats to get away with the travesty they committed on the nation.

The cure will be painful and America deserves the pain because as a nation we were not vigilant. But a cure is possible and I continue to hope that it comes.

Political governs you. I get it.

The ACA is based on a conservative idea...modeled after the plan championed by the GOP's last Presidential candidate. jest.

It is was made weak by your side. Now you hope for it to fail for political points.

Five years.

Lies and backdoor tricks to circumvent the will of the people. That is cancer.

Political points? I am saddened that so many Americans, including you, are so willing to abandon what the founding fathers fought and died for. I hope for whatever situation will not reward the abandonment of liberty and truth.

And I continue to be grateful that Obama's incompetence exceeded my wildest dreams and worst nightmares. Obama's glorious failure could be the salvation of America.

The price of anything worth having is eternal vigilance and Obama's incompetence may succeed in jolting a snoozing nation into alertness.

If Democrats had been willing to be vigilant and honorable they would have deserved accolades. They didn't. And it is not Republicans' fault Democrats were so ignoble.

It is not my fault Obama is a liar.

It is not your fault, but it is your choice whether to excuse the lies, and I see which choice you made.

I only jumped into this conversation in response to your statement, "start rooting for your country to succeed," implying that I have not been rooting for that all along. I have been and it is low of you to suggest that I have not simply because I don't support bad legislation.

I have made my point quite thoroughly and will now bow out and let whoever wants try to get the thread back on course.

Crazy shit u write. Way to go.
I am rooting for the success of the country. You conflate the success of the ACA with the success of the country.

Since it is the only heath care reform that was offered......yes. Doing nothing was not an option. The right offered nothing.

Since this is what WE bet your ass rooting for it to succeed is patriotic.

Democrats had a chance to do something good. Instead they chose the ACA.

Just because it would have been hard to accomplish something good is not an excuse for what Democrats did.

I will continue to root for the success of America and will continue to count as a blessing everything which shows how badly served our nation was by the people who allowed Democrats to get away with the travesty they committed on the nation.

The cure will be painful and America deserves the pain because as a nation we were not vigilant. But a cure is possible and I continue to hope that it comes.

Dems were afraid not to support his agenda. Everyone seems to fear this traitor...good reason. Those same Dems will suffer their fate in `14.
There are many good stories and triumphs from this, but there are more people that have been hurt from it.
Lets not forget......that the ACA is a total compromise from day one. It was developed with the realization that the real solution......single payer Medicare for all...wouldn't get the votes.

The RW echo chamber put forth so many lies when the law was being debated that it was weaker than it should have been.........the bullshit won the day.

And tht we have a law that is just a shell of what it ought to be.....nutters are bitching about it not being a resounding success for every Anerican from day one.

Have a little integrity.

stop LYING.

it was rammed through without a SINGLE Republican vote, so stop blaming them for the crap you supported and pushed without ANY compromise, without even knowing what fucking piece of shit this law is.
You owe this shit.

deal with it.
I had insurance with the the company I work for.
Because of ObamaCare I will now see my Doctor less and will not be able to
get medical procedures like EKG and Colonoscopys .

Because I now have to pay out of pocket to satisfy my $6,000.00 deductible.
I will have to pay more out of pocket for co pay for doctor's office visit.
I will now have to pay more for prescriptions.
I will now have to pay for ER visits....

Yeah...Love that ObamCare.

Granted people needed help with insurance...
Why did I have to get fucked over in the process.

Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

I had all of that paid for by my soon to be cancelled plan that cost $238.00 a month da--duh. Now since my policy is being cancelled--because it didn't meet what Obama wanted me to have I am looking at $495.00 per month with a high deductible that I will be paying.

You call SUCKER PUNCHING the middle class a SUCCESS! This POS hasn't even hit the employer mandate as yet, because Democrats postponed it until after the mid-term elections. Their pain is coming. It's not IF it will come it's WHEN.


Welcome to your hope and change!
Last edited:
Lets not forget......that the ACA is a total compromise from day one. It was developed with the realization that the real solution......single payer Medicare for all...wouldn't get the votes.

The RW echo chamber put forth so many lies when the law was being debated that it was weaker than it should have been.........the bullshit won the day.

And tht we have a law that is just a shell of what it ought to be.....nutters are bitching about it not being a resounding success for every Anerican from day one.

Have a little integrity.

stop LYING.

it was rammed through without a SINGLE Republican vote, so stop blaming them for the crap you supported and pushed without ANY compromise, without even knowing what fucking piece of shit this law is.
You owe this shit.

deal with it.
Republicans will be blamed for the failure of obamacare because they didn't help try to fix it. If obamacare is so great it should not need any fixing, or shoring up.
heehhe.. More success stories. I'm getting all choked up here

-Geaux Alabama Mom's Obamacare Horror Story

My family's journey with securing our new insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) started on October 1, 2013. I have decided to write this letter to let the American people know what it has been like for us. We are a family of four, with two little boys' ages seven years old and three years old. My husband and I have had full time jobs for 6 years and 13 years respectively. We have been with the same two companies for those years. We are a middle class family; we own our three bedroom two bath house, we own two cars, and previously provided our own insurance for the four of us. We have coverage through Individual Blue from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama until 12/31/13. Our premiums have been $380.00 a month, which also included dental coverage for all four of us.

On October, 1, 2013 we received our letters like other Alabamians about our new premiums and plans for 2014 from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Alabama. When I opened our letter to say I had sticker shock was an understatement. Our premiums for the Blue Saver Silver would now be $753.26. This included the ACA tax but did not include the additional $75.00 we would need to pay in order to keep dental for me and my husband. So we would need to pay total $828.26 to keep health and dental insurance for the four of us. This payment is roughly $64.00 less than what we pay for our mortgage each month. I was outraged that anyone thought we could afford this. Sure we have some savings, but with that price tag we would whittle it down to almost nothing very quickly. I consider savings as a rainy day fund, a start to saving for the kid’s college, our retirement, etc. I never dreamed in a million years we would need to use it to pay our insurance premiums each month — how in the world could this help the economy too?


Saturday, January 4, 2014

An Update to My Open Letter to the Obama Administration and American Citizens

December 23rd 2013 is the day my life as I currently knew it changed. I decided that the letter I had written about my experience with and the new Affordable Care Act needed to be posted to what I thought was my little world of Facebook Friends. I addressed it as An Open Letter to the Obama Administration and American Citizens. My hopes were for my family and friends to read my letter and understand what we were going through. I wanted them to know if they were going through it too - they were not alone. I knew it would be shared and I asked it to be shared. However I never could have dreamed it would travel in social media as far as it has to date.

First, I want to make sure there is no confusion - I am Karri Kinder who lives in Alabama. I did write that letter and I am also writing this letter. Every word of my letter is true. This is happening to countless Americans. I am now more convinced of that than I was when I wrote my letter. I have had so many people contact me with their own “Obama Care Horror Story” as some articles have named it. There were a number of other Americans just like us with such similar stories; it began to be quite eerie. I knew what I had done would spark conversation among the American people. I was speaking out and helping others to do the same. I was letting my children’s’ voices be heard, I was letting our story be told. But, as I realized I was also opening my family up to the court of public opinion too.

Once you put something on the internet it is always there, and while I never meant to do any harm, my words sparked anger in many of my fellow Americans. I could not understand it. All I was trying to do was to get the word out there about what was happening to us and what was happening to my children. They are the only ones who have mattered through all this. They were the reason I wrote my letter – I needed to be their advocate. I, as their mother, had to tell their story. And I am very glad I live in a country where a single individual’s voice matters.

Again, everything in my previous letter was completely the truth. We were covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Alabama for $380.00 a month, including dental coverage. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to make up that number. That is what our plan cost and that is what I paid for the last 12 months. Everyone’s premiums are different; they fluctuate from state to state as well. However, I saw my fellow Americans coming to my defense when my numbers came in question on several sites – for that I am very grateful. They also were telling their stories and sharing their premiums and confirming my numbers were not a lie. Their numbers were similar to ours. Many will say that our plan was so cheap because it was one of the sub par plans we have heard all the politicians talk about on the television. But to us it wasn’t. It met our needs and wants in a health insurance plan. My child’s medical needs (he has ADHD) were being met. All of his care this past year had been covered at 100 percent. When we went to the doctor for his ADHD care, we never paid a co-pay. When we saw his therapist for his behavioral therapy we never paid a co-pay or received a bill for that either. His medicine that he takes (generic form) cost us $100 for the first prescription, for us to meet his deductible and then a $15 dollar co-pay the rest of the year each time we filled a prescription. So, again for us our BCBS plan was meeting our needs.

An Open Letter to the Obama Administration and American Citizens
Why do you assume that the ACA "minimum standards" (the proper term is "Essential Health Benefits" btw) are better for everyone?

A $5000 deductible plan for $126 per month is way better than a $6300 deductible 60/40 Bronze plan for $178 per month.

Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.

all obamacare plans are worse than ANY of the plans before.

nobody needs their "covered" imposed things.

the one which need it - could have purchased the options before.

Too bad you don't have anything of substance to support that allegation.
Why do you assume that the ACA "minimum standards" (the proper term is "Essential Health Benefits" btw) are better for everyone?

A $5000 deductible plan for $126 per month is way better than a $6300 deductible 60/40 Bronze plan for $178 per month.

Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.

What does the more expensive plan cover that isn't offset by the massive increase in costs?

$1900 does not equate to a "massive increase" when it includes a full annual physical (all blood tests included) and expensive procedures like colonoscopies and everything that that is considered "preventative care". Oh, and if you are female contraceptives too.
I am rooting for the success of the country. You conflate the success of the ACA with the success of the country.

Since it is the only heath care reform that was offered......yes. Doing nothing was not an option. The right offered nothing.

Since this is what WE bet your ass rooting for it to succeed is patriotic.

Democrats had a chance to do something good. Instead they chose the ACA.

Just because it would have been hard to accomplish something good is not an excuse for what Democrats did.

I will continue to root for the success of America and will continue to count as a blessing everything which shows how badly served our nation was by the people who allowed Democrats to get away with the travesty they committed on the nation.

The cure will be painful and America deserves the pain because as a nation we were not vigilant. But a cure is possible and I continue to hope that it comes.

In that respect I have to agree with Amelia that the Dems could have done a better job than the ACA. However given the obstruction to Singlepayer from the Republicans the Dems COMPROMISED on Romneycare instead.

The ACA is the GOP plan for healthcare reform as drawn up originally by the Heritage Foundation and offered by the Republicans as the ALTERNATIVE to Hilarycare.

So whatever is flawed with the ACA was in there right from the inception and yes, it does need to be fixed.

So if Amelia really wants to support America and see it succeed she should be urging her representatives to work with the Dems to implement the changes that the ACA needs.
Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.

all obamacare plans are worse than ANY of the plans before.

nobody needs their "covered" imposed things.

the one which need it - could have purchased the options before.

Too bad you don't have anything of substance to support that allegation.

two posts above the Alabama mom is proving exactly what I have said.

this crap obamacsre needs to be euthanized
Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.

What does the more expensive plan cover that isn't offset by the massive increase in costs?

$1900 does not equate to a "massive increase" when it includes a full annual physical (all blood tests included) and expensive procedures like colonoscopies and everything that that is considered "preventative care". Oh, and if you are female contraceptives too.

it was all included before, duh
What does the more expensive plan cover that isn't offset by the massive increase in costs?

$1900 does not equate to a "massive increase" when it includes a full annual physical (all blood tests included) and expensive procedures like colonoscopies and everything that that is considered "preventative care". Oh, and if you are female contraceptives too.

it was all included before, duh

Actually it wasn't. The only plans the HMO's cancelled were only the ones that did NOT INCLUDE any of the above coverage.
all obamacare plans are worse than ANY of the plans before.

nobody needs their "covered" imposed things.

the one which need it - could have purchased the options before.

Too bad you don't have anything of substance to support that allegation.

two posts above the Alabama mom is proving exactly what I have said.

this crap obamacsre needs to be euthanized

Anecdotes are not credible substantive support for your baseless allegation.

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