Success stories for Obamacare!

I had insurance with the the company I work for.
Because of ObamaCare I will now see my Doctor less and will not be able to
get medical procedures like EKG and Colonoscopys .

Because I now have to pay out of pocket to satisfy my $6,000.00 deductible.
I will have to pay more out of pocket for co pay for doctor's office visit.
I will now have to pay more for prescriptions.
I will now have to pay for ER visits....

Yeah...Love that ObamCare.

Granted people needed help with insurance...
Why did I have to get fucked over in the process.

Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

Those provisions are standard for all HMO's. But under the ACA if you are within the guidelines and it is prescribed for a preventative screening there there is no cost to you. That never existed prior to the passage of the ACA.
Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

Or if they find something and take, like polyps....I learned this the hard way last January.

If they find polyps then that immediately changes it from preventative to remedial. It is one of the slimy ways the HMO's still have to rip you off that still needs to be addressed.
Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

Or if they find something and take, like polyps....I learned this the hard way last January.

If they find polyps then that immediately changes it from preventative to remedial. It is one of the slimy ways the HMO's still have to rip you off that still needs to be addressed.

I know that now :(
This was not an HMO though.
well lets pop open the champagne , one success story out of 5 million who has NOW LOST their insurance and MORE TO COME
Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

Those provisions are standard for all HMO's. But under the ACA if you are within the guidelines and it is prescribed for a preventative screening there there is no cost to you. That never existed prior to the passage of the ACA.

Preventative screenings are not "prescribed," they are recommended by guidelines. Any case that falls outside of the guidelines are not considered preventative so co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles apply.
I have a friend that cannot get disability and has been unable to work. He has not had a physical in 10 years and is having major medical issues. He is now enrolled in Obamacare. He called me last night and he cried because he was so happy to finally have health insurance after all these years. This is one success story that would not have happened if the GOP had killed the ACA as they had planned.

I know there are other success stories out there!

so does one offset the 5,000,000 plus known horror stories?

and if he isn't working, how is he paying his deductible?

Give me a link that is not a GOP Hack site.
There is plenty of good news:

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

At least 9 million people are getting coverage under the health care law

The big number in the news this week was 1.1 million – the number of people who signed up for health insurance through Obamacare's federal insurance marketplace this year. This is an important figure, especially given the fact that it stood at little more than 100,000 at the end of November.

Nevertheless, that 1.1 million figure dramatically understates what the Affordable Care Act has already accomplished. The number we should be talking about is at least 9 million and could be 14 million people who are currently getting coverage under the law.

How many people are currently covered through the law? Start with the 1.1 million who have gotten care through the federal website. If you layer on the number of enrollees who have gotten coverage through state-run exchanges that number tops 2.1 million, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced Tuesday. Then throw in the 3.9 million people who have gotten health coverage under Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. Oh and don't forget about the young adults under 26 who are still covered by their parents' health insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act. A year-and-a-half ago, the Department of Health and Human Services put the number at 3.1 million but an August study by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that focuses on health policy research, estimated that the figure had reached 7.8 million. Total those numbers and you get a minimum of 9 million Americans covered through Obamacare and a maximum of nearly 14 million.
Millions of People Have Health Insurance Because of Obamacare - US News and World Report

Report: Obamacare helps slow growth in health care costs

The slowing growth in health care costs isn’t just a fluke or a remnant of the recession, the White House asserted in a report released Wednesday, but rather a result of reforms in Obamacare.

The White House report is an attempt to shape the debate over how much credit should be given to the Affordable Care Act for the growth in health care spending dropping to its lowest levels since the 1960s.

Read more: Report: Obamacare helps slow growth in health care costs - Carrie Budoff Brown -

yea, and 5,000,000 of that are people who had their better, cheaper plans cancelled by obamacare.

How can you say they were "better and cheaper" when they did not even meet the minimum standards of the ACA? All the people that had to move out of substandard plans had the opportunity to enroll in the ACA and get better plans than they had.
I have a friend that cannot get disability and has been unable to work. He has not had a physical in 10 years and is having major medical issues. He is now enrolled in Obamacare. He called me last night and he cried because he was so happy to finally have health insurance after all these years. This is one success story that would not have happened if the GOP had killed the ACA as they had planned.

I know there are other success stories out there!

did he check his deductibles and co-pays and the network he is supposedly covered by?

he should.

he might start crying again. But for a different reason.
Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

Those provisions are standard for all HMO's. But under the ACA if you are within the guidelines and it is prescribed for a preventative screening there there is no cost to you. That never existed prior to the passage of the ACA.

Preventative screenings are not "prescribed," they are recommended by guidelines. Any case that falls outside of the guidelines are not considered preventative so co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles apply.

they d not understand that.

the stupid Lone Laugher was flabbergasted yesterday to learn that supposedly "free" colonoscopy ( which was :free: all along anyway) is not "free" the moment any biopsy is taken - because the moment you take a biopsy the colonoscopy from "free" preventive screening turns into a medical procedure which is billed differently - and therefore ALL the rules of co-payment and deductibles apply automatically.

I have yet to see the GI doctor who is not billing for a medical procedure any time he/she performs a colonoscopy :D
well lets pop open the champagne , one success story out of 5 million who has NOW LOST their insurance and MORE TO COME

it is not a success story YET.

because that is just a garbage spilled by obamabot on the message board which is a repetition of the same garbage you see from the others and the lamestream media.

the real stories are those who lost their good and cheap plans to be pushed to buy the worse and extremely more expensive ones.
There is plenty of good news:

yea, and 5,000,000 of that are people who had their better, cheaper plans cancelled by obamacare.

How can you say they were "better and cheaper" when they did not even meet the minimum standards of the ACA? All the people that had to move out of substandard plans had the opportunity to enroll in the ACA and get better plans than they had.

Why do you assume that the ACA "minimum standards" (the proper term is "Essential Health Benefits" btw) are better for everyone?

A $5000 deductible plan for $126 per month is way better than a $6300 deductible 60/40 Bronze plan for $178 per month.
yea, and 5,000,000 of that are people who had their better, cheaper plans cancelled by obamacare.

How can you say they were "better and cheaper" when they did not even meet the minimum standards of the ACA? All the people that had to move out of substandard plans had the opportunity to enroll in the ACA and get better plans than they had.

Why do you assume that the ACA "minimum standards" (the proper term is "Essential Health Benefits" btw) are better for everyone?

A $5000 deductible plan for $126 per month is way better than a $6300 deductible 60/40 Bronze plan for $178 per month.

Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.
How can you say they were "better and cheaper" when they did not even meet the minimum standards of the ACA? All the people that had to move out of substandard plans had the opportunity to enroll in the ACA and get better plans than they had.

Why do you assume that the ACA "minimum standards" (the proper term is "Essential Health Benefits" btw) are better for everyone?

A $5000 deductible plan for $126 per month is way better than a $6300 deductible 60/40 Bronze plan for $178 per month.

Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.

all obamacare plans are worse than ANY of the plans before.

nobody needs their "covered" imposed things.

the one which need it - could have purchased the options before.
I had insurance with the the company I work for.
Because of ObamaCare I will now see my Doctor less and will not be able to
get medical procedures like EKG and Colonoscopys .

Because I now have to pay out of pocket to satisfy my $6,000.00 deductible.
I will have to pay more out of pocket for co pay for doctor's office visit.
I will now have to pay more for prescriptions.
I will now have to pay for ER visits....

Yeah...Love that ObamCare.

Granted people needed help with insurance...
Why did I have to get fucked over in the process.

Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

I also thought colonoscopies were "free" and so I did some reading when people were arguing about them here.

Apparently if the colonoscopy reveals no problem, it is covered by insurance with no additional charge.

But if they find a polyp and remove it during the procedure -- which I understand to be a normal practice -- that automatically changes it from preventative to therapeutic and the free colonoscopy you were expecting turns into a paid procedure and you're on the hook for copays and deductibles.

Edit: I now see that this has been mentioned in the thread. But do people understand it or are they still saying colonoscopies are free?
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Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

I also thought colonoscopies were "free" and so I did some reading when people were arguing about them here.

Apparently if the colonoscopy reveals no problem, it is covered by insurance with no additional charge.

But if they find a polyp and remove it during the procedure -- which I understand to be a normal practice -- that automatically changes it from preventative to therapeutic and the free colonoscopy you were expecting turns into a paid procedure and you're on the hook for copays and deductibles.

Edit: I now see that this has been mentioned in the thread. But do people understand it or are they still saying colonoscopies are free?

No, they do not. Even if you take biopsies it is considered a medical procedure and therefore is not "free" instantaneously.
How can you say they were "better and cheaper" when they did not even meet the minimum standards of the ACA? All the people that had to move out of substandard plans had the opportunity to enroll in the ACA and get better plans than they had.

Why do you assume that the ACA "minimum standards" (the proper term is "Essential Health Benefits" btw) are better for everyone?

A $5000 deductible plan for $126 per month is way better than a $6300 deductible 60/40 Bronze plan for $178 per month.

Not if the cheaper plan excludes things that are covered in the other plan. You can't just compare deductibles and monthly fees.

What does the more expensive plan cover that isn't offset by the massive increase in costs?
Colonoscopy is now a fully covered preventative procedure that won't cost you a penny.

Same with your annual physicals with your doctor because that is also preventative care.

Perhaps if you contact your plan provider you will discover all of the other things that are provided without co-pays and deductibles.

Colonoscopies are only covered as a preventative screening, and only according to guidelines. If your Physician tells you to get one outside of these guidelines (like if you are under 50 or you have had one within 3 years) you'll pay the co-pays and deductibles.

I also thought colonoscopies were "free" and so I did some reading when people were arguing about them here.

Apparently if the colonoscopy reveals no problem, it is covered by insurance with no additional charge.

But if they find a polyp and remove it during the procedure -- which I understand to be a normal practice -- that automatically changes it from preventative to therapeutic and the free colonoscopy you were expecting turns into a paid procedure and you're on the hook for copays and deductibles.

Edit: I now see that this has been mentioned in the thread. But do people understand it or are they still saying colonoscopies are free?

It is only zero co-pay if it is done as a recommended preventative screening according to HHS guidelines. If you're under 50 and have no high risk factors you're going to pay for it. If it's zero co-pay and the colonoscopy falls within the guidelines for preventative screening but the specialist does anything else it's not a zero co-pay screening anymore and the entire procedure is subject to co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles.
Grab on tight nutters! Don't let go of your hope that people suffer! The ride down is gonna be a wild one.

Or,,,you could change your overall outlook and start rooting for your country to succeed.
Grab on tight nutters! Don't let go of your hope that people suffer! The ride down is gonna be a wild one.

Or,,,you could change your overall outlook and start rooting for your country to succeed.

I'm rooting for my country to succeed.

Success requires cutting out the cancer.

Luckily this cancer didn't remain hidden as long as it might have. We didn't detect it when we should have, but it might yet be soon enough.

The treatment will be painful though.
How can you have any success from something that was created on a lie? obama even got lie of the year award about obamacare.

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