Success with stem cells


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
There have been numerous medical success's using adult stem cells for treatment.
Can anybody provide a link to show successful medical treatments that used embryonic or fetal stem cells?
I'm starting to think science should focus on what works.
Science, like anything else, should pay its own freight.

If stem cells, embryonic or otherwise, are the supposed miracle cure for anything and everything, then investors who smell a profit will provide the proper capitalization for research.
There have been numerous medical success's using adult stem cells for treatment.
Can anybody provide a link to show successful medical treatments that used embryonic or fetal stem cells?
I'm starting to think science should focus on what works.

these are universitet that d o stem cell researc h for diabetes and othre disease.

Center for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

CSCRM - Center for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

universitet o f Toronto as Lopetta she quote

Toronto Stem Cell Initiative- Home

fro m m y thread an USMB

quote fro m Lopettaa

As many people know, stem cells are important. They can be obtained from the placenta and umbilical cord after birth. It is effective because immune system will not reject our own stem cells.

My nephew was born in July. My sister was question about preserving the stem cells as they can be frozen over a period of time. She had this process done. Then she share the reason she did this to me.

The UT in Yorkville medical institute say stem cells can be useful to treat leukemia, breast cancer and many other diseases. Other treatments are for injury to spinal cord, liver damage, diabetes, parkinson and multiple scierosis.

It is good to see more people are realising this and not to discard this valuable life material
these are universitet that d o stem cell researc h for diabetes and othre disease.

Center for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

CSCRM - Center for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

universitet o f Toronto as Lopetta she quote

Toronto Stem Cell Initiative- Home

fro m m y thread an USMB

Thanks, but none of those links show specific medical treatment success's involving fetal or embryonic stem cells.
Thanks, but none of those links show specific medical treatment success's involving fetal or embryonic stem cells.

i g o to clevelend clinic few years befojr with m y family.we speak with Dr Jansen and Dr Penn abaout this research.Lopetta she know the person i n Universitet o f Toronto s o i will ask her.
Okay ... laughable at best. Adult or embryonic isn't the issue, a stem cell is still a stem cell, the difference is the quantity they can gain. Making stem cells from adults is very costly and extremely difficult, but a fetus has a lot that are already grown. Honestly, if they already died why waste their non-lives and just toss them in the garbage when you can at least make it mean something? Even pro-lifers should be for this since it give some meaning to the wasted life.
Science, like anything else, should pay its own freight.

If stem cells, embryonic or otherwise, are the supposed miracle cure for anything and everything, then investors who smell a profit will provide the proper capitalization for research.

You can always tell where the REAL potential is by where the private venture capital is. If a line of research MUST have government funding to even exist, it's a waste of time.
You can always tell where the REAL potential is by where the private venture capital is. If a line of research MUST have government funding to even exist, it's a waste of time.

That's a fairly standard fallacy of perfect competition. As I have mentioned time and time again, even orthodox economists reject the premise of perfect competition, as evidenced by the development of monopsony theory. Unsurprisingly, the potential for utility maximization lies apart from the potential for profit maximization.
No competition is ever perfect and perfection is not even an option.

Unless, of course, if you're politicians and bureaucrats, who thrive on contrived and needless division and waste, and need the illusion of "perfection" to keep your phony baloney job.
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...Hence no market is ever legitimately free. But why do I doubt that you will reach this conclusion with me?
There have been numerous medical success's using adult stem cells for treatment.
Can anybody provide a link to show successful medical treatments that used embryonic or fetal stem cells?
I'm starting to think science should focus on what works.
ever think because one has more funding then other along with one having more regulations then the other! I agree with Kitten also, if the fetus is already being aborted why not put it to good use!
...Hence no market is ever legitimately free. But why do I doubt that you will reach this conclusion with me?
That all depende upon how you define "freedom".

Personally, I find defining at in terms of "freedom from" gives inordinate legitemacy and focus to one's fears, and leads to life in endless reaction to those fears.

OTOH, the horizons of "freedom to" are virtually limitless.
....Honestly, if [fetuses] already died why waste their non-lives and just toss them in the garbage when you can at least make it mean something? Even pro-lifers should be for this since it give some meaning to the wasted life.

So you agree with GW Bush's decision to finance research on existing fetal cell lines.
So you agree with GW Bush's decision to finance research on existing fetal cell lines.

I have said Bush is an idiot, not mindless. One is possible to agree with someone sometimes but not most of the time. If I met him in person I would pick his brain as I would anyone else, but never would I respect someone who can't even read a book for children much less read a speech well enough that I laugh at every attempt to use common phrases.
I have said Bush is an idiot, not mindless. One is possible to agree with someone sometimes but not most of the time. If I met him in person I would pick his brain as I would anyone else, but never would I respect someone who can't even read a book for children much less read a speech well enough that I laugh at every attempt to use common phrases.
Your insults and deflections cannot mask the fact the GW Bush made a brilliant decision on embryonic stem cell research, and one that no sane person can disagree with, not even you. :lol:
Okay ... laughable at best. Adult or embryonic isn't the issue, a stem cell is still a stem cell, the difference is the quantity they can gain. Making stem cells from adults is very costly and extremely difficult, but a fetus has a lot that are already grown. Honestly, if they already died why waste their non-lives and just toss them in the garbage when you can at least make it mean something? Even pro-lifers should be for this since it give some meaning to the wasted life.

Actually, adult stem cells are not that difficult to come by, and they offer some good advantages.

Adult Stem Cell Advantages
1. Special adult-type stem cells from bone marrow and from umbilical cord have been isolated recently which appear to be as flexible as the embryonic type
2. Already somewhat specialized—inducement may be simpler
3. Not immunogenic—recipients who receive the products of their own stem cells will not experience immune rejection
4. Relative ease of procurement—some adult stem cells are easy to harvest (skin, muscle, marrow, fat), while others may be more difficult to obtain (brain stem cells). Umbilical and placental stem cells are likely to be readily available
5. Non-tumorigenic—tend not to form tumors
6. No harm done to the donor
ever think because one has more funding then other along with one having more regulations then the other! I agree with Kitten also, if the fetus is already being aborted why not put it to good use!

Maybe because ESCR can't possibly be fueled merely by already-existing fetuses being aborted, and would require more to be created specifically for that purpose? Or how about because a current lack of moral fiber doesn't justify lessening of said fiber to an even greater extent?
ever think because one has more funding then other along with one having more regulations then the other! I agree with Kitten also, if the fetus is already being aborted why not put it to good use!

If the funding is coming from the private sector, why do you think that is?
Personally, I think the government has no business funding either one.
If the funding is coming from the private sector, why do you think that is?
Personally, I think the government has no business funding either one.

je ne consens, the gouvernement must fund research and i hope president Obama h e do this.

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